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研究生(外文):Yi-Shiuan Huang
論文名稱(外文):The Influences of Service Encounter Factors on Customer-Company Identification-Taking the Customers of the Hotel in Hualien Country for Example
指導教授(外文):Si-Ruei Wu
外文關鍵詞:Customer-Company IdentificationCustomer LoyaltyService Encounter FactorsSocial IdentityCustomer Satisfaction
  • 被引用被引用:15
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隨時代變遷,競爭激烈的市場上也不斷牽動著消費型態的變革。過去的經濟型態中,廠商要靠價格、品質、銷售、服務、速度等表現來獲得消費者的青睞。然而在這資源不虞匱乏的資訊社會與競爭市場裡,這些競爭要素對於現在大部分的消費者眼裡,已經被視為理所當然的條件。因此,廠商如何在產品與服務同質性愈來愈高的市場上脫穎而出,並在消費者的心理保有與其他競爭廠商不同的認知,Han, Kim, and Park (2001) 認為消費者對公司或品牌的認同有助於消費者去區別市場上其他的競爭者。

故本研究以Bhattacharya and Sen (2003)提出之顧客-公司認同之模型為主軸,並以Bitner et al. (1990) 提出的服務接觸的要素,探討各要素對顧客-公司認同與顧客滿意度之影響,本研究對象以花蓮縣飯店之顧客為樣本,將問卷所得資料採用SPSS與AMOS兩種統計軟體,以敘述性統計、信效度分析、相關分析、整體模式衡量分析、變異數分析,予以驗證本研究之假設,共計發放問卷750份,其中有效樣本達446份。

As time goes by, intensely competitive markets are impacted by consumption modes consistently. In the past, a firm was used to implement some key factors as like price, quality, sale, service, and speed to attract consumers. However, in the fulfill resources of information society and competitive markets, the key factors are assumed essential elements from consumers’ points of view. Therefore, firms how to be outstanding based on maintaining high quality and service and create a differential value in consumer’s mentality. Han, Kim and Park (2001) considered consumers identified company or brand will help consumers to distinguish from other competitors.

The focus of this study is on the modules of customer-company identification proposed by Bhattacharya and Sen (2003). And based on service encounter factors (Bitner et al., 1990) to determine how customer-company identification was impacted by each element. Survey samples of this study were taken from the customers of the hotel in Hualien county. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, validity analysis, structural equation modeling and ANOVA by SPSS and AMOS to verify the hypotheses that presented in this study. Totally, 446 valid questionnaires are collected from 750 questionnaires.

Examine our hypotheses analysis of evidences, we find:(1)Interaction with waiters has an obvious and positive influence on customer satisfaction and company identity;(2)Physical environment has an obvious and positive influence on customer satisfaction and company identity;(3)Interaction with other customers has an obvious and positive influence on customer satisfaction and company identity;(4)Customer awareness the prestige of company identity is higher, it will impact customer-company identification in positive;(5)Customer satisfaction and customer- company identification obviously affect customer loyalty in positive relationship.

第壹章 緒論................................................................................................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機....................................................................................1
第二節 研究目的................................................................................................3
第三節 研究流程................................................................................................4

第貳章 文獻探討........................................................................................................7
第一節 顧客對公司認同....................................................................................7
第二節 服務接觸要素......................................................................................20
第三節 顧客滿意度..........................................................................................26
第四節 顧客忠誠度..........................................................................................28

第參章 研究方法......................................................................................................31
第一節 研究架構..............................................................................................31
第二節 研究假說..............................................................................................32
第三節 研究變數操作性定義與衡量..............................................................40
第四節 研究設計..............................................................................................48

第肆章 資料分析與發現..........................................................................................63
第一節 敘述性統計分析..................................................................................63
第二節 複迴歸分析..........................................................................................68
第三節 信度分析..............................................................................................69
第四節 效度分析..............................................................................................74
第五節 整體模式衡量分析..............................................................................82
第六節 人口統計變數與各變項之變異數分析..............................................93

第伍章 結論與建議..................................................................................................99
第一節 研究結論..............................................................................................99
第二節 管理意涵與研究貢獻........................................................................107
第三節 研究限制............................................................................................111
第四節 後續的研究方向與建議....................................................................111


表3-1 服務人員表現的量表...................................................................................41
表3-2 實體環境設施的量表...................................................................................41
表3-3 顧客與顧客互動的量表...............................................................................42
表3-4 公司識別的量表...........................................................................................43
表3-5 識別相似性的量表.......................................................................................44
表3-6 識別獨特性的量表.......................................................................................44
表3-7 公司聲譽的量表...........................................................................................45
表3-8 顧客-公司認同的量表..................................................................................46
表3-9 顧客滿意度的量表.......................................................................................47
表3-10 顧客忠誠度的量表.....................................................................................47
表3-11 花蓮縣觀光旅館名錄.................................................................................48
表3-12 95年各飯店之客房數、住用數、客房收入表.........................................49
表3-13 服務人員表現量表之信度分析(前測) ......................................................52
表3-14 實體環境量表之信度分析(前測) ..............................................................52
表3-15 顧客與顧客互動量表之信度分析(前測) ..................................................53
表3-16 公司識別量表之信度分析(前測) ..............................................................53
表3-17 識別相似性量表之信度分析(前測) ..........................................................53
表3-18 識別獨特性量表之信度分析(前測) ......................................................... 54
表3-19 公司聲譽量表之信度分析(前測) ..............................................................54
表3-20 公司認同量表之信度分析(前測) ............................................................. 54
表3-21 顧客滿意度量表之信度分析(前測) ..........................................................55
表3-22 忠誠度量表之信度分析(前測) ..................................................................55
表3-23 修改後各構念量表之信度分析結果彙整表..............................................56
表3-24 問卷之發放與回收概況表..........................................................................59
表3-25 AMOS模式評鑑指標總表...........................................................................61
表4-1 樣本之分布情形............................................................................................66
表4-2 服務接觸要素對顧客滿意度之複迴歸分析................................................69
表4-3 服務接觸要素對公司識別之複迴歸分析....................................................69
表4-4 服務人員表現量表之信度分析....................................................................70
表4-5 實體環境量表之信度分析............................................................................71
表4-6 顧客與顧客互動量表之信度分析................................................................71
表4-7 公司識別量表之信度分析............................................................................72
表4-8 識別相似性量表之信度分析........................................................................72
表4-9 識別獨特性量表之信度分析........................................................................72
表4-10 公司聲譽量表之信度分析..........................................................................73
表4-11 顧客對公司認同量表之信度分析..............................................................73
表4-12 顧客滿意度量表之信度分析......................................................................73
表4-13 顧客忠誠度量表之信度分析......................................................................74
表4-14 服務人員表現之驗證性因素分析..............................................................76
表4-15 實體環境設施之驗證性因素分析............................................................. 77
表4-16 顧客與顧客互動之驗證性因素分析..........................................................78
表4-17 公司識別之驗證性因素分析......................................................................78
表4-18 識別相似性之驗證性因素分析..................................................................78
表4-19 識別獨特性之驗證性因素分析..................................................................79
表4-20 公司聲譽之驗證性因素分析......................................................................79
表4-21 顧客對公司認同之驗證性因素分析..........................................................79
表4-22 顧客滿意度之驗證性因素分析..................................................................80
表4-23 顧客忠誠度之驗證性因素分析..................................................................80
表4-24 實體環境構面的區別效度分析..................................................................81
表4-25 顧客忠誠度構面的區別效度分析..............................................................81
表4-26 變數間之相關係數分析..............................................................................84
表4-27 整體理論模式的衡量模式分析..................................................................88
表4-28 整體模式適配度指標概況表......................................................................90
表4-29 各變數對顧客-公司認同的影響效果之分析..........................................91
表4-30 理論結構模型之路徑係數與假設檢驗......................................................93
表4-31 人口統計變數對各研究變項之事後比較(一) ..........................................94
表4-32 人口統計變數對各研究變項之事後比較(二) ..........................................95

圖1-1 研究流程圖......................................................................................................5
圖2-1 顧客-公司認同的概念性架構圖..................................................................8
圖2-2 公司認定的組成要素和溝通要素................................................................12
圖3-1 研究架構圖....................................................................................................31
圖4-1 修正後的理論模式與參數結構....................................................................83
圖4-2 修正後之整體模型........................................................................................92
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