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研究生(外文):Wen-ying Hsu
論文名稱(外文):International Norms, Self-Determination and Political Rights: A Hong Kong Case Study
指導教授(外文):Wen-cheng Lin
外文關鍵詞:self-determinationHong Kongright to democracypeaceful democracy
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This dissertation takes a cultural-constructivism socialization approach in analyzing the mutual construction of international human rights norms, theories of self-determination, and changes of Hong Kong’s democratic rights. With survey data on Hong Kong’s political rights before and after 1997, it also investigates the attitudes of the people of Hong Kong toward democratic rights and their impact on the development of Hong Hong’s democratic rights. The results signal that the power of international human rights norms have positive effects on constructing a consciousness of human rights both in China and the world’s community of democracies. Hong Kong’s democratic opposition and international forces are two major agents driving the direction and strength of the socialization of democratic rights in Hong Kong. This dissertation further finds that the different sub-cultures within Hong Kong’s democratic opposition weaken the ability of the democratic movement to reform the institutions of democratic rights in Hong Kong. The results reflect a clear trend that while norms and theories of self-determination are evolving towards adopting the right to internal self-determination as part of the right to democratic governance, the discourse of “peaceful democracy” has been the mainstream for improving democratic rights through the recognition of the right to internal self-determination. This dissertation indicates that the respective discourses on rights to democratic participation within the international community, China, and Hong Kong are adaptive to one another, which contributes to the survival of the unique, autonomous regime of democratic rights in Hong Kong. It concludes that whether or not norms and theories of the right to internal self-determination are legitimized and internalized by the global human rights system will have effects on the further development of the right to democratic participation in Hong Kong and other regions.
第一章 緒論………………………………………………...…1
第一節 研究背景與動機…………………………………………2
第二節 研究問題與目的…………………………………………5
第三節 文獻回顧與檢視…………………………………………7
第四節 研究途徑與方法………………………………………...18

第二章 國際人權規範、自決與民主權利:理論與實際…….35
第一節 自決與民主權利理論發展…...…………………………36
第二節 自決與民主權利國際規範建制…...……………………45
第三節 自決與民主權利國際實踐…...…………………………52

第三章 香港民主權利的建制內涵檢視…………………….61
第一節 香港問題與自決主張歷史緣由...………………………61
第二節 北京政府的自決觀點與香港主權回歸問題...…………68
第三節 北京政府的「一國兩制」政策與香港民主權利建制……….74

第四章 國際行為者對香港民主權利的政策與行為回應.....85
第一節 中國對香港民主參與權利和自決主張回應.………..…85
第二節 英國對香港民主參與權利和自決主張回應.……..……88
第三節 美國對香港民主參與權利和自決主張回應.………..…96
第四節 其他人權體系對香港民主參與權利和自決主張回應……..102

第五章 香港民主權利變遷的文化建構分析.……………..107
第一節 中國對國際民主權利規範的社會化建構論述.………107
第二節 中國對香港民主權利的國際規範社會化建構型態……....119
第三節 自決規範理論與香港社會的民主權利文化建構……….…137

第六章 結論.………………………………………………..153
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