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研究生(外文):Tzu-Tien Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Model-based Lucas-Kanade tracker with adaptive templates for 3D head pose estimation
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Chin Chiang
外文關鍵詞:3D head pose estimationtracking
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動介面、表情分析、三維人臉模型重建等方面。本論文目的在改良Jing Xiao 所
提出之三維Lucas-Kanade 追蹤演算法。我們提出了調適性樣版(Adaptive Template)
3D head tracking and pose estimation play important roles in many vision-based
applications, such as man-machine interaction, facial expression analysis, 3D facial
model reconstruction, etc. This research aims to improve the 3D Lucas-Kanade
tracking algorithm proposed by Jing Xiao. We propose an adaptive template technique
for the Lucas-Kanade tracking algorithm. In this technique, the value of each pixel on
the adaptive template is modeled by a 1-D Gaussian distribution. On finishing the
tracking process of each frame, the adaptive template immediately updates the
Gaussian distributions of the pixels based on the pixels on the newly tracked head
image. In this way, the proposed method can better handle the dynamic changes of the
environment conditions, such as illumination changes. The experimental results show
that the conventional tracking algorithm fails to track the head under varying
illumination, while the proposed tracking algorithm still can track the head and
estimate the pose successfully.
第 1 章 導論........................................................................................................9
1.1 研究動機.................................................................................................9
1.2 相關研究.................................................................................................9
1.2.1 分解法..........................................................................................9
1.2.2 對應點式......................................................................................10
1.2.3 粒子濾波器,與粒子濾波器結合梯度下坡法..........................11
1.2.4 Lucas-Kanade 方法......................................................................12
1.2.5 相關研究總整理..........................................................................12
1.3 系統架構.................................................................................................13
1.4 章節架構.................................................................................................13
第 2 章 三維Lucas-Kanade 頭部追蹤..............................................................15
2.1 二維Lucas-Kanade 追蹤法...................................................................15
2.2 移動模型(motion model)........................................................................17
2.2.1 twists 轉換模型............................................................................17
2.2.2 投影模型......................................................................................18
2.2.3 移動模型......................................................................................19
2.3 三維 Lucas-Kanade 方法......................................................................20
2.3.1 演算法架構..................................................................................20
2.3.2 方程式推導..................................................................................21
2.4 樣版權重.................................................................................................22
2.4.1 可見度(visibility).........................................................................22
2.4.2 影像梯度(image gradient)強度...................................................23
2.4.3 誤差影像(error image) ................................................................23
第 3 章 可調適性模型用於三維LK 追蹤法....................................................25
3.1 可調適性模型.........................................................................................25
3.2 可調適性模型用於三維LK 之推導.....................................................27
3.3 追蹤演算法.............................................................................................29
第 4 章 實驗結果................................................................................................31
4.1 實驗環境.................................................................................................31
4.2 多種樣版之實驗.....................................................................................31
4.3 改變樣版權重之實驗.............................................................................36
4.4 光線改變影像序列追蹤之實驗.............................................................40
4.5 追蹤失敗之討論.....................................................................................46
4.6 實驗討論.................................................................................................47
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