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研究生(外文):Ma-Lian Chia
論文名稱(外文):The L(3,2,1)-labeling of graphs
指導教授(外文):David Kuo
中文關鍵詞:完全圖cographCartesian product1)-標號2路徑迴路日冕運算Sierpinski graphs樹狀圖L(3
外文關鍵詞:pathcyclecoronacomplete graphcographCartesian production21)-labelingtreeSierpinski graphsL(3
  • 被引用被引用:0
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給定一個圖形G,G的一個L(3, 2, 1)-標號是一個從G的點集對應到非負整數的函數f,滿足當d(u, v) = 3時,|f(u)-f(v)|?1,當d(u, v) = 2時,|f(u)-f(v)|?2,而且當d(u, v) = 1時|f(u)-f(v) |?3,在一個L(3, 2, 1)-標號中,若標號的最大值不超過k,則稱其為一個k-L(3, 2, 1)-標號,若圖形G的一個L(3, 2, 1)-標號是所有可能的k-L(3, 2, 1)-標號中,k的最小可能值,我們以符號λ_3,2,1 (G)來表示。
在本論文中,我們考慮了幾類圖的L(3, 2, 1)-標號。在第二節,我們給了一些基本性質。第三節裡面給了一般圖與樹狀圖的上界。第四節是有關路徑(path)與迴路(cycle)的Cartesian product。第五節與第六節則考慮了可以一些特別的圖形經由聯集(union),結合(join),與日冕運算(Corona)之後的結果。最後,我們決定了一類特別的圖-Sierpin ?ski graphs 的L(3, 2, 1)-標號。
Given a graph G, the L(3,2,1)-labeling of G is a function f from the vertex set V(G) to the set of all nonnegative integers such that |f(u)-f(v)|>=1 if d(u,v) = 3, |f(u)-f(v)|>=2 if d(u,v) = 2, and |f(u)-f(v) |>=3 if d(u,v) = 1, For a nonnegative integer k, a k-L(3,2,1)-labeling is an L(3,2,1)-labeling such that no label is greater than k. The L(3,2,1)-labeling number of G, denoted by λ_3,2,1 (G), is the smallest number k such that G has a k-L(3,2,1)-labeling.
In this thesis, we study the L(3,2,1)-labeling numbers of several classes of graphs. We give some basic properties in Section two, and give upper bounds for the L(3,2,1)-labeling numbers of general graphs and trees in Section three. In Section four, we study the L(3,2,1)-labeling number of the Cartesian product of paths and cycles. And in Section five and six, we consider the L(3,2,1)-labeling numbers of those graphs which are obtained from the union, join, and Conora of some special graphs. And, in the last section, we determined the L(3,2,1)-labeling numbers of a special class of graphs-the Sierpin ?ski graphs.
1 Introduction …1
2 Preliminary …3
3 Upper bound of the L(3, 2, 1)-labelings of general graphs and trees …5
4 L(3, 2, 1)-labelings of Cartesian product of paths and cycles …9
5 L(3, 2, 1)-labelings of powers of paths …21
6 L(3, 2, 1)-labelings of union and join of graphs …27
7 L(3, 2, 1)-labelings of Conora of graphs …31
8 L(3, 2, 1)-labelings of Sierpinski graphs …35
9 References…43
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