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研究生(外文):Yi-Cin Guo
論文名稱(外文):The relationships between elementary school students' perceptions of English classroom structures and achievement goals in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Hui-Ming Lucy Lee
外文關鍵詞:English classroom structuresEnglish achievement goals
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近年來,雖然在成就目標動機的相關研究不少,但在以英語為外國語的教育現場中探討教室結構與學生的成就目標動機的相關研究卻不多。本研究旨在探討屏東地區國小學生在英語教室結構的知覺和目標動機之關係。受試者為屏東市區國小六年級的學生。研究工具包含三個部份,一、學生的英語學習背景,二、學生的英語成就目標動機,三、學生對於英語教室結構的認知。在英語成就目標動機的量表中,採用「三重成就目標動機」,將成就目標區分為「精進目標」、「表現目標」以及「逃避目標」等三類成就目標,而教室結構認知包含激發性的活動,對自主的支持, 對表現的獎賞和精進式評量。本研究採用描述統計、皮爾遜積差相關分析以及逐步多元迴歸來探討1)學生英語教室結構認知的現況2)學生英語成就目標動機的現況3)英語教室結構認知與成就目標動機的相關性,以及4)四個教室結構對精進目標的預測性。 研究結果顯示1)學生英語教室結構認知以精進式評量最為明顯2)大部份的學生對於英語學習採精進目標3)學生的英語教室結構認知與英語成就目標動機具有正向關係4) 四項教室結構中,激發式活動是唯一可以預測學生英語精進目標的預測變項。因此,本研究建議英語老師應將精進趨向的教室結構,特別是激發式活動,融入英語教室環境中,俾將學生導向精進目標。
For the years, although considerable research has investigated the roles of the achievement goals in learning process, few have examined the relationships between classroom structures and students’ achievement goals towards foreign languages. The goal of this study was to examine the relationships between English classroom structures and students’ achievement goals from students’ perspectives. The subjects consisted of 315 sixth graders in Pingtung city. They were requested to report their learning background, perceptions of English classroom structures and English achievement goals adopted by Midgley et al. (1998). The perceptions of classroom structures made up of four classroom structures: motivating tasks, autonomy support, performance-based recognition and mastery evaluation and the achievement goal scale made up of three achievement goals: mastery, performance-approach and performance-avoidance goals. Descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation and Stepwise multiple regression were employed to address the research questions. The results indicated that the students’ perceptions of classroom structures and their achievement goals were interrelated. Among the four classroom structures, motivating tasks serve as the only one predictor on mastery goals. The findings suggest that English teachers incorporate these mastery-oriented classroom structures into English language classrooms for orienting students towards mastery goals, especially motivating tasks.
CHINESE ABSTRACT………………………………………… III
TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………… V
LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………IX
LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………XI
I. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………1
General Background………………………………………………1
The Introduction of the Study…………………………………………2
The Purpose of the Study……………………………………………3
Research Questions…………………………………………………………3
The Significance of the Study…………………………………………4
Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………4

II. LITERATURE REVIEW………………………………………7
English as a Subject in the Taiwan Education System……………8
From General Motivation to Foreign Language Learning Motivation…9
Theoretical Foundations of Achievement Goals………………………11
Two Achievement Goals…………………………………………………11
Three Achievement Goals………………………………………13
Four Achievement Goals………………………………………14
The Antecedents in the Frameworks of the Three Goals………15
The Consequences in the Frameworks of the Three Goals……16
Theoretical Foundations of Classroom Structures…………………….17
Classroom Structures and Achievement Goals…………………19
Empirical Researches of Classroom Structures and Achievement Goals…………23
Experimental Studies……………………………………………………23
Observational Studies…………………………………………25
Survey-based Studies…………………………………………26
Summary of Major Findings……………………………………29
Unanswered Questions…………………………………………31

III. METHODOLOGY………………………………………………32
Research Hypothesis…………………………………………………32
Pilot Study………………………………………………………32
Formal Study……………………………………………………33
Students’ Background…………………………………………35
The Foreign Language Achievement Goals Scale (FLAGS)…35
Development of FLAGS…………………………………35
The Scale in the Pilot study………………………………37
The Scale in the Formal Study……………………………37
Item Discrimination Analysis………………………38
Correlated Item-total Correlation Analysis…………38
Factor Analysis………………………………………………………39
The Students Perceptions of Classroom Structures Scale (SPECSS)…………42
Development of SPECSS…………..………………………42
The Scale in the Pilot study………………………………43
The Scale in the Formal Study………………………………44
Item Discrimination Analysis………………………45
Correlated Item-total Correlation Analysis…………45
Factor Analysis………………………………………………………47
Data Collection Procedures…………………………………………51
Data Analysis……………………………………………………………52
Pilot Study………………………………………………………52
Formal Study……………………………………………………53

IV. RESULTS……………..…………………………………………………54
Descriptive Analyses…………………………………………………………54
The Students’ Perceptions of English Classroom Structures Scale (SPECSS)……54

The Foreign Language Achievement Goals Scale (FLAGS)……………………57
Correlation Analysis……………………………………………………………59
Multiple Regression Analysis……………………………………61
Summary of the Findings……………………………………………64
The Elementary School Students’ Perceptions of English Classroom Structures…………………………………64
The Elementary School Students’ English Achievement
The Relationships between Elementary Students’ Perceptions of English Classroom Structures and English Achievement Goals…………………………65
Classroom Structures as Predictors of Students’ Mastery Goals...66

Discussion of the Findings…………………………………………….67
Students’ Perceptions of EFL Classroom Structures……………..67
Students’ EFL Achievement Goals…………………………….…70
The Relationships between Students’ Perceptions of Classroom
Structures and EFL Achievement Goals…………………………71
The Prediction of Classroom Structures in Mastery Goals………76
Theoretical Implications…………………………………………78
Pedagogical Implications………………………………………...79
Limitations of the Study………………………………………….80
Generalization of the Findings from this Study…………..…80
Assumptions………………………………………………… 81
Recommendations for Future Research………………………….81


Appendix A School List………………………………………….90
Appendix B The Scale for Back Translation …………………….91
Appendix C The Scale for Expert Validity Submitted to the two Elementary Teachers……………………96

Appendix D The Scale for Expert Validity Submitted to the Two Experts……101
Appendix E The Scale for the Pilot Study...……………………109
Appendix F English version of the Scale for the Pilot Study……112
Appendix G Tables for the Pilot Study……………………………………115
Appendix H The Scale for the Formal Study……………………………121
Appendix I English version of the Scale for the Formal Study…124
Appendix J The Items on FLAGS in the Formal Study…………127
Appendix K The Items on SPECSS in the Formal Study…………………128
Appendix L Tables for the mean of single item on SPECSS
and FLAGS…………………………………………………129
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