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研究生(外文):Piao-Yueh Huang
論文名稱(外文):Measurements of anchoring energy in a plasma alignment LC cell
指導教授(外文):Bing-Hung Chen
外文關鍵詞:anchoring energyplasma beamliquid crystal alignment
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Liquid crystal alignment plays an important role for the wide-viewing technology in the flat panel display manufacturing. Today, the contacting alignment for flat panel display will induce the disadvantages of static electricity and particle pollution, especially uniform alignment issue in the future larger area display manufacturing. Therefore, non-contacting alignments are proposed to improve these issues in these years. However, the plasma alignment is the most attractive in non-contacting alignment than others because of flexible control on the uniformity and having larger pre-tile LC angle. This thesis focus on the analysis of photoelectrical characteristics of LC cell after plasma beam alignment.
Plasma beam is carried out by using the concept of plasma thruster operating at low pressure. LC cells are made by spin coater and hi-temperature oven to coated and baked PI on glass substrate, after plasma beam treatment then seal them. In order to understand what changes on PI, we observe sample surface with AFM and analysis molecular functional group separately with FTIR. Polyimide’s characterful molecular functional groups are imide, benzene and C-O-C group. We also measure pre-tilt angle with crystal rotation method by polarized laser system, and anchoring energy with high electric field method.
Results show that incident angle of plasma beam and treatment time can affect surface roughness and surface structure functional group. The anchoring energy is 8.43×10-5J/m2 and 1.60×10-5J/m2 at vertical and 30°plasma beam incident angle respectively for three minute. It seems that larger contacting area has higher anchoring energy. FTIR measurements demonstrate the alignment effect from the parallel average absorption higher than vertical absorption rate about 7%. It meansC-O-Cbond direction distribution has the trend of anisotropy, and higher absorption rates lead to the larger pre-tilt based on our experiment.
第一章 緒論...........................1
1.1 前言..............................1
1.2 文獻回顧..........................2
1.3 研究動機與文獻回顧................5
1.4 實驗研究目的............7
1.5 論文架構................8
第二章 液晶盒的動態響應理論..............................9
2.1 向列型液晶特性...............................9
2.1.1 雙折射現象...............................9
2.1.2 電場對向列型液晶的影響..................14
2.1.3 分子排列的秩序參數S ....................15
2.1.4 連續彈性體形變理論......................16
2.2 錨定能理論..................................18
2.2.1 錨定能介紹..............................18
2.2.2 極角錨定能量測原理......................19
2.3 穿透率量測理論..............................23
2.3.1 理論推導................................23
2.3.2 穿透率定義..............................26
2.4 預傾角量測理論..............................26
第三章 配向膜基本性質與電漿束配向原理...................31
3.1 配向膜簡介..................................31
3.1.1 PI介紹..................................31
3.1.2 高分子定向配向機制......................32
3.2 電漿表面處理理論............................34
3.2.1 電漿特性與基本原理......................34
3.2.2 PI膜電漿表面處理........................38
3.3 電漿噴流器..................................42
3.3.1 電漿噴流原理介紹........................42
3.3.2 電漿噴流器結構介紹......................42
第四章 實驗架構.........................................45
4.1 材料相關參數................................46
4.2 電漿配向處理製作與觀察......................47
4.2.1 配向前處理..............................47
4.2.2 電漿束配向處理..........................49
4.2.3 AFM表面結構觀察.........................51
4.2.4 FTIR配向膜官能基分析....................52
4.3 液晶盒製程與量測............................54
4.3.1 液晶盒製作..............................54
4.3.2 極角錨定能量測架構......................55
4.3.3 預傾角量測架構..........................57
第五章 實驗結果與討論...................................59
5.1 配向膜AFM觀測結果..........................59
5.2 配向膜官能基FTIR分析.......................63
5.3 預傾角量測結果..............................70
5.4 錨定能量測結果..............................74
5.5 傳統刷磨配向與電漿束配向之比較..............79
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