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研究生(外文):Chia-Te, Chu
論文名稱(外文):Study on Point Mutation in Insulin-like Growth Factor 2 Gene Associated with Production Performances of Pigs
指導教授(外文):Hsiu-Luan Chang
外文關鍵詞:Insulin-like growth factor 2PigPoint mutationProduction performances
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本研究旨在探討豬隻類胰島素生長因子乙型(insulin-like growth factor 2, IGF2)基因序列點突變對生產性能之影響。應用PCR擴增IGF2之DNA片段,經膠體純化(gel extraction)、連接(ligation)、轉型(transformation)與藍白菌落篩選(blue/white color screening)後,進行基因定序。比對NCBI (AY044828)公布序列,發現位於該基因第七內含子第162個鹼基上有一點突變,G→C (IGF27-G162C)。運用MS-PCR(Mutagenically separated PCR)原理設計合適引子與進行基因型鑑定,計有CC、CG與GG型。基因檢測檢定站完檢232頭藍瑞斯、68頭約克夏與434頭杜洛克豬種,GG基因型頻率分別0.86、1.47與12.21%。杜洛克公豬CC基因型較GG基因型者早達110 kg重(P=0.06)。不分品種比較,CC基因型豬隻有較佳平均隻日增重、較薄背脂與較高選拔指數之趨勢。再者,比較CC及GG純合型之雜交肉豬屠體性狀發現,CC基因型雜交閹公豬之小里肌肉率與較大第10-11肋腰眼肉面積之趨勢;而CC基因型雜交女豬,則有顯著較低脂肪率,以及較高後腿率、瘦肉率和主要部位肉率。結果顯示:豬IGF2第七內含子之第162個鹼基點突變, C→G,不利於生長與屠體性能表現, C交替基因是產肉性能有利基因。杜洛克、藍瑞斯與約克夏豬種之IGF2基因第三內含子第3072個鹼基點突變(IGF23-G3072A)之AA基因型頻率分別為97.47% (423/434)、77.59%(180/232)與72.06%(49/68);其中藍瑞斯與約克夏僅各有一頭GG基因型,而杜洛克則無GG型。品種內不同IGF23-G3072A基因型豬隻生長檢定性能比較顯示,具AA基因型之杜洛克與藍瑞斯,以及AG基因型約克夏豬隻具較薄背脂、達110 kg重日齡較早,且有高的選拔指數之趨勢。同時,AA基因型雜交閹公豬有顯著較高之前腱肉率、里肌肉率和後腿肉率;AA基因型雜交女豬,則具較薄最後肋背脂厚度與較高後腿肉率。綜合上述,台灣豬種IGF23-3072A與IGF27-162C交替基因選留有利於豬生產性狀改進。
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of point mutation in IGF2 gene on meat production related traits in pigs. The PCR product obtained from gDNA fragment amplification was then electrophoreses, followed by gel extraction, ligation, transformation, blue/white color screening and finally the sequencing procedure. After alignment with sequence data (AY044828) of porcine IGF2 gene published in NCBI, the obtained sequence revealed one point mutation (G→C) in position 162 of intron 7 (IGF27-G162C). The IGF27-G162C polymorphism was genotyped by mutagenically separated PCR (MS-PCR) method using appropriate designed primers and CC, CG and GG genotypes were observed. There were 232, 68 and 434 off-test Landrace, Yorkshire and Duroc pigs genotyped and the corresponding frequencies for GG genotype were 0.86、1.47 and 12.21%, respectively.
Within breed comparison, Duroc boars with CC genotype tended to reach 110 kg weight earlier (P=0.06). However, when pooled data was used, CC genotype boars also showed higher average daily gain, thinner backfat thickness and better selection index than those of boars with GG genotype. When comparison was made for carcass traits among crossbred hogs, castrates with CC genotype tended to show heavier tender loin (%) and loin eye area between the 10th and 11th ribs. Crossbred females with CC genotype had significant lower fat%, higher leg muscle%, higher lean mass and major lean mass, in terms of carcass weight. Results indicated that the IGF27-G162 allele had adverse effects on both growth and carcass performances, and the IGF27-162C allele was the favorable allele for the corresponding production performances in pigs. Within this study, the dominant genotype of IGF23-G3072A was AA, which accounted for 97.47% (423/434), 77.59% (180/232) and 72.06% (49/68) in Duroc, Landrace and Yorkshire off-test pigs, respectively. There was only one pig each with GG genotype in Landrace and Yorkshire breeds observed in this study. No Duroc pig with GG genotype was found. When comparison was conducted within breed, Duroc and Landrace pigs with AA genotype, and Yorkshire pigs with AG genotype showed thinner backfat thickness, reached 110 kg off-test weight earlier and higher selection index than those of other genotypes. Castrates with AA genotype tended to have higher shoulder shank muscle (%), loin muscle (%) and leg muscle (%). Crossbred females with AA genotype had significant thinner backfat thickness at the last rib and higher leg muscle (%) In conclusion, both IGF27-162C and IGF23-3072A would be the favorable alleles for production traits improvement in Taiwan pig industry.
摘要 I
Abstract III
誌謝 V
目錄 VI
圖表目錄 IX
壹、前言 1
貳、文獻回顧 3
一、豬隻第二號染色體上數量性狀基因座(QTL)對屠體性能之影響 3
二、豬隻類胰島素生長因子乙型(IGF2)基因介紹 5
(一)基因序列 5
(二)基因調控 10
(三)類胰島素生長因子系統 12
(四)豬隻IGF2表現量 15
(五)點突變 17
1.第二內含子(intron 2) 17
2.第三內含子(intron 3) 20
3.第八內含子(intron 8) 24
參、類胰島素生長因子乙型基因第七內含子(IGF2-intron7)點突變基因型分析試驗 25
一、材料與方法 25
(一)試驗動物 25
(二)基因組DNA萃取 25
(三)DNA定量 25
(四)基因點突變檢測方法 26
1.聚合酶鏈鎖反應-限制酵素片段多態性(PCR-RFLP) 26
(1)引子序列 26
(2)PCR反應液之配置 26
(3)PCR反應條件 26
(4)限制酵素切割作用 26
(5)膠體電泳 27
2.突變點拆離式聚合酶鏈鎖反應(MS-PCR) 27
(1)原理 27
(2)引子設計原則 27
(五)PCR產物純化 29
(六)PCR產物選殖 29
1.DNA黏接作用(ligation) 29
2.轉形作用(transformation) 31
3.質體DNA萃取 31
4.重組質體DNA確認 31
(七)PCR產物之核酸定序分析與序列比對 32
(八)統計分析 32
二、結果與討論 33
(一)IGF2-intron7點突變定序結果 33
(二)應用PCR-RFLP模式分析IGF2-intron7基因型 35
(三)應用MS-PCR模式分析IGF2-intron7基因型 36
1.引子與反應條件 36
(1)引子序列 36
(2)PCR反應液之配置 36
(3)PCR反應條件 36
2.MS-PCR引子專一性測定 37
3.PCR-RFLP與MS-PCR結果比對 39
(四)豬IGF2-intron7基因型對生產性狀之影響 40
肆、類胰島素生長因子乙型基因第三內含子(IGF2-intron3)點突變基因型分析試驗 50
一、材料與方法 50
(一)試驗動物 50
(二)試驗步驟 50
(三)統計分析 50
二、結果與討論 51
(一)應用MS-PCR模式分析IGF2-intron3基因型 51
1.引子與反應條件 51
(1)引子序列 51
(2)PCR反應液之配置 51
(3)PCR反應條件 51
2.MS-PCR引子專一性測定 52
(二)第三內含子點突變多態性定序結果 53
(三)豬IGF2-intron3基因型對生產性狀之影響 55
伍、豬IGF23-G3072A與IGF27-G162C基因型組合效應分析 65
一、對中央檢定公豬生長性能之影響 65
二、對雜交肉豬屠體性能之影響 68
陸、結論 72
參考文獻 76
附錄 86
作者簡介 87
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