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研究生(外文):Pei-hsiu Shih
論文名稱:台灣產海綿Ircinia formosana天然物研究
論文名稱(外文):Studies on the Natural Products from the Taiwanese Sponge Ircinia formosana
指導教授(外文):Ya-Ching ShenMeng-Hsien Chen
外文關鍵詞:Ircinia formosanaSponge
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本論文主要研究台灣產海綿Ircinia formosana之甲醇/二氯甲烷之萃取物,以矽膠管柱層析和高壓液態層析儀純化後,分離出八個化合物,皆屬於linear C-22-sesterterpenoid骨架,其中包含六個新的天然物,將其命名為irciformonins E~J (1~6),與兩個已知化合物,經比對文獻後得知為irciformonins A和B。
所有化合物的結構解析是利用ㄧ維及二維核磁共振圖譜(1D-NMR and 2D-NMR)、旋光(optical rotation)、紅外光光譜(IR)、紫外光光譜(UV)及高解析質譜(high resolution mass spectrum)和比對相關文獻來鑑定。立體結構的判定則是以MM2、NOESY圖譜和比對相關文獻來判定的。
Six new compounds, irciformonins E~J (1~6), were isolated from CH2Cl2/MeOH extract of the sponge Ircinia formosana collected in Taiwan, toghther with two known compounds, irciformonins A and B. These compounds possess a linear C-22-sesterterpenoids type skeleton.
The structures of all compounds were elucidated by spectroscopic analysis including 1D and 2D-NMR, optical rotation, IR, UV and high resolution mass spectra, as well as comparison with those in references. The stereochemistry of these compounds were determined by NOESY experiments, MM2 minimized energy, as well as comparison with those in references.
The structures of all compounds possess a furan ring, a five membered lactone ring , and three methyl groups. Compounds 1 and 2 are geometric isomers. The differences between them are the substituents of the methoxyl group and the double bond. Compounds 1 and 2 possess substituents of the methoxyl group at C-10 and C-12 and have the double bond at C-11/C-12 and C-10/C-11. The differences between compounds 3 and 6 are the functional groups of the acetyl moeity and the double bond. Compound 3 has an acetyl group at C-12. Compounds 3 and 6 contain two double bonds at C-10/C-11 and C-11/C-12. Compound 4 has a cyclopentane between C-12~C-15 and a ketone group at C-10 while compound 5 possesses two acetyl groups at C-10 and C-15 positions.
壹、 緒論
ㄧ、前言 1
二、文獻回顧 3
三、研究動機 17
貳、 材料與方法
ㄧ、樣品採集 18
二、分離流程 19
參、 實驗結果
ㄧ、化合物結構解析 28
1. Irciformonin E (1)之化學結構解析 28
2. Irciformonin F (2)之化學結構解析 38
3. Irciformonin G (3)之化學結構解析 47
4. Irciformonin H (4)之化學結構解析 56
5. Irciformonin I (5)之化學結構解析 65
6. Irciformonin J (6)之化學結構解析 74
肆、結論 82
伍、參考文獻 86
ㄧ、化合物1之八種MM2最低能量模型排列 88
二、化合物1~6之物理資料 92
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