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研究生(外文):Ing-Fong Jiang
論文名稱(外文):The effects of acute osmotic stress on innate immunity and immune-related factors of tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus
指導教授(外文):Ching-Feng Weng
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莫三比克吳郭魚是一種廣鹽性硬骨魚,可直接從淡水轉移至千分之二十五海水中而存活。對吳郭魚的研究,大部分集中在其滲透壓調節機制,而對於轉移到高滲透壓後,吳郭魚免疫反應的研究相當少。當吳郭魚面對緊迫或是更嚴重的緊迫時,其免疫能力的改變可能會導致魚群的生病或死亡。硬骨魚類的專一性免疫系統發展的並不完全,因此對於抵抗外來病原菌先天免疫系統包括體液性(humoral)和細胞性(cellular parameter)免疫就顯得格外重要。
在in vivo實驗中,吳郭魚直接由淡水轉移至千分之二十五海水後,測定其溶菌酶酵素活性(lysozyme activity)、補體活性(alternative complement pathway activity, ACP activity)、細胞吞噬作用(phagocytosis)和呼吸爆炸活性(respiratory burst activity)等先天免疫指標,並利用蛋白質體分析尋找在血清中含有哪些免疫相關因子,以探討吳郭魚在滲透壓緊迫後,免疫指標及免疫相關因子的改變及其調節。吳郭魚血清及頭腎(head kidney)溶菌酶活性,在海水轉移1小時後明顯上升,然而補體活性卻在轉移8小時後才明顯上升。頭腎及脾臟呼吸爆炸活性,在海水轉移8小時後也有顯著的差異。而血清蛋白質體的分析顯示complement component C3, Mg2+-dependent neutral sphingomyelinase和caspase 3在轉移海水後,蛋白質量皆被提昇,這些分子會調節細胞吞噬作用和呼吸爆炸活性。故推測溶菌酶先活化補體系統,而補體和其他免疫相關因子共同調節呼吸爆炸活性,造成呼吸爆炸活性在轉移後8小時有顯著的上升。在in vitro實驗中,將淡水吳郭魚頭腎及脾臟免疫細胞分離,並在300 和500 mOsm medium 滲透壓下培養4,8和24小時後,測定其細胞吞噬作用和呼吸爆炸活性。在500 mOsm medium高滲透壓培養下,其細胞吞噬能力和呼吸爆炸的活性皆比300 mOsm medium等滲透壓活性高。在500 mOsm medium高滲透壓培養4小時,細胞吞噬能力上升,但在in vivo實驗只有慢慢上升的趨勢,顯示高滲透壓直接影響免疫細胞增強其吞噬能力。將轉移海水後4個不同時間點,吳郭魚血清蛋白質體分析顯示,有17個蛋白質量提昇,9個蛋白質量下降。而這些受高滲透壓緊迫下而提昇蛋白點包含semaphorin, C3, Mg2+-dependent neutral sphingomyelinase and caspase 3等免疫相關因子。綜合上述結果顯示,吳郭魚受急遽高滲透壓緊迫後,將增加其先天免疫能力,並透過一些受滲透壓調控的免疫相關因子,更增強先
Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) are one of euryhaline teleosts which can be directly transferred from isosmolality (FW) to hyperosmolality (SW). Most studies in tilapia are focused on the mechanism of osmoregulation; however the understanding of innate immune response in fish facing hyperosmolality is rare. Once fish facing stress, the immunity of fish may be mediated to prevent the bacteria or microbial invasion. In teleost, specific immune system does not well develop so that innate immune system such as humoral and cellular responses might play an important role for protecting from foreign molecules infection.
In present study, in vivo and in vitro assays were used to investigate the effects of innate immunity and whether more factors or molecules are regulated after tilapia faced osmotic stress by proteomic analysis combined with ESI-Q-TOF MS/MS. In vivo, the lysozyme activity of serum and HK were increased at 1 h and 24 h after SW transfer, and decreased at 8 h. Surprisingly, the alternative complement pathway (ACP) activity in serum increased at 8 h after SW transfer. The phagocytic capacity of immune cells was increased at 4 h in HK and at 1 h in spleen. The respiratory burst activity of immune cells from HK and spleen was increased at 8 h after SW transfer. These results reveal that the innate immunity of tilapia facing hyperosmotic condition is increased and the lysozyme activity of serum activates the complement system. Complement component C3, Mg2+-dependent neutral sphingomyelinase and Caspase 3 of serum in tilapia after SW transfer were up-regulated followed proteomic analysis, suggesting that these proteins might mediate the phagocytosis and the respiratory burst activity after SW transfer. In vitro, the cellular parameters (phagocytic ability and respiratory burst activity) of HK and spleen at 500 mOsm osmolality medium cultured for 4, 8, or 24 h were higher than that those of 300 mOsm/kg osmolality medium in each corresponding group. It reveals that the immune cells of spleen and HK in hyperosmolality medium express the osmoregulatory factors not only mediate the osmolality but also the innate immunity of phagocytosis and respiratory burst. The phagocytic ability in immune cells from HK and spleen was rapidly increased at 500 mOsm/kg osmolality medium cultured for 4 h; however, the phagocytic ability was gradually increased in HK and spleen of tilapia after SW transfer. The result suggests that the direct effects of hyperosmolality can immediately enhance the phagocytic ability of immune cells. In proteomic analysis of serum, 17 proteins were up-regulatedand 9 proteins were down-regulated at four tested times compared to FW. These up-regulated proteins in serum after SW transfer contain semaphorin, C3, Mg2+-dependent neutral sphingomyelinase and caspase 3 Combinations of in vivo, in vitro and proteomic analysis, these results suggest that the innate immunity is enhanced via the immunoregulatory factors of serum after tilapia transfer to hyperosmotic condition
1. Introduction.......................................1
1.1. Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus).............1
1.2. Stress........................................1
1.3. Teleost immunity..............................2
1.4. Lysozyme......................................3
1.5. Phagocytosis..................................4
1.6. Respiratory burst.............................4
1.7. The complement System.........................5
2. Specific aims......................................7
3. Materials and Methods..............................9
3.1. Experimental designs..........................9
3.2. Experimental fish and osmotic stress..........10
3.3. Serum collection..............................11
3.4. Spleen and head kidney total protein
3.5. Lysozyme activity.............................12
3.6. Preparation of the immune cells from fish
spleen and HK.................................12
3.7. Phagocytosis..................................12
3.8. Respiratory burst assay.......................13
3.9. ACP activity..................................13
3.10. Hyperosmotic and Isomotic treatment..........14
3.11. Immune cells from spleen or HK phagocytosis
and burst activity in vitro..................14
3.12. 2-D electrophoresis..........................14
3.13. In-gel digestion.............................15
3.14. ESI-Q-TOF MS/MS..............................15
3.15. Statistics analysis..........................16
4. Results............................................17
4.1. In vivo.......................................17
4.2. In vitro......................................17
4.3. Serum 2D gel analysis.........................19
4.4. Immune cells of HK and spleen 2D gel
5. Discussion.........................................23
5.1. In vivo.......................................23
5.2. In vitro......................................24
5.3. In vivo and in vitro compared.................25
5.4. Proteomics....................................26
6. Conclusions........................................29
7. Future work........................................31
8. References.........................................33

Table 1. Total protein spots is analyzed by
ImageMaster 2D elite software......43
Table 2. The changes (Ratio to FW control)
of individual protein spot at various
times after SW transfer. Each spot is
identified by ESI-Q-TOF MS/MS......44
Table 3. The protein identification and protein
name corresponds to Fig. 17........45
Table 4. Total protein spots after cultured
immune cells in HK and spleen
analyzed by ImageMaster 2D elite
Table 5. The numbers of protein spot are
regulated (up and down) from immune
cells of HK or spleen culture in 300
and 500 mOsm/kg media analyzed by
ImageMaster 2D elite software......48

Fig. 1. In vivo humoral parameter of lysozyme
activity that tilapia were exposed to
25 ppt SW for 1, 4, 8 or 24 h on (A)
serum and (B) HK
(pool sample n=3)...................49
Fig. 2. In vivo humoral parameter of serum ACP
activity that tilapia were exposed to
25 ppt SW for 1, 4, 8 or 24 h.......50
Fig. 3. In vivo cellular parameters of (A) HK
phagocytosis ability, (B) phagocytosis
capacity, (C) the percentage of
respiratory burst and (D) respiratory
burst capacity after tilapia were
exposed to 25 ppt SW for 1, 4, 8
or 24 h.............................51
Fig. 4. In vivo cellular parameter of (A)
spleen phagocytosis ability, (B)
phagocytosis capacity, (C) the
percentage of respiratory burst and
(D) respiratory burst capacity after
tilapia were exposure to 25 ppt SW
for 1, 4, 8 or 24 h.................52
Fig. 5. In vitro HK phagocytic ability in (A)
300 mOsm/kg, and (B) 500 mOsm/kg
osmolality media after cultured for
4, 8 or 24 h........................53
Fig. 6. In vitro HK phagocytosis ability
compared between 300 mOsm/kg and
500 mOsm/kg osmolality media after
cultured for 4, 8, 24 h.............54
Fig. 7. In vitro HK respiratory burst in
(A) 300 mOsm/kg, and (B) 500 mOsm/kg
osmolality media after cultured for
4, 8 or 24 h........................55
Fig. 8. In vitro HK respiratory burst compared
between 300 mOsm/kg and 500 mOsm/kg
osmolality media after cultured for
4, 8, 24 h..........................56
Fig. 9. In vitro spleen phagocytic ability in
(A) 300 mOsm/kg and (B) 500 mOsm/kg
osmolality media after cultured for
4, 8 or 24 h........................57
Fig. 10. In vitro spleen phagocytosis ability
compared between 300 mOsm/kg and
500 mOsm/kg osmolality media after
cultured for 4, 8, 24 h............58
Fig. 11. In vitro spleen respiratory burst
in (A) 300 mOsm/kg and in (B)
500 mOsm/kg osmolality media after
cultured for 4, 8 or 24 h..........59
Fig. 12. In vitro spleen respiratory burst
compared between 300 mOsm/kg and
500 mOsm/kg osmolality media after
cultured for 4, 8, 24 h............60
Fig. 13. Two-dimensional gel analysis of
tilapia serum after 25 ppt SW
transfers for 1 and 8 h
(300 μg total protein).............61

Fig. 14. Two-dimensional gel analysis of
tilapia serum in FW control and
after 25 ppt SW transfers for 1 h
(300 μg total protein).............62
Fig. 15. Two-dimensional gel analysis of
tilapia serum after 25 ppt SW
transfers for 4 and 8 h
(300 μg total protein).............63
Fig. 16. Two-dimensional gel analysis of
tilapia serum after 25 ppt SW
transfers for 24 h
(300 μg total protein).............64
Fig. 17. Numbers represent the proteins that
were identified ESI-QUAD-TOF MS/MS
ion search and peptide mass
Fig. 18. Two-dimensional gel analysis of
tilapia HK immune cells without
culture (A) and after 300 (B) or
500 (C) mOsm/kg osmolality cultured
for 24 h (300 μg total protein)....66
Fig. 19. Two-dimensional gel analysis of
tilapia spleen immune cells without
culture (A) and after 300 (B) or 500
(C) mOsm/kg osmolality cultured for
24 h (300 μg total protein)........67
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