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研究生(外文):Chih-Hsing Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of the Integrated Design of Light Guide and Diffusion Structures on the Uniformity of the Backlight Module
指導教授(外文):Chi-Hui Chien
外文關鍵詞:backlightlight guidev-cut
  • 被引用被引用:6
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結構,即V-cut 導光板。V-cut 導光板雖然能有效利用光源能量,但
有效改善V-Cut 導光板均勻度不佳之情形。首先,在導光板下表面中
以省去擴散膜的使用,節省成本。最後,本研究以7 吋背光模組模擬
Recently, the novel development of light guide is V-cut light guide
which integrate the micro-prisms on the top and bottom surface of the
light guide. Although the V-cut light guide can use the energy of light
source efficiently, its uniformity is lower than the traditional scattering
dots light guide. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to improve the
low uniformity phenomenon of V-cut light guide. First, this study designs
three micro-structures on the bottom surface of light guide, and analyzes
the influences of shape and geometric parameters of each micro-structure
on the luminous flux enhancement. Then, on the top surface of light guide,
the micro-lens are modeled which includes the scattering characteristic of
diffuser in order to improve the backlight uniformity. It can achieve the
effect of diffuser does through the design of scattering micro-lens, so it
can save the cost of diffuser. Finally, the integrated design of 7 inches
light guide and diffusion structures was simulated by using commercial
software LightTools, and the result shows that the backlight uniformity
can achieve 90.6%.

Contents i
List of Tables iii
List of Figures iv
摘要 vii
Abstract viii
Nomenclature ix
Chapter1 Introduction 1
1.1 Foreword 1
1.2 Components of Backlight 2
1.3 Literatures Review 6
1.3.1 Integrated Light Guides 6
1.3.2 Dot Pattern Designs 7
1.3.3 Refinements of Reflector 8
1.3.4 Material Components of Diffuser 9
1.4 Research Objectives 9
1.5 Content Frame 10
Chapter2 Fundamental Theories 17
2.1 LightTools Software 17
2.2 Reflection 19
2.3 Refration 20
2.4 Photometry Units 21
Chapter3 Research Method 26
3.1 Verification of Backlight Module 26
3.2 Design of Backlight Dimensions 26
3.3 Selection of Micro-structures 27
3.4 Prism Sheet with Rounded Vertices 31
3.5 Definition of Backlight Uuiformity 31
Chapter4 Results and Discussions 41
4.1 The Design of Bottom Surface of the Light Guide 41
4.2 The Design of Top Surface of the Light Guide 43
4.3 The Covers of Different Micro-structures 45
4.4 The Improvement of Backlight Uniformity 47
4.5 Comparisons of Three Integrated Designs 50
4.6 Revision of Prism Sheet 51
Chapter5 Conclusions and Future Prospect 71
5.1 Conclusions 71
5.2 Future Prospect 72
References 74
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