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研究生(外文):Chen JanChang
論文名稱(外文):Application of Remote Sensed Technique to Estimate Leaf Chlorophyll Content and Surface Spectral Reflectance
外文關鍵詞:Portable spectroradiometersLeaf chlorophyllVegetation indexSpectral reflectancefuturesystemtaiwandata
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傳統上葉片葉綠素含量的估算可透過破壞性與非破壞性的分析模式求得,以往非破壞性的量測方法大多使用如SPAD-502可攜式葉綠素計來量測,而本文所使用的CM1000葉綠素計乃透過感測葉片自然光反射700 nm與840 nm的波長,來估算植物葉片葉綠素的相對含量亦屬非破壞性的量測模式之一。本研究主要應用CM1000與植物生化分析(丙酮萃取)的模式對於南仁山保護區4種林木(烏心石Michelia formosana、九節木Psychotria rubra、奧氏虎皮楠Daphniphyllum glaucescens、南仁新木薑子Neolitsea hiiranensis)進行葉片葉綠素含量之測量,分析結果將可推導出葉綠素計感測值與實際葉綠素含量的關係,對同一樹種而言,未來將可利用CM1000直接換算出實際的葉綠素含量,如此將可減少生化分析所需的工作時程。透過CM1000與葉片葉色素含量進行迴歸分析,結果得到最佳的估算模式烏心石(R2=0.79)、九節木(R2=0.84)、奧氏虎皮楠(R2=0.90)、南仁新木薑子(R2=0.75)。研究結果顯示利用CM1000非破壞性的量測葉片色素含量之變化進而監測林木生理狀況,為有效且可行的方法;利用上述之研究結果,進而針對台灣墾丁國家公園南仁山保護區內,受地形影響不同樹種間之葉綠素含量與反射光譜之差異進行研究;由於南仁山保護區中,植群與樹種結構之組成受到地形與東北季風影響甚劇,因此以本區域作為研究區域。研究中在反射光譜與葉綠素含量資料收集上使用可攜式光譜儀GER1500與葉綠素計CM1000,應用了數個遙感探測指數作為比較之依據,包含了常態化植生指標(NDVI)、修正後常態化植生指標(mNDVI)、簡單比率植生指數(SR)與修正後簡單比率植生指數(mSR)。研究結果顯示,在上述數個植生指數中以mSR705 nm與mNDVI705 nm對於不同地形之影響有顯著性之差異(P<0.01);而相較於其他指數而言mNDVI705 nm在不同樹種間葉綠素含量與地形影響的關係比較上將更為有效。研究結果發現,修正後之植生指數對於不同地形與樹種間之感測有更為敏感的效果。
本文中另外選取南仁山保護區內4個樹種分別為奧氏虎皮楠(Daphniphyllum glaucescens)、烏心石(Michelia formosana)、紅花八角(Illicium dunnianum)、大葉楠(Machilus kusanoi),探討高光譜資料(植被指數、紅邊光學參數)與森林植被葉綠素含量的關係;依照不同地形分布,分別測定各樹種之地面高光譜反射與葉片中之葉綠素及類胡蘿蔔素含量;並以GER1500感測探求高光譜紅邊(Red Edge Inflection Point; REP)特徵分析與其色素含量之關係,利用統計相關分析方法探討其差異與相關性;研究結果顯示紅邊與葉綠素含量的關係上分別為Daphniphyllum glaucescen (R2=0.508, P<0.000), Michelia formosana(R2=0.667, P<0.000), Illicium dunnianum (R2=0.503, P<0.000) and Machilus kusanoi (R2=0.774, P<0.000)均達到極顯著之相關,證實應用高光譜數據可對於植物葉片葉綠素濃度進行定量之推估。在植被指數與葉綠素含量的關係上其關係性分別為SR705 (R2=0.236, P<0.000),mSR705 (R2=0.5283, P<0.000),NDVI705 (R2=0.265, P<0.000),mNDVI705 (R2=0.573, P<0.000),由該結果發現,mSR與mNDVI於相同樹種的關係係數表現上均較SR與NDVI為高且兩指數間有顯著之差異,結果證實與傳統的寬波段遙感資料相比,高光譜遙感的特點對於植被葉綠素含量的感測特性實屬可行,且確定了植被葉綠素的敏感波段範圍,未來若有更多的高光譜衛星資料可供使用,對於實現快速、簡便、非損傷地評價植生葉綠素含量與健康狀況將是重要的研究發展趨勢。
From the 1970s, the explosion of population, the over-exploitation of natural resources and the fast development of the economy have led to the pollution of environment, the destruction of forests and soil-erosion, which constitute a big threat to the earth’s ecological system. From the beginning of human history up to now, the unsolicited exploitation of natural resources, from cutting trees to mining fossil fuels, has eventually resulted in the deterioration of the ecological system and the annihilation of some partial ecological systems. Because of this, in recent years the studies on ecological system are mostly concerned with sustained development, the diversity of life-forms, the construction method of ecological systems, the anti-disease methods, and some other human precautions, which are meant to further explore into the natural ecological system. Therefore, this thesis focuses on the spectral reflectance and the biochemical analysis of pigments of single leaves through remote sensing, which are based on Nanjenshan Nature Reserve, from which a group of plants are tested for the analysis of the relationship between spectral reflectance and chlorophyll content.
Traditionally, the estimation of leaf chlorophyll content can be carried out using two methods; a destructive biochemical analysis and nondestructive method with portable chlorophyll meter (SPAD-502, Minolta Camera Co. Ltd., Japan). The device used to nondestructively measure the quantity of chlorophyll in leaves was fieldscout CM1000 chlorophyll meter which can sense light at wavelengths of 700 nm and 840 nm. The objective of this study was to use and compare CM1000 chlorophyll meter and acetone extraction (destructive method) methods for determining chlorophyll content in 4 species of leaves from hardwood Michelia formosana, Psychotria rubra, Daphniphyllum glaucescens and Neolitsea hiiranensis. The calculated CM1000 readings positively correlated with total chlorophyll concentration (R2 >0.79, Michelia formosana; R2>0.84, Psychotria rubra; R2>0.9, Daphniphyllum glaucescens; R2>0.78, Neolitsea hiiranensis). The results of this study can be used to estimate the actual leaf chlorophyll content using low costing, less laborious and time-saving procedures.
This study was conducted to investigate variations of leaf chlorophyll content and surface spectral reflectance of different tree species across contrasting terrain in the Nanjenshan Nature Reserve of Kenting National Park, southern Taiwan. Tree species composition and forest types vary because of intense northeast monsoons that are frequent this area. In this study, we used several remote sensing techniques indices; normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), modified normalized difference vegetation index (mNDVI), simple ratio (SR) and modified simple ratio (mSR) to analyze the spectral reflectance data which was collected from portable spectroradiometers - GER 1500, and CM1000 chlorophyll meters to estimate leaf chlorophyll content. The results showed that there were significant differences (P<0.01) only among the modified indices mSR705 and mNDVI705. The index mNDVI705 seemed more sensitive to detect chlorophyll content in a wide range of tree species across a terrain. Among the indices calculated, the mNDVI consistently deviated from the general relationship between chlorophyll content and spectral reflection in different vegetation. The findings indicated that the modified indices were more sensitive to studying different tree species than normalized indices across terrain.
This study mainly explores into the relationship between the hyperspectral dates including vegetation index and red edge optical parameter and the chlorophyll contents of forest plants. Four species are selected from the Nanjenshan Nature Reserve, including Daphniphyllum glaucescens, Michelia formosana, Illicium dunnianum, and Machilus kusanoi. Based on different topographic conditions, the hyperspectral reflectance and the chlorophyll and carotenoid contents are determined, GER1500 is used to explore the relationship between the feature of the hyperspectral REP (Red Edge Inflection Point) and pigment contents and correlation analyzing method based on statistics is adopted to investigate some differences and correlations. The study shows that the relation between REP and chlorophyll content are: Daphniphyllum glaucescen (R2=0.508, P<0.000), Michelia formosana(R2=0.667, P<0.000), Illicium dunnianum (R2=0.503, P<0.000) and Machilus kusanoi (R2=0.774, P<0.000), respectively, which showed the obvious correlation between them, proving that hyperspectral data can be used to estimate the fixed quantity of chlorophyll content of leaves. The correlation between the vegetation index and chlorophyll content were as follows: SR705 (R2=0.236, P<0.000),mSR705 (R2=0.5283, P<0.000),NDVI705 (R2=0.265, P<0.000),mNDVI705 (R2=0.573, P<0.000). From the results we know that, on the basis of correlation coefficient for the same species, mSR and mNDVI are higher than SR and NDVI, and there is a huge difference between those two sets of indices. The result also proves that, compared with traditional broad band remote sensing data, hyperspectral remote sensing is feasible for measuring the chlorophyll content of plants, and it also decides the sensitive wavelength range for chlorophyll contents. In the future, if more hyperspectral materials collected from satellite can be applied, they would be a very important help for assessing vegetations’ chlorophyll contents and their health conditions rapidly, easily, and without damage.
摘 要 I
Abstract IV
誌 謝 VIII
2.1. Plants’ Reflection Spectrum and Physiology 6
2.2. The Relationship between Plant Pigments and Reflection Spectrum 12
2.2.1. Chlorophyll 13
2.2.2. Carotenoids 15
2.3. Remote Sensing and Vegetation Productivity 21
2.4. Ecological and Physiological Studies in Nanjenshan Nature Reserve 24
CHAPTER 3 Evaluation of a Portable Chlorophyll Meter CM1000 to Estimate Chlorophyll Contents in Hardwood Leaves 27
3.1. Introduction 27
3.2. Materials and Methods 28
3.2.1 Leaf sampling 28
3.2.2 CM1000 chlorophyll meter 29
3.2.3. Measurement of chlorophyll content 30
3.3. Data Analysis 31
3.4. Results and Discussions 31
3.4.1. The relationship between the index with chlorophyll meter and the chlorophyll content 31
3.4.2. Analysis of variance for 4 species leaves samples with CM1000 readings and total chlorophyll content 34
3.5. Conclusions 36
CHAPTER 4 Leaf Chlorophyll Content and Surface Spectral Reflectance of Tree Species Along a Terrain Gradient in Kenting National Park of Taiwan 37
4.1. Introduction 37
4.2. Materials and Methods 38
4.2.1. Study area 38
4.2.2. Leaf sampling 40
4.2.3. Reflectance measurements 41
4.2.4. Quantification of chlorophyll 41
4.2.5. Vegetation indices 43
4.2.6. Data analysis 44
4.3. Results and Discussion 44
4.3.1. Vegetation indices and chlorophyll content 44
4.3.2. Terrain effect 47
4.4. Conclusion 49
CHAPTER 5 Correlation Analysis on Vegetation Indices of Tree Leaf Spectral Reflectance and Chlorophyll Content in Kenting National Park of Taiwan 51
5.1. Introduction 51
5.2. Materials and Methods 54
5.2.1. Study area 54
5.2.2. Plant materials 55
5.2.3. Measurement of leaf chlorophyll content and spectral reflectance 55
5.2.4. Data analysis 56
5.3. Results and Discussion 57
5.3.1. Spectral reflectance of four species 58
5.3.2. Relationship between REP and chlorophyll content 61
5.3.3. Vegetation index and chlorophyll content 68
5.3.4. Terrain effects 73
5.4. Conclusions 84
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