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Author (Eng.):Meng-Shien Li
Title (Eng.):The effects of the strength and capacity of acid rain on heavy metal leaching potential in contaminated sites
Advisor:許正一許正一 author reflink
advisor (eng):Zeng-Yei Hseu
Narrow Field:工程學門
Detailed Field:環境工程學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2007
Graduated Academic Year:95
number of pages:136
keyword (chi):酸雨重金屬土壤淋洗污染場址
keyword (eng):acid rainheavy metalsoilleachingcontaminated site
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  • Cited Cited :5
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酸雨是全球性的環境污染問題,而在台灣高溫多雨的環境下,發生酸雨的機率為70-80%,同時重金屬污染場址從調查評估乃至整治完成需曠日費時,所以在酸雨的淋洗下,污染物是否會因而溶出並造成地下水的污染,是值得探討的。本論文以三種基本性質差異甚大之污染土壤(粘質地之老埤、壤質地之彰化及砂質地之萬丹土壤)管柱進行不同強度酸雨(pH 5.6、4.0、3.5、3.0、2.5)之淋洗,累計收集10個孔隙體積(pore volume、PV)淋洗液,以瞭解不同酸雨容量下土壤淋洗液中的污染物濃度變化。另外,將污染土壤浸泡於酸雨中,以模擬污染場址於滲透性不佳時土壤水中污染物濃度之變化。實驗結果顯示,老埤土壤pH值較低(pH 4.1)且因鎘污染時間短,故其較萬丹與彰化土壤的溶出量高,同時在各種酸雨強度及容量下均已超過地下水管制標準(0.05 mg/L)。鉻的移動性差且在還原狀態下以三價鉻為主,因此在萬丹土壤的高pH值下易形成氫氧化鉻沉澱,以致於淋洗液中濃度較低。至於銅、鎳與鋅皆為彰化土壤的溶出量較高。鉛的移動性慢,但在污染時間較長之萬丹與彰化土壤其溶出量均不及污染時間較短的老埤土壤。
Acid rain has been a globally environmental issue. The probability of acid rain is 70-80 % through out rain events in Taiwan. Therefore、the lands contaminated with heavy metals need long time for survey、evaluation and announcement as contaminated sites. Under acid rain leaching、the heavy metals could be leached into groundwater. The objectives of study are to conduct three contrasting contaminated soils (fine-textured Lopi soil、medium textured Changhua soil and sand-textured Wandan soil) for evaluating heavy metal levels in the leacheates from soil column under simulated acid rain with different strength (pH 6.5、5.6、4.0、3.5、3.0 and 2.5) and capacity (10 pore volumes). However、the soil water was collected to analyze from the submergence of the study soils. The experimental results indicated that the Cd concentrations in the leachates from Wandan and Changhua soils were always lower than those from Lopi soil、which contaminated age and pH were low. Additionally、Cd level in the leacheate from Lopi soil was over the control standard of groundwater in Taiwan (0.05 mg/L). However、three valent Cr is predominant in reduced condition and Cr3+ decreased at high pH was completely precipitated as Cr(OH)3 in Wandan soil. The concentrations of Cu、Ni and Zn in the leachates were the highest in changhua soil. Due to Pb is low immobile、the Pb concentrations in the leachates from Wandan and Changhua soils were lower than those from Lopi soil、because the former two soils have been contaminated for much longer time.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第1章 前言 1
1.1研究緣起 1
1.2研究目的 1
第2章 文獻回顧 2
2.1酸雨簡介 2
2.2酸雨之成因 2
2.3酸雨之危害 3
2.4酸雨之研究 4
2.4.1台灣酸雨之研究 4
2.4.2國際酸雨之研究 7
2.5台灣土壤重金屬污染調查 8
2.6重金屬污染場址判定與整治 9
2.7台灣地區重金屬污染來源 10
2.8一般土壤中重金屬之含量 11
2.9重金屬危害 12
2.9.1鎘 12
2.9.2鉻 12
2.9.3銅 12
2.9.4鎳 13
2.9.5鉛 13
2.9.6鋅 13
2.10重金屬於土壤中之行為 13
2.11經酸雨淋洗土壤重金屬於土壤中移動之影響因素 15
2.11.1酸雨強度與容量 15
2.11.2重金屬存在於土壤中之型態 15
2.11.3土壤pH值 16
2.11.4土壤質地與粘土礦物 16
2.11.5土壤有機質含量 16
2.11.6陽離子交換容量 16
2.11.7鐵鋁錳氧化物 16
第3章 材料與方法 19
3.1 供試土壤之採集與前處理 19
3.2 供試土壤基本性質分析 19
3.2.1 pH值 19
3.2.2粒徑分析 19
3.2.3飽和導水度 20
3.2.4陽離子交換容量 22
3.2.5有機碳含量 22
3.2.6游離鐵、鋁、錳 23
3.2.7供試土壤之陰離子測定 23
3.2.8供試土壤之重金屬全量分析 23
3.2.9事業廢棄物毒性特性溶出程式 24
3.2.10 DTPA可萃取量 24
3.3土壤管柱淋洗試驗 24
3.3.1土壤管柱之裝填 24
3.3.2人工酸雨之配製 24
3.3.3土壤管柱淋洗與浸泡 25
3.3.4土壤管柱淋洗試驗分析項目 27
第4章 結果與討論 28
4.1供試土壤之基本理化性質 28
4.2有害事業廢棄物毒性特性溶出試驗 30
4.3 DTPA可萃取量 30
4.4人工酸雨之化學組成 31
4.5土壤管柱淋洗 31
4.5.1鎘在不同pH值之酸雨淋洗的累積溶出量 31
4.5.2鉻在不同pH值之酸雨淋洗的累積溶出量 36
4.5.3銅在不同pH值之酸雨淋洗的累積溶出量 40
4.5.4鎳在不同pH值之酸雨淋洗的累積溶出量 43
4.5.5鉛在不同pH值之酸雨淋洗的累積溶出量 47
4.5.6鋅在不同pH值之酸雨淋洗的累積溶出量 50
4.5.7氯在不同pH值之酸雨淋洗的累積溶出量 57
4.5.8硫酸根在不同pH值之酸雨淋洗的累積溶出量 59
4.5.9硝酸態氮在不同pH值之酸雨淋洗的累積溶出量 61
4.5.10銨態氮在不同pH值之酸雨淋洗的累積溶出量 63
4.6土壤管柱浸泡 65
4.6.1鎘在不同pH值之酸雨浸泡下的溶出量 65
4.6.2鉻在不同pH值之酸雨浸泡下的溶出量 69
4.6.3銅在不同pH值之酸雨浸泡下的溶出量 74
4.6.4鎳在不同pH值之酸雨浸泡下的溶出量 78
4.6.5鉛在不同pH值之酸雨浸泡下的溶出量 81
4.6.6鋅在不同pH值之酸雨浸泡下的溶出量 85
4.6.7氯在不同pH值之酸雨浸泡下的溶出量 91
4.6.8硫酸根在不同pH值之酸雨浸泡下的溶出量 92
4.6.9硝酸態氮在不同pH值之酸雨浸泡下的溶出量 94
4.6.10銨態氮在不同pH值之酸雨浸泡下的溶出量 96
第5章 結論與建議 98
5.1 結論 98
5.2 建議 99
參考文獻 100
附錄 106
作者簡介 122
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1. The Study of Risk Assessment Framework on Cadmium Pollution in Soils by Using Geographical Information System
2. Influence of Acid Pricipitation on Leachate from Landfill of Incinerator Bottom Ashes
3. Cations leaching from Lien-Hua-Chi watershed forest soil treated by simulated acid rain solutions
4. Evaluating bioavailability of heavy metals in twenty-two soils of Taiwan by chemical extractions and uptake by Chinese cabbage
5. Temporal variation of soil ion concentrations and effect of simulated acid rain solutions on leaching soil cations at diffferent vegetations of the Ta-Ta-Chia region
6. Evaluation of Legume Growth in the Arsenic Polluted Acid Soil Using Various pH Soils Amendments
7. Investigation of Phosphorous Removal in River Water with Basic Oxygen Furnace Slag
8. Investigation of Heavy Metal Accumulation and Leaching in Farmland Soils Influenced by Irrigated Effluent from Electronic Wastewater
9. Chemical Characterization of Heavy Metal and Organic Matter in Swine Manure Compost and Its Amended Soils
10. Geostatistical Analysis of Soil Heavy Metal Content in Taiwan
11. Phytoextraction of copper , lead and cadmium from polluted soil
12. The assessment for changes of heavy metal contents in soils
13. Estimating Spatial Distribution of Heavy Metals in Soil
14. Comparison of Different Digestion Methods for Heavy Metal Contents Using Soils, Sediments, Composts, Sludges, and Solid Wastes
15. A study on the establishment of heavy metal bearing capacity in soil through the risk assessment and apply to a hazardous waste site
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