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研究生(外文):Lin Yu-Tsung
論文名稱(外文):The effect of improving the elementary students’ with mental retardation students’ interpersonal problem solving by using multimedia-based instruction
指導教授(外文):Niew Wern-Ing
外文關鍵詞:metal retardationmultimedia-based instructioninterpersonal problem solvingsocial problem solving
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摘  要
一、 多媒體教學過程中人際問題解決能力的學習成效
The purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of improving interpersonal problem solving for students with mental retardation through multimedia-based instruction. Two students with mental retardation, who were placed in general class, participated in this study. The researcher designed an interpersonal problem solving multimedia-based instruction software, which focused on the interpersonal problems in classes. Between one-week pretest-test and one-week post-test, there was a 3-week intervention using the instruction system of this software. Data collection included qualitative and quantitative data, which were collected during the process of multimedia-based instruction and before/after instruction. Data analysis involved analyzing the improvement of interpersonal problems solving ability. In order to understand the social validity, the study interviewed peers of the participants. The results were as the following:
1.The improvement of the ability of interpersonal problems solving during multimedia-based instruction, included (a) Regarding the ability of defining the problem, the participants could gradually become aware of the mood hint, describe events, and make multiple attributable tendency. (b) Regarding alternative thinking ability, the participants could make multiple and creative solutions. (c) Regarding consequential thinking ability, the participants could gradually consider different strategies and their consequences, as well as self evaluate the suitability of their usual solution strategies. (d) Regarding strategic evaluating ability, the participants could gradually select the best strategy and set up their reference principle.
2.The improvement of the ability of interpersonal problems solving after multimedia-based instruction, consisted of (a) Regarding the ability of defining the problem, the participants could describe the whole events completely, decrease hostile attribution, and make multiple attributable tendency. (b) Regarding alternative thinking ability, the number and the types of alternative thinking ability of the participants increased. Among these alternative thinking abilities positive strategies were more than negative strategies. (c) Regarding consequential thinking ability, the number and the types of predictive consequential thinking ability of the participants increased. Among these consequential thinking abilities positive consequential thinking was more than negative consequential thinking. (d) Regarding strategic evaluating ability, the participants could select positive strategy as the best strategy.
3.Social validity of multimedia-based instruction: the participants presented the willing of involving group activities, and decreased the use of negative strategies during interpersonal interaction.
目 次
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機.................... 1
第二節 研究目的與問題.................... 3
第三節 名詞釋義....................... 4
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 人際問題解決能力的意義與內涵........... 7
第二節 智能障礙者的人際問題解決............. 16
第三節 多媒體教學的應用.................... 29
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究設計....................... 37
第二節 研究參與者....................... 42
第三節 多媒體教學方案...................... 46
第四節 研究工具......................... 57
第五節 研究步驟......................... 60
第六節 資料處理與分析.................... 63
第四章 結果與討論
第一節 教學前人際問題解決能力............... 71
第二節 教學中人際問題解決能力改變情形........... 86
第三節 教學後人際問題能力改變情形.............. 102
第四節 多媒體教學方案的社會效度................
第五節 綜合討論........................ 120
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 研究結論....................... 124
第二節 建議............................ 125
一、中文部份.............................. 131
二、西文部份.............................. 136
附錄一 家長同意書......................... 143
附錄二 教師同意書......................... 144
附錄三 介入計畫前訪談大綱.................... 145
附錄四 兒童人際問題解決量表.................. 147
附錄五 「評量系統」劇本..................... 150
附錄六 「評量系統」分鏡劇本................... 151
附錄七 「評量系統」師生互動劇本............... 153
附錄八 「教學系統」劇本.................... 155
附錄九 「「教學系統」分鏡劇本.............. 160
附錄十 「教學系統」師生互動劇本.............
附錄十一 專家效度名單.................. 166
附錄十二 「評量系統」專家審核表............ 167
附錄十三 「教學系統」專家審核表............ 169
附錄十四 多媒體教學軟體評鑑表............. 177
附錄十五 內容效度專家審核意見............... 179
附錄十六 多媒體教學日誌.................. 180
附錄十七 教學成效同儕訪談題綱............... 181
附錄十八 質性資料編碼說明............... 182

表 次
表2-1人際問題解決能力的評量方式................. 15
表2-2智能障礙者使用多媒體教學的優點................. 31
表2-3 多媒體電腦教學對於訓練人際問題解決之優勢........... 35
表3-1研究參與者基本資料一覽表.................. 43
表3-2 「評量系統」和「教學系統」單元內容及相關性........... 50
表3-3 「評量系統」評量時間表....................... 52
表3-4 「教學系統」教學時間表.................... 55
表3-5 輔助工具一覽表........................ 57
表3-6 人際問題解決能力之暫定類別.................. 63
表3-7 「意圖歸因」能力之分類一覽表................. 64
表3-8 「替代策略」能力之分類一覽表................ 66
表3-9 「後果思考」能力之分類一覽表................ 68
表3-10「策略評估」能力之分類一覽表................. 69
表4-1 教學前詩萱在「評量系統」之反應記錄............. 72
表4-2 教學前詩萱「意圖歸因」之分析表............... 73
表4-3 教學前詩萱「替代思考」策略之分析表............. 75
表4-4 教學前詩萱「後果思考」能力之分析表............. 76
表4-5 教學前詩萱「策略評估」能力之分析表............ 78
表4-6 教學前玉萱在「評量系統」之反應記錄............ 79
表4-7 教學前玉萱對評量系統之人際問題的解釋之分析表...... 80
表4-8 教學前玉萱「替代思考」策略之分析表............. 82
表4-9 教學前玉萱「後果思考」能力之分析表............. 84
表4-10 教學前玉詩萱「策略評估」能力之分析表.......... 84
表4-11 教學前詩萱及玉萱的人際問題解決能力之比較分析表..... 86
表4-12研究參與者對事件脈絡的描述................ 91
表4-13詩萱對正反策略的看法.................... 93
表4-14玉萱對正反策略的看法..................... 94
表4-15「找同學做好朋友」各週的問題解決策略類型......... 94
表4-16 教學前後詩萱「界定問題」能力之分析比較表........ 103
表4-17 教學前後玉萱「界定問題」能力之分析比較表........ 105
表4-18 教學前後「替代思考」能力之分析比較表......... 107
表4-19 教學前後「後果思考」能力之分析比較表......... 111
表4-20 教學後詩萱「策略評估」能力之分析表........... 113
表4-21 教學後玉萱「策略評估」能力之分析表............. 114
表4-22 教學後研究參與者人際問題解決能力之改變.......... 115
表4-23 研究參與者常見的回答類型及提示句.............. 122

圖 次
圖3-1 研究架構圖...................... 38
圖3-2 資料分析圖....................... 39
圖3-3教學目標發展流程.................... 47
圖3-4多媒體教學方案發展流程.................. 48
圖3-5人際問題解決訓練軟體.................... 49
圖3-6 「評量系統」流程圖....................... 51
圖3-7 「教學系統」流程圖..................... 54
圖4-1 「報告老師」的後果思考.................. 97
圖4-2 「搶過來玩」的後果思考.................. 98
圖4-3 詩萱策略評估思考流程.................. 99
圖4-4 玉萱策略評估思考流程.................. 100
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