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研究生(外文):Kuang-Ping Yang
論文名稱(外文):An Application of Theory of Planned Behavior to Elderly Housing Choices
指導教授(外文):Dawu-Song Zhu
外文關鍵詞:Structural Equation Modeling(SEM)Theory of Planned Behavior Model(TPB)Elderly Housing
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Ajzen 的計劃行為理論(Theory of Planned Behavior,TPB)常被用來預測與解釋個人的行為,包括態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制及行為意圖等影響因素。本研究藉TPB分析老人住宅潛在消費者之行為意圖;為強化解釋力,本研究將態度解構為「自利性」與「利他性」,主觀規範則分為「主群體」與「次群體」,知覺行為控制分為「自我能力」與「便利性」。並在實證分析中以台北市消費者,進行實證研究工作。
As aging population increases and society evolves,W.H.O. has viewed Taiwan as the elder society in 1993. Besides, the elder population will be estimated increasingly year by year, and has reached 10% in 2007. This population structure will tend to be a society phenomenon in the future. Moreover, according to the relative research, there are a few literatures to discuss the topic of elderly housing choice.
This research employs Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior model (TPB) to study the behavioral intention potential elderly housing consumers. TPB model, constructed by attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control and behavioral intention, is widely adopted to predict and explain individual’s behavior. In order to enhance the study richness, the author decomposes the“Attitude” to “Egoism” and “Altruistic”, the “Subjective Norm” to “Primary Group” and “Secondary Group”, and the “Perceived Behavioral Control” to “Self Efficacy” and “Convenience” with empirical example analysis in Taiwan city.
The research uses SEM approach and the results show that “Egoism to Attitude”, “Altruistic to Attitude” and “Self Efficacy to Perceived Behavioral Control” would affect the behavioral intention directly, and “Egoism” would affect behavioral intention indirectly.
誌謝..................................... I
中文摘要..................................... II
Abstract..................................... III
目 錄..................................... IV
圖 目 錄..................................... VI
表 目 錄..................................... VII

第一章 緒論.................................. 1
第一節 研究背景.............................. 1
第二節 研究動機.............................. 3
第三節 研究目的.............................. 5
第四節 研究範圍與限制........................ 6
第五節 研究流程.............................. 7
第二章 文獻探討.............................. 9
第一節 老人住宅相關文獻回顧.................. 9
第二節 計劃行為理論.......................... 20
第三節 以計劃行為理論分析選擇老人住宅行為.....29
第三章 研究方法.............................. 33
第一節 研究架構.............................. 33
第二節 研究假說.............................. 35
第三節 問卷設計.............................. 37
第四節 抽樣方法.............................. 41
第五節 資料分析方法與工具.................... 43
第四章 資料分析.............................. 45
第一節 資料回收與整理........................ 45
第二節 描述性統計分析........................ 47
第三節 信度與效度分析........................ 53
第四節 個人資料對潛在變項之差異性分析........ 54
第五節 整體模式分析.......................... 61
第五章 結論與建議............................ 69
第一節 研究結論.............................. 69
第二節 管理意涵與後續研究建議................ 71
參考文獻..................................... 73
附錄問卷..................................... 81
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