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研究生(外文):Da-Wei Liaw
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Infrared Brazing Refractory Metals
指導教授(外文):DONG-HAO GUO
外文關鍵詞:Infrared BrazingTitanium AlloysRefractory MetalsBrazing FillersMicrostructurePhase Transformation
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The purpose of this investigation is focused in vacuum brazing dissimilar refractory metals using Ag, Au and
Ti-based braze alloys, respectively. Based on the microstructural observation of brazed Ti-6Al-4V and Nb joint using Ag-based braze alloys, interfacial Ti-Ag,
Ti-Cu and Ti-Al intermetallics are widely found in the joint. The growth of these intermetallics is increased with increasing the brazing temperature and/or time, and results in deteriorating shear strength of the joint.
For the infrared brazed Mo using 70Au-22Ni-8Pd filler metal, Au-rich, Ni-rich and MoNi intermetallic compound are formed in the joint. With increasing the brazing temperature and/or time, the formation of blocky MoNi intermetallic compound results in deterioration of
bonding strength. According to the above experimental observation, the use of rapid infrared brazing can effectively inhibit excessive growth of interfacial intermetallics for the application of Ag and Au-based braze alloys. On the other hand, Ti-6Al-4V and Nb are brazed using Ti-based braze alloys for high-temperature applications. The joint mainly consists of Ti2Cu, Ti2Ni and transformed beta-Ti. With increasing the brazing temperature and/or time, Ti2Cu and Ti2Ni intermetallics are disappeared from the brazed joint, and part of beta-Ti is stabilized at room temperature due to alloyed with high Nb content. The disappearance of intermetallics from joint using the Ti-based braze alloys is very different from that using Ag and Au-based braze alloys. Accordingly, the application of Ti-based braze alloys shows great potential due to the disappearance of brittle intermetallics from the brazed joint.
第一章 前言..........................................1
第二章 文獻探討......................................6
第三章 實驗方法......................................10
第四章 使用銀基填料硬銲接合Ti-6Al-4V及鈮金屬.........22
第五章 使用70Au-22Ni-8Pd填料紅外線硬銲接合鉬金屬.....53
第六章 使用鈦基填料硬銲接合Ti-6Al-4V及鈮金屬.........67
第七章 結論..........................................114
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