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研究生(外文):Hsiang-Fu Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Taiwan's Consumer Information Search Behavior for Automobiles -An Integrative Model
指導教授(外文):Wen-Hai Chih
外文關鍵詞:Evoked SetFormative ModelPerceived RiskProduct KnowledgeInformation SearchProduct Involvement
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資訊搜尋在消費者購買決策過程中是極為關鍵的因素,尤其是在購買耐久性產品時,本研究以消費者行為模式(EKB Model)為理論基礎,結合許多學者相關研究結果,整合心理、能力與經濟三大取向,試圖廣泛探討對汽車消費者外部資訊搜尋的影響性,其中將產品知識區分為主觀產品知識與客觀產品知識兩個面向進行探討、知覺風險構念採二階因素形成性模型(Formative Model)並納入外部資訊搜尋的後果變項(成本節省與決策滿意度),推導出一完整的因果模型,在過去國內外的相關研究甚少採取如此龐大的理論模型,尤其在汽車產品的相關研究方面更是少見。
本研究採用問卷調查法蒐集全國性大樣本,分別以LISREL 8.71及SmartPLS 2.0結構方程模式進行驗證性因素分析及結構模式分析,整體理論模型經過實證分析結果,大多的研究假說獲得支持,顯示本研究整體研究模型尚稱理想,且具有相當程度之預測力,足供行銷實務與後續研究之參考。
With the gradual saturation of the automobile market, the limit of parking spaces, the aggravation of the traffic condition in metropolitan area, and the impact caused by the comfortable and convenient public rapid transit system, one can imagine how drastically competitive it is among the automobiles sellers in Taiwan. Under such dynamic business environment, marketing managers should endeavor to understand how consumers acquire information before purchasing automobile, while the sellers are making every effort to elevate customers’ satisfaction and loyalty. From the understanding the prepurchase information search of consumers, it would be not only helpful to automobile sellers for setting up proper marketing strategy and engaging in target marketing, but also assisting marketing managers in designing effective promotion campaigns and providing right information through right channels in right time that marketers can affect consumers’ buying decisions.
As information search is one of most critical component of the consumer decision process, particularly in purchasing consumer durables. This research is theoretically rooted on EKB (Engel, Kollat & Blackwell) model in combination with many other scholars’ relevant researches in past, and integrates into three approaches, psychology, information processing/ability and economics in order to broadly discuss how automobile consumers’ information search is affected by these factors, wherein the product knowledge is distinguished into two constructs -- subjective product knowledge and objective product knowledge, perceived risk is operationalized as 2nd order formative model, meanwhile, two outcome variables (cost saving and satisfaction of decision) of external information search are incorporated into the proposed model. In the past, such large model is rarely adopted in the relevant studies, particularly with automobile-related studies.
Questionnaires were sent out to the whole island of Taiwan and collected to be the samples in this research, then analyzed by using two structural equation modeling software respectively (LISREL 8.71 and SmartPLS 2.0). After statistical analyses, most of research hypotheses are supported by the results, which proves that the proposed model of this research is generally adequate and its predictive power is fairly well. It is also suitable to be used as a reference for the research afterwards.
The outstanding findings of this study include: (1) subjective product knowledge and objective product knowledge have different effect on consumers’ external information search; (2) subjective product knowledge and objective product knowledge also have different effect on size of evoked set; (3) perceived risk adopting formative model is more appropriate than traditional reflective model; (4) consumers engage in more prepurchase information search will result in better buying decision with satisfaction.
Last but not least, some suggestions for subsequent research were proposed: (1) product involvement could be considered to distinguish into two constructs, importance and hedonic, in order to further exploring their different effect on external information search and other variables; (2) coping with internet rapidly applied in business, the researchers may be expanded to cover measures for online search in the construct of external information search to suit the trend; or (3) the capability of using internet could be categorized as the ability factor or as a moderator.
第一章 緒論 ------------------------------------------ 1
第一節 研究背景與研究動機----------------------------- 1
第二節 研究目的--------------------------------------- 4
第三節 研究對象與範圍--------------------------------- 5
第四節 研究流程--------------------------------------- 8
第二章 文獻探討--------------------------------------- 10
第一節 資訊搜尋--------------------------------------- 10
第二節 產品涉入--------------------------------------- 21
第三節 知覺風險--------------------------------------- 24
第四節 產品知識--------------------------------------- 27
第五節 知覺搜尋成本----------------------------------- 30
第六節 知覺搜尋利益----------------------------------- 32
第七節 記憶組合--------------------------------------- 33
第八節 成本節省與決策滿意度--------------------------- 35
第三章 研究方法--------------------------------------- 38
第一節 研究架構--------------------------------------- 38
第二節 研究假說--------------------------------------- 38
第三節 研究變項操作性定義與衡量----------------------- 45
第四節 抽樣設計--------------------------------------- 53
第五節 問卷設計--------------------------------------- 54
第六節 資料分析方法----------------------------------- 55
第七節 問卷預試--------------------------------------- 56
第四章 資料蒐集與分析--------------------------------- 68
第一節 資料蒐集--------------------------------------- 68
第二節 樣本基本資料描述------------------------------- 68
第三節 共同方法變異檢驗------------------------------- 71
第四節 主觀與客觀產品知識區分為不同構念的正當性------- 72
第五節 量表信度分析----------------------------------- 73
第六節 樣本背景差異性分析----------------------------- 78
第七節 測量模式-驗證性因素分析----------------------- 83
第八節 知覺風險採用形成性模型之適切性----------------- 98
第九節 整體結構模式分析------------------------------- 101
第十節 複核效化分析----------------------------------- 115
第五章 結論與建議------------------------------------- 120
第一節 研究結果與討論--------------------------------- 120
第二節 研究意涵--------------------------------------- 124
第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議------------------------- 125
參考文獻---------------------------------------------- 127
附錄-------------------------------------------------- 142
附錄一、向Dr. Spreng and Dr. Divine索取量表往來信函--- 142
附錄二、客觀產品知識預試問卷-------------------------- 145
附錄三、預試問卷-------------------------------------- 146
附錄四、正式問卷-------------------------------------- 150
附錄五、校正樣本之共變異數矩陣------------------------ 154
附錄六、效度樣本之共變異數矩陣------------------------ 156
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