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論文名稱(外文):Size-fractionating fog chemistry and deposition at different canopy heights in a yellow cypress forest.
指導教授(外文):Shih-Chieh Chang
外文關鍵詞:Chamaecyparis obtusa var. formosana forestfog depositioncanopycloud forestfog chemistry
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本研究自2005年12月至2006年6月間,在台灣東北部的台灣扁柏天然下種更新林中,進行四種高度、兩個顆粒區間的雲霧收集。所使用的儀器為自製sf-CASCC型式的雲霧收集器,size cut 在前後依序為30μm 以及7μm。研究的目的為森林冠層對於雲霧化學的影響,以及比較將冠層區分成兩層估算離子沉降與不予分層估算之間的差異。
兩個粒徑區間的雲霧皆以SO42-為優勢離子。與降雨相比,雲霧水的離子濃度要高於降雨2-27倍。大小雲霧顆粒間離子濃度也具有差異,尤其在NH4+特別明顯。海洋可能不是雲霧水中離子唯一的來源。HNO3與H2SO4為本區主要的酸源,部分酸源受NH3的中和作用,因此使得本區在研究期間的pH要高於3.5。當小顆粒雲霧自L1(冠層頂端)進入至L2(冠層中間)時,Na+、 Mg2+、Ca2+和Cl-的離子濃度有明顯的變化,而大顆粒雲霧則僅在L3(冠層下緣)的位置離子濃度增加。比較所收集的大顆粒雲霧離子組成並未有明顯的變化,可能是因為30μm以上的大顆粒雲霧間有相似的化學組成,並受到冠層均勻的攔截。冠層對於小顆粒雲霧的攔截則有不同的攔截效率,因而導致自冠層外部進入冠層內的小顆粒雲霧離子組成的變化。
估計2004年5月至2006年4月雲霧沉降204 mm,約佔總大氣水沉降的4%。2006年1月至2006年3月雲霧在冠層上、下部分別沉降13.2 mm的水量,而總離子沉降依序為1700與3250 g ha-1。一般不予分層的方式與本研究的沉降估算比較,一般的估算方式高估了54%的NO3-與28%的SO42-以及低估了17%的K+沉降量。
Fog water chemistry in two droplet size classes was investigated at four heights of a Chamaecyparis obtusa var. formosana forest in northeastern Taiwan from December 2005 to June 2006. The size-cuts of the home-made “sf-CASCC type” fog collectors were 30 and 7 µm for the front and rear compartments, respectively. Purposes of this study were to investigate the effects of forest canopy on fog water chemistry and to compare the ion deposition fluxes estimated by separating the canopy into two layers and the traditional one-layer approach.
From June 2003 to June 2006 the average annual fog duration of this site was 3118 hr. Daily fog duration showed a strong seasonality, with more fog occurred in spring and winter. The occurrence of fog had a strong correlation with wind direction.
SO42- was the dominant ion in both size classes of the fog water. Compared to bulk precipitation, fog water had 2- to 27-fold higher ion concentrations. Differences in ion concentrations existed between large and small droplets too, especially for NH4+. Ocean might be not the sole source of fog water ions. HNO3 and H2SO4 were the main source of acidity, which was partly neutralized by NH3 and the resulting pH of fog water were higher than 3.5 during the study period. Ion concentrations were altered when fog entered the canopy: the changes in ion concentrations from L1 (above the canopy) to L2 (middle of the canopy) were more noticeable for Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, and Cl- of the small fog droplets; on the other hand, significant increase in ion concentration for large droplets was found at L3 (height of the lowest branch). The relative composition of ions in large droplets did not change much between collectors, which might imply a similar chemical composition of droplets larger than 30 µm and a homogeneous interception of them by the canopy. On the contrary, the canopy intercepted the smaller fog droplets in different efficiency, resulting in a change in relative ion composition of the smaller fog droplets from top to bottom of the canopy.
The estimated fog deposition rate from May 2005 to April 2006 was 204 mm, which accounted for 4% of total atmospheric water deposition. The fog water deposition from January 2006 to March 2006 was estimated to be 13.2 and 32.3 mm to the top- and bottom-layer of the canopy, respectively, while the ion deposition at the same period was 1700 and 3250 g ha-1 for the two layers. Compared to the results of this study, the traditional one-layer approach overestimated the NO3- and SO42- deposition by 54% and 28%, respectively, and underestimated the K+ deposition by 17%.
表目錄 vi
1. 前言 1
1.1 雲霧 1
1.2 雲霧與森林 2
1.3 森林雲霧沉降的估算 3
1.4 國內目前雲霧森林研究現況 4
2. 研究目的 5
3. 材料與方法 6
3.1 樣區概述 6
3.2 雲霧水收集 7
3.2.1 儀器架設 7
3.2.2 儀器選擇與製作 8
3.3 化學分析 15
3.4 雲霧沉降估算 16
4. 結果 20
4.1 雲霧氣象資料 22
4.2 基礎雲霧化學 25
4.3 冠層雲霧變化 28
4.4 雲霧沉降估算 33
5. 討論 34
5.1 雲霧物理 34
5.2 雲霧化學組成 35
5.3 冠層雲霧變化 38
5.4 雲霧沉降 38
6. 結論 40
7. 建議 40
8. 引用文獻 41
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