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研究生(外文):Cheng, Fei-Chi
論文名稱(外文):The community structure of larval fishes in the coastal waters off Hoping estuary, Hualien, Taiwan.
指導教授(外文):Chen, Chiee-Young
外文關鍵詞:larval fishHoping estuarycommunity structurespecies composition
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本論文針對花蓮和平溪出海口海域進行仔稚魚研究,目的在於瞭解該海域仔稚魚種類組成及豐度之時序變化與水文因子之相關性。自2001年2月起至2003年11月為止,以魩鱙漁筏作業網具於該海域進行採樣。結果顯示,和平溪出海口海域仔稚魚種類組成相當豐富,共發現89科157屬195種仔稚魚。以生態習性可區分成六大類:洄游性、近海性、礁岩性、沿岸河口性、底棲性及深海性魚類。種類上以底棲性魚種居多,數量則以洄游性魚種佔優勢。洄游性魚種在此佔優勢可能與黑潮流經相關,同時也因而有較多的魚種。魚種組成以優勢種佔大部分,前14種即佔76.8%,依序為異葉公鯷(Encrasicholina heteroloba)、長蜥魚(Saurida elongata)、刺公鯷(E. punctifer)、花蓮小砂(Sardinella hualiensis)、大鱗鮻(Liza macrolepis)、長頷綾鯷(Thryssa setirostris)、白帶魚(Trichiurus lepturus)、短鑽嘴魚(Gerres abbreviatus)、長鰭凡鯔(Valamugil cunnesius)、底燈魚屬sp. (Benthosema sp.)、青沙鮻(Sillago joponica)、大眼海鰱(Megalops cyprinoides)、小牙鰏(Gazza minuta)、三鰭鳚科sp.(Tripterygiidae sp.)。其中最優勢種為異葉公鯷(60.7%),主要出現在8~10月間,可能由南海水團在夏季西南氣流盛行時,與黑潮水混合後往北輸送至和平溪河口。優勢種經集群分析(Cluster Analysis)後可分為五群,其豐度月別變化呈現明顯的集群別差異,可能反應出魚種生殖週期的不同。另以種類組成的集群分析結果可分為A、B、C三群,Group C為2001年4~8月樣品,GroupA、B則分別為1~5月及6~11月樣品。經典型判別分析(Canonical Discriminant Analysis)探討種類組成與水文環境因子的相關性,Group C組成與Group A、B明顯不同,可能導因於2001年和平溪淡水注入量較高,致使河口海域鹽度較低(p<0.01)、懸浮粒子濃度較高(p<0.05),伴隨著種類組成中出現大量少見種,河口種則因躲避行為而減少。Group A與Group B的區隔伴隨著明顯的水溫差異(p<0.05),水溫差異主要反應出魚種組成在季節上的差異。大致而言,和平溪河口域魚種組成可分為冬春季與夏秋季兩大群聚。當鹽度低、懸浮粒子濃度高時,魚種組成則呈現明顯不同,有少見種大量出現及部份河口種可能因躲避行為而未發現的現象。
This study is aiming to investigate the community structure of larval fishes in the Hoping estuary, Hualien, Taiwan. Attempts were also made to elucidate its temporal variations in relation to the hydrographic factors of ambient waters. Samples were collected with a push net of traditional larval fisheries on a seasonal basis in the time period of February 2001 – November 2003. The results showed that the community was composed of variety of larval fishes, including 195 species, 157 genera, 89 families. Based on their ecological features, they could be categorized into 6 groups, i.e., migratory species, inshore species, rocky species, coastal-estuarine species, demersal species and deep-sea species. Among these groups, the specimens of migratory species were the most abundant, while the demersal fishes were rich in species number. The abundance of migratory species and also the richness in species composition of the study waters were probably associated with the Kuroshio current which passes through the east of Taiwan. Nevertheless, the top 14 dominant species comprised 76.8% of the total catch, i.e., Encrasicholina heteroloba, Saurida elongate, E. punctifer, Sardinella hualiensis, Liza macrolepis, Thryssa setirostris, Trichiurus lepturus, Gerres abbreviatus, Valamugil cunnesius, Benthosema sp., Sillago japonica, Megalops cyprinoids, Gazza minuta and Tripterygiidae sp. Among them, the E. heteroloba was the most abundant species, comprising 60.7% of total catch. The peak abundance of this species during August-October is possibly a result of the strong southwestern wind in summer months, which carries the South China Sea Water with the larvae of E. heteroloba crossing the south end of Taiwan to join the Kuroshio current, and then carries them northward up to the study waters. According to the monthly abundance of each species, these fish larvae were categorized into 5 groups, probably reflecting the differences in their spawning seasons. Furthermore, based on the species compositions of monthly samples, these samples could be clearly categorized into three groups, i.e., Group A, B and C. The Group A and B consists of samples mainly collected during January-May and June-November, respectively. However, the Group C includes samples from April-August 2001 only. The Canonical Discriminant Analysis was applied to examine the segregation of Group A, B and C in relation to the hydrographic factors, and consistent results were obtained. The Group C is coincided with water of low salinity and high suspended solids content, which occurred only in 2001 when rainfall was reported to be higher than the other two years. The segregation of Group A and B is found to be associated with significant difference in water temperature (p<0.05), which may simply reflect the seasonal variations in the environmental conditions and also the spawning habits of varied fish species. In general, the larval fish community in the Hoping estuary can be categorized into winter-spring group and summer-autumn group. The appearance of scarce species in large numbers, accompanied with the disappearance of some estuarine species is highly related to the water of low salinity and high suspended solids content when heavy rainfall occurs.
摘要 I
誌謝 V
目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
附錄目錄 XIII
1、緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 4
2、研究方法 5
2.1採樣地點 5
2.2採樣方法 5
2.3樣品處理 5
2.4資料分析 6
3、結果 11
3.1 仔稚魚豐度與種類組成 11
3.2 仔稚魚群聚分析 14
3.3 仔稚魚群聚與環境因子 15
4、討論 17
4.1 仔稚魚種類組成 17
4.2 仔稚魚群聚分析 22
4.3 仔稚魚群聚與環境因子 25
5、結論 27
6、參考文獻 29
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