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研究生(外文):Dai-Jie Huang
論文名稱(外文):A Novel Electronic Ballast with Repeatedly Resonanting Ignition Circuit for Metal Halide Lamps
指導教授(外文):Chin-Sien Moo
外文關鍵詞:Repeatedly Resonating Ignition CircuitMetal Halide LampElectronic Ballast
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In this thesis, a novel electronic ballast that includes a repeatedly resonating ignition circuit is proposed for metal halide lamps. The proposed electronic ballast features a two-stage structure that comprises a power factor corrector and a full-bridge inverter used for current control, filtering and ignition.
The full-bridge inverter consists of a leg operating at low-frequency with unidirectional switches and a leg operating at high frequency with bidirectional switches. The low-frequency side performs repetitive resonating on the load circuit with inductors and capacitors to accumulate a high voltage for ignition. Adjusting the duty-ratio of the high-frequency side allows for the regulation of the lamp current. The inductors and capacitors in the load circuit function not only producing the high ignition voltage but also filtering out high-frequency components, so that to drive the lamp with a low-frequency square-wave current.
The proposed electronic ballast employing the full-bridge inverter with the specially designed control scheme and circuit parameters allows the metal halide lamp to tackle the demanding starting transient and steady state operation. With a simpler circuit structure and a reduced component count, the product cost will be much lower.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目錄 III
圖表目錄 V
第一章 簡介 1
1-1研究動機 1
1-2論文大綱 3
第二章 複金屬燈電子安定器架構分析 5
2-1電磁耦合式安定器 5
2-2電子安定器 6
第三章 點火器基本架構分析及設計 13
3-1點火器基本架構探討 13
3-2返覆諧振點火器設計概念 15
第四章 返覆共振累積高壓之點火器 22
4-1電子安定器架構 22
4-2高壓累積分析 24
4-2-1全橋換流器初始正序操作(S1導通、S4高頻切換) 27
4-2-2全橋換流器負序操作(S2導通、S3高頻切換) 28
4-2-3全橋換流器正序操作(S1導通、S4高頻切換) 29
4-3點火電路模擬 36
第五章 安定器穩定操作特性 37
5-1電路操作分析 37
5-2濾波電路分析 38
5-3電路參數設計 44
5-4穩定操作模擬 46
第六章 實驗量測 50
6-1點火電路高壓累積量測 50
6-2電路穩態特性量測 53
第七章 結論與討論 58
參考文獻 60
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