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研究生(外文):Tsai-fu Hsu
論文名稱(外文):The Development Strategy of the Embedded Controls Panel Industry -The Research Based on A CompanyBest regards
指導教授(外文):Iuan-yuan Lu
外文關鍵詞:Embedded controls panel
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1. 透過市場調查、產品、顧客行為模式的反覆探討,擬定公司整體發展策略,明確律定企業經營模式及發展方向。
2. 對內藉由管理手法,落實公司基本及核心競爭力的建構,提升企業經營體質。
3. 對外依據全球佈局策略規劃,配合產品生命週期管理,垂直及水平行銷之操作,穩健擴張事業版圖。
The Embedded controls panel belongs to the components, in the terminal product overhead construction, forever is a supporting role, but actually is occupying the indispensable core status. Under division of labor system, in view of the fact that the product characteristic, the system industry cannot meddle in the design and the manufacture, also because its may the support be widespread, is industry which belongs specialized also may independently develop. Technical progress, effective promotion technology with producing energy, but has an inevitable phenomenon, will be in this stage that supply will surpass demand, but attacks each industry.
The Embedded control panel industry not exceptional entered the Warring States time, the potential has certainly to have many physique to be worse, to be unable properly to adjust the suitable same business to be able to swallow in competition sea. This tendency is unable to keep off, where but doesn''t have red sea to have the blue sea, the crisis is the favorable turn time, starts an undertaking leader which has not been able to become the market, now actually also is becomes market Challenger the turning point.
Company''s energy is limited, must the effective utilization, therefore must be able thoroughly understand the market, discovered customer''s real demand, the fixed industry development tendency, according to strengthens the company competitive ability, it can stand in this market to the invincible position, in is stable strives for the development. Is the management essence in the layout, how this research goal repeatedly carefully examining the market, the product and the customer after the discussion document company, draws up the effective feasible whole development strategy, again penetrates the company interior the reform, of competitive ability the strengthened product, innovates, uniquely promotes good reputation in the global Embedded controls panel competitive market.
The research the main conclusion is as follows:
1. Penetrates the market investigation, the product, the customer behavior pattern repeatedly discussion, draws up the company whole development strategy, is clear about the limits enterprise to manage the pattern and the development direction.
2. To in affiliation by the management technique, the realization company is basic and the core competitive ability constructs the construction, the promotion enterprise manages the physique.
3. Foreign rests on the global layout strategy plan, the coordinate product life cycle management, vertical and operation horizontal marketing, steady expands the enterprise domain.
致謝詞 I
中文摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究範圍 2
第四節 研究方法與流程 2
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 利基市場定義 4
第二節 客戶行為模式分析 6
第三節 市場區隔與特性 9
第四節 資源基礎理論 14
第五節 策略理論探討 20
第六節 全球化契機 24
第七節 市場行銷策略規則 25
第三章 研究設計 32
第一節 産業生態及生存利基之研究架構 32
第二節 個案研究法簡介 33
第三節 選定研究個案 33
第四節 研究限制 34
第四章 產業市場分析 35
第一節 市場發展歷史 35
第二節 全球市場分佈與發展趨勢 38
第三節 産品生命週期管理及行銷模式 45
第四節 產品特性 50
第五章 個案A公司經營模式及能量探討 54
第一節 個案A公司經營模式之分析 54
第二節 個案A公司資源探討 63
第三節 企業內部配合作為 67
第六章 結論與建議 71
第一節 結論 71
第二節 後續研究之建議 75
參考文獻 78
中文部分 78
英文部分 79

表2-1 策略性資源之內涵 17
表2-2 產品–市場矩陣 21
表2-3 Rumelt 多角化策略分類表 24
表4-1 控制器產業市場區隔分析 40
表5-1 資源整合與分工能力表 59
表5-2 個案公司能源運用分類表 65
表5-2 個案公司能源運用分類表(續) 66
表5-3 個案公司SWOT 分析 70

圖1-1 研究流程圖 3
圖2-1 生存利基架構 6
圖2-2 組織資源樹狀圖 15
圖2-3 組織獲利的主要來源 16
圖2-4 企業成長方式 22
圖3-1 産業生態研究架構 32
圖 5-1 可行性策略方案 61
圖 5-2 資源建構與運用之發展模式 63
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