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研究生(外文):Chiang, Pei-Chi
論文名稱(外文):Molecular cloning of clottable protein (CP) of the white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei and its transcription under extrinsic influences
指導教授(外文):Cheng, Winton
外文關鍵詞:clottable proteinLitopenaeus vannameipathogentemperaturesalinityammonia
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開放式循環系統的水生動物,例如甲殼類動物,其血液凝固是必要的免疫機制,可使生物體有效的防止受傷或感染後,其體液的流失及微生物的入侵。本研究的主要目的是藉由分子選殖、組織表現及結構,企圖了解白蝦 (Litopenaeus vannamei) 凝固蛋白(clottable protein, CP) 的分子特性,並探討注射溶藻弧菌 (Vibrio alginolyticusc) 後及在不同溫度、鹽度和氨處理下,其血液凝固時間及CP mRNA表現。利用草蝦 (Penaeus monodon) 及淡水螯蝦 (Pacifastacus leniusculus) CP保守胺基酸區域設計引子,以反轉錄-聚合酶鏈鎖反應 (RT-PCR) 由白蝦心臟選殖CP cDNA。基因序列全長為5495 bp 包括1666 個胺基酸的轉譯讀窗及一段14個胺基酸的推測訊號胜肽,其分子量為187.917 kDa、等電點約5.27。白蝦CP序列上發現二個推測胞基質受器 (integrin) 結合區域RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp) 及三個醣基化位置。胺基酸全長序列比對結果顯示,與草蝦及螯蝦之相同性分別為85%和37%。使用RT-PCR與real-time PCR分析,發現白蝦CP在血球、心臟、鰓、肌肉、肝胰臟、類淋巴及腸道中均有表現。白蝦注射病原菌V. alginolyticus 12及24小時後,血液所需凝固時間明顯長於控制組。白蝦血液凝固時間在水溫22及34 ℃下2天,明顯長於28 ℃。7天後,水溫22 ℃的血液凝固時間明顯短於28 ℃,而在34 ℃下的血液凝固時間明顯長於28 ℃。在鹽度35及45 ‰下2及7天,血液凝固時間明顯長於其它鹽度組。白蝦浸泡於5及10 mg l-1氨-氮中7天,血液凝固時間明顯長於控制組及1 mg l-1濃度組。白蝦注射病原菌V. alginolyticus後,血球、肝胰臟和肌肉組織中CP表現量並無顯著差異,心臟CP表現量在注射24小時明顯較高,鰓CP之表現量在6小時明顯降低後,在12小時明顯地提高,在24小時恢復,腸道之CP表現量在第3小時明顯低於控制組、第6小時則恢復,但12小時則明顯高於控制組而24小時則又恢復無顯著差異。白蝦血球CP表現量在22 ℃及34 ℃下2天,會明顯高於28 ℃組,且在34 ℃下之表現量亦大於22 ℃。心臟及肝胰臟CP之表現量在34 ℃下2天,其表現量明顯的增加,但7天後恢復至原來水平。鰓CP之表現量在34 ℃下2天其表現量明顯的降低,但7天後明顯的增加。肌肉之CP表現量在34 ℃下2天,其表現量明顯的增加,但7天後明顯的降低。腸道CP之表現量在34 ℃下2天,其表現量明顯的增加,7天後22 ℃之CP表現量也明顯的增加。白蝦血球CP之表現量在鹽度45 ‰下2天,其表現量明顯的低於其它鹽度組,但7天後恢復至原來水平。心臟CP之表現量在鹽度5 ‰下2天,其表現量明顯的增加,但7天後恢復至原來水平。鰓在鹽度5 ‰下2天,其CP之表現量明顯的增加,但7天後恢復;在鹽度15 ‰下7天後,其表現量明顯的增加。肝胰臟CP之表現量在鹽度35及45 ‰下7天,其表現量明顯的增加。肌肉及腸道CP之表現量各組間及各時段間均無顯著性改變。血球CP之表現量在1、5及10 mg l-1氨-氮中7天,表現量明顯的增加。心臟、鰓及腸道CP之表現量在各組間及各時段間皆無顯著性改變。肝胰臟CP之表現量在1、5及10 mg l-1氨-氮中2天,表現量明顯的高於控制組。肌肉CP之表現量在10 mg l-1氨-氮中2天,其表現量明顯的增加,7天後5 mg l-1及10 mg l-1氨-氮處理組之CP表現量也明顯的增加。
Blood coagulation is an essential immune mechanism for aquatic animals with an open circulatory system such as crustaceans. This research is aimed to comprehend the molecular characteristics of the clottable protein in white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, through molecular cloning of its cDNA and tissues expression, profiles. The expression of CP transcripts under different temperature, salinity and ammonia and post-Vibrio alginolyticusc injection were also investgated. CP cDNA was obtained from the heart of the white shrimp by a reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and rapid amplification of cDNA using oligonucleotide primers based on the CP sequence of tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon, and freshwater crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus. The full-length cDNAs of CP consisted of 5495 bp open reading frame encode 1666 amino acids (aa) with predicted include a 14-aa signal peptide, molecular mass of the mature protein was 187.917 kDa with an estimated pI of 5.27. Two putative integrin binding motif (cell adhesion site), RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp) and three N-glycosylation site were conserved in CP of white shrimp. Sequence comparison showed that CP deduced aa of L. vannamei had overall similarities of 85% and 37% to that of P. monodon and P. leniusculus respectively. Shrimp CP was found to exist in haemocyte, heart, gill, muscle, hepatopancreans, lymph organ and intestine by RT-PCR and real-time PCR. The clotting time of V. alginolyticus injection shrimps are significant longer than un-injection ones at 12 and 24 hours. At 22 and 34 ℃ water temperature for 2 days, the clotting time is significant longer than 28 ℃ treatment, moreover, after 7 days, it is significant shorter at 22 ℃treatment and significant longer at 34 ℃compared to 28 ℃. The clotting time in salinity 35 and 45 ‰ treatment for 2 and 7 days is significant longer than other treatments. When white shrimps expose to 5 and 10 mg l-1 ammonia-N for 7 days, the clotting time is significant longer than 1 mg l-1 and control groups. In V. alginolyticus challenge tests, shrimp CP expression in haemocyte, hepatopancrans and muscle were no significantly, heart CP was sharply increased post 24 h injection, but gill CP and intestine CP expression were down-regulation post 6 and 3 h, respectively, and return to initial levels at 24 and 24 h, respectively. Shrimp were exposed to 22 oC and 34 oC water for 2 days, hemocyte CP of shrimp at 34 oC was higher than shrimp at 22 oC, but both of them were higher than control shrimp at 28 oC. Heart CP and hepatopancreans CP were significantly raised when shrimp to be placed in 34 oC wate for 2 days, but return to initial levels after 7 days. Gill CP expression was significantly decreased after 2 days exposure to 34 oC water, and significantly increased after 7 days. The increment of CP expression was detected in muscle and intestine of shrimp at 34 oC for 2 days, but the graduals decrease of CP expression was detected in muscle of shrimp at 34 oC for 7 days. In salinity trials, heamocyte CP expression was lower than others treatments at 45 ‰ for 2 day, but return to initial levels post 7 days exposure to 45 ‰. Heart CP was down-regulation at 5 ‰ salt water for 2 days, but return to initial levels after 7 days. Shrimp at 15 ‰ salt water for 2 day, its gill CP expression was significantly increased, and a recovery was detected at 7 days. The expression of hepatopancreans CP was increase significantly at 35 and 45‰ for 7 days, and no significant different expression of CP was measured in muscle and intestine. Heamocyte CP expression was significantly increased after exposure to 1, 5 and 10 mg l-1 ammonia-N for 7 days, but no significantly different was found in the tissues of heart, gill and intestine. Up-regulation of CP was detected in shrimp at 1, 5 and 10 mg l-1 ammonia-N for 2 days when compared with control group. Muscle CP of shrimp at 10 mg l-1 ammonia-N for 2 days was increased significantly, and similar up-regulation was also to be found in muscle CP of shrimp at 5 and 10 mg l-1 ammonia-N for 7 days.
Abstract ..........................................................................................................III
圖表目錄 ......................................................................................................XIII
第1章 前言 .....................................................................................................1
第2章 文獻回顧 .............................................................................................4
2.1台灣白蝦養殖現況 4
2.2白蝦的生態 5
2.2.1 白蝦的外型特徵 5
2.2.2白蝦分類系統上的地位 5
2.2.3白蝦對水質與環境的需求 6
2.2.4白蝦之疾病 6
2.3甲殼類防禦機制 8
2.3.1體液性免疫反應 8沉澱素 (precipitins) 9殺菌素 (bactericidins) 9凝集素 (agglutinins or lectins) 9調理素 (opsonins) 9抗微生物胜肽 (inducible antimicrobial peptides) 9抗病毒因子 (antiviral factors) 10血球凝集素 (hemagglutinin) 10
2.3.2細胞性防禦反應 10透明血球 (hyaline cell, HC) 12半顆粒血球 (semi-granular cells, SGC) 12顆粒血球細胞 (granular cell, GC) 12
2.4凝血系統 12
2.4.1無脊椎動物的凝血系統 13
2.4.2甲殼類凝血系統 13
2.5甲殼類動物CP的研究 15
2.6病原感染及外在因子對免疫因子變動之影響 17
2.6.1病原性細菌感染對甲殼類免疫的影響 17
2.6.2水溫對甲殼類免疫的影響 18
2.6.3鹽度對甲殼類免疫的影響 19
2.6.4氮代謝產物對甲殼類免疫的影響 19
第3章 材料與方法 .......................................................................................21
3.1白蝦clottable protein (CP) 基因選殖 21
3.1.1實驗用動物 21
3.1.2全量核醣核酸 (Total RNA) 之萃取 21
3.1.3 CP基因引子 22引子 (primer) 的設計 22退化性引子 (degenerated primer) 的設計 22專一性引子 23
3.1.4反轉錄-聚合酶連鎖反應 (reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, RT-PCR) 24互補去氧核醣核酸之反轉錄之合成 (cDNA synthesis by reverse transcription, RT) 24聚合酵素鏈鎖反應 (polymerase chain reaction, PCR). 25
3.1.5 DNA凝膠電泳分析 26
3.1.6 勝任細胞之製備 (competent cell preparation) 26
3.1.7 DNA重組接合 (ligation) 27
3.1.8 質體轉型 (transformation) 27
3.1.9 選殖株篩選 (screening) 27
3.1.10互補去氧核醣核酸之快速增幅 (rapid amplification of cDNA ends, RACE ) 27互補去氧核醣核酸之5'端區域快速增幅 (5'- rapid amplification of cDNA ends, 5'-RACE) 27互補去氧核醣核酸之3'端區域快速增幅 (3'- rapid amplification of cDNA ends, 3'-RACE) 29
3.1.11核酸序列之分析整理和比對 29
3.1.12 CP基因親緣關係分析 (phylogeny) 30
3.2白蝦CP基因之組織分佈 31
3.2.1 RT-PCR分析CP基因之組織分佈 31
3.2.2 Real-time PCR分析CP基因之組織表現 31
3.3白蝦血液凝固時間試驗 31
3.3.1注射病原性細菌Vibrio alginolyticus及生理食鹽水對 白蝦血液凝固時間之影響 32
3.3.2水溫對白蝦血液凝固時間之影響 32
3.3.3鹽度對白蝦血液凝固時間之影響 32
3.3.4氨對白蝦血液凝固時間之影響 32
3.4相對定量PCR (Relative Real-time quantitation PCR) 33
3.4.1 real-time PCR 專一性引子之設計 33
3.4.2即時聚合酶鏈鎖反應 (real-time quantitation PCR) 33
3.4.3資料分析彙整 35
3.5白蝦CP基因表現 35
3.5.1注射病原性細菌Vibrio alginolyticus及生理食鹽水對 白蝦CP表現量之影響 35
3.5.2水溫對白蝦CP表現量之影響 35
3.5.3鹽度對白蝦CP表現量之影響 35
3.5.4氨對白蝦CP表現量之影響 36
3.6統計分析 36
第4章 結果 ...................................................................................................37
4.1白蝦凝固蛋白 (clottable protein, CP) 基因選殖及序列分析 37
4.2 CP基因親緣關係分析 44
4.3白蝦CP基因之組織分佈 48
4.3.1 RT-PCR分析CP基因之組織分佈 48
4.3.2 Real-time PCR分析CP基因之組織分佈 49
4.4病原感染及外在因子對白蝦血液凝固時間試驗與CP基因表現 量之影響 51
4.4.1注射病原菌Vibrio alginolyticus及生理食鹽水對白蝦血液 凝固時間之影響 51
4.4.2注射病原菌Vibrio alginolyticus及生理食鹽水對白蝦CP 表現量之影響 52
4.4.3水溫對白蝦血液凝固時間之影響 57
4.4.4水溫對白蝦CP表現量之影響 58
4.4.5鹽度對白蝦血液凝固時間之影響 64
4.4.6鹽度對白蝦CP表現量之影響 65
4.4.7氨對白蝦血液凝固時間之影響 70
4.4.8氨對白蝦CP表現量之影響 71
第5章 討論 ...................................................................................................76
5.1白蝦凝固蛋白 (clottable protein, CP) 基因選殖 76
5.2白蝦CP之組織表現 77
5.3病原感染及外在因子對白蝦血液凝固時間和CP基因之表現 78
5.3.1病原菌感染對白蝦免疫的影響 78
5.3.2環境因子對白蝦免疫的影響 80
第6章 結論 ...................................................................................................84
參考文獻 ……….............................................................................................85
附錄一 實驗儀器及器材 ...........................................................................106
附錄二 反應試劑 .......................................................................................107
附錄三 縮寫對照 ………...........................................................................114
附錄四 Map of pCP ® II-TOPO ® .............................................. ……….115
附錄五 蝦類體內免疫系統概圖 ………...................................................116
附錄六 甲殼類凝血系統圖 ………...........................................................117
作者簡介 ………...........................................................................................118
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