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研究生(外文):Jia-Shian Lu
論文名稱(外文):Understanding e-learning continuance intention: An extension of the Expectation-confirmation Model
指導教授(外文):Ming-Chi Lee
外文關鍵詞:Expectation-confirmation modelPerceived valuesPerceived Web qualityTechnology acceptance modelTheory of planning behavior (TPB)
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With increasing Internet usage, e-learning has been a highly popular e-commerce application in recent years. However, few studies have investigated what factors influence learners to continue to use the e-learning information technologies. With a better understanding of these factors’ role in learners’ continuance intention, practitioners should be able to make adjustments in their teaching plans that should help enhance the learning performance. This study applies the expectation confirmation model (ECM) with TAM and TPB models that incorporates perceived Web quality, perceived enjoyment and perceived values as external factors to explain learners’ continued intention of e-learning. The proposed model was empirically evaluated using survey data collected from 381 users about their perceptions of e-learning. The results indicate that continued intention of e-learning is determined by subject norm, perceived behavior control, satisfaction and perceived usefulness. The results also point out the satisfaction of e-learning is influenced by perceived values, confirmation and perceived usefulness, but perceived ease of use and perceived enjoyment are not a significant factor. The results can provide Internet users with the development of learning to do reference.
1 緒論 1
2 文獻探討 4
2.1 期望確定理論(ECM) 4
2.2 科技接受模式(TAM) 6
2.3 計劃行為理論(TPB) 7
3 研究模型與假說 13
3.1 研究架構 13
3.2 研究假說 15
3.2.1. 期望確定模型 15
3.2.2. 期望確定模型中加入認知易用 16
3.2.3. 期望確定模型中加入認知樂趣 17
3.2.4. 合併期望確定模型和計劃行為理論 19
3.2.5. 期望確定模型中加入認知網站品質與認知價值 20
4 研究方法 23
4.1 研究對象與資料收集 23
4.2 問卷變量測量 25
4.3 資料分析方法與工具 27
5 研究結果 28
5.1 測量模式 28
5.1.1. 收斂效度 28
5.1.2. 區別效度 30
5.2. 結構化模式分析 35
5.2. 結構模式 35
6 討論 40
7 研究限制與結論 42
參考文獻 45
附錄A 51

表2-1 計劃行為理論的相關研究 10
表2-1 計劃行為理論的相關研究(續) 11
表2-1 計劃行為理論的相關研究(續) 12
表4-1 受訪者基本資料 24
表4-2 構面的定義 26
表5-1 信度與效度分析表 29
表5-2 測量變項之區別效度檢定 31
表5-2 測量變項之區別效度檢定(續) 32
表5-2 測量變項之區別效度檢定(續) 33
表5-2 測量變項之區別效度檢定(續) 34
表5-3 模型配適度指標值 35
表5-4 假說驗證結果 38
表5-4 假說驗證結果(續) 39
圖2-1 期望確定模型 4
圖3-1 本研究模型 14
圖5-1 標準化路徑分析結果 37
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