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外文關鍵詞:HualianTourist imageTourist textTourist gaze
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Tourist activities are gradually taken seriously by the contemporary society. Developing tourist activities needs not only to strengthen hardware equipments, but also to mold images in various types of media, for example, from the demands for tourist activities, to the imagination of specific tourist regions. In this research, the author focused on three promotions published by the authorities, "Hualian Tourist Guide," the "The Brilliant Paradise of East Taiwan" folded brochure, and the "Cisingtan Coast Scenic Spot" folded brochure, and analyzed the tourist images of Hualian represented in those texts. The methodology extended the semiotics analysis which the predecessors frequently used, and took the tourist theory as a foundation to analyze the image representation in these three tourist texts. The analysis aspects are text forms (the folded brochures and the handbooks), the characteristic in the writing descriptions, and the symbols/figures presented in the tourist images. By using the tourist gaze and attraction theory proposed by Urry (2000) and MacCannell (1999) and so on, the author gradually analyzed the images used in those three tourist texts, from the image modeling of the scenic spots, characters presented in the images, and the situational atmosphere. This research shows that in these three texts, the image of Hualian represents foreign places, foreigners, foreign cultures, the sunlight, enthusiasm, happiness, and the fertile tourist types.
第一章 緒論 01
第一節 研究動機與提問 01
第二節 研究目的與初步流程 03
第二章 文獻回顧 07
第一節 觀光旅遊的發展與當代概念 07
第二節 觀光凝視與觀光吸引力 16
第三節 觀光文本研究回顧 20
第四節 本章小結 33
第三章 研究方法和架構 35
第一節 研究方法 35
第二節 範圍與架構 39
第四章 形式與形象呈現 41
第一節 研究文本介紹 41
第二節 手冊與折頁形式 45
第三節 文字描述特性 51
第四節 影像運用初探 56
第五節 本章小結 58
第五章 觀光形象分析 59
第一節 景點形塑—觀光吸引力與觀光凝視 61
第二節 觀光客與當地人 67
第三節 「浪漫凝視」與「集體凝視」 79
第四節 本章小結 87
第六章 結論 89
第一節 花蓮觀光形象 91
第二節 研究限制與未來展望 97
參考資料 99
附錄:影像使用統計列表 101
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