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研究生(外文):Lee Feng Meei
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Psychosocial Stress and Social Support on Burden among Caregivers of Major Psychosis Adolescents
指導教授(外文):Rong Jiin Ru
外文關鍵詞:Psychosis AdolescentCaregiverPsychosocial StressSocial Support NetworkCaregiver Burden
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研究結果如下:(1)主要照顧者多為青少年精神病患之父母,平均年齡47.3歲(SD= 7.5),以女性居多佔66.1%、男性佔33.9%,六成具高中教育程度,八成與配偶、青少年病患及其他家人同住,擔負家庭生計之工作。有八成以上之主要照顧者自覺健康狀況良好,近九成照顧者呈現中度生活壓力,能維持社會互動並有適當社會支持網絡。主要照顧者平均所承擔治療活動之照顧壓力為10.73(SD= 3.44, Range: 5~20),承擔疾病照顧之年數平均為3.71年(SD = 2.10),住院次數平均為1.22次(SD= 1.74),有六成青少年精神病患目前仍持續就學或就業工作中。(2)青少年精神病患之主要照顧者之人口學變項雖有差別,但人口學變項並不影響生活壓力、承擔治療活動之照顧壓力、社會支持與照顧負荷等主要研究變項。(3)照顧負荷與承擔治療活動之照顧壓力呈正相關,社會支持網絡與生活壓力照顧負荷呈負相關,但照顧負荷與生活壓力無顯著相關。(4)承擔治療活動之照顧壓力與社會支持程度對照顧負荷之解釋力為32.5%(F(3,55)=10.30,p<.001),其中以承擔治療活動之照顧壓力(βS= .50, t= 4.56, p < .001)對照顧負荷之影響最為明顯;承擔治療活動之照顧壓力與社會支持網絡均對照顧負荷有直接之影響,但社會支持網絡無法交互修飾承擔治療活動之照顧壓力對照顧負荷之影響。
This study was grounded on theories of stress and social support to explore the relationship between psychosocial stress, social support and the burden among caregivers of psychosis adolescents. The main purpose of this study is to define the significant predictors for caregiver burden and to find out the effect of social support network to the removal of caregiver burden.
As a cross-sectional study, data was collected from convenience sampling by 59 face-to-face interviews and questionnaires including, the Demographic Questionnaire, the Caregiving Stress Questionnnaire, the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS), the Lubben Social Network Scale (LSNS), and the Caregiver Burden Inventory (CBI). The collected data were analyzed by test of independence, analysis of variance, pearson and Spearman correlation, and multiple regression analysis.
Findings showed that most of the caregivers were females (66.1%), 93.2% of them were adolescents’ parents, and their average age was 47.3+ 7.5 years, 59% of caregivers were graduated from high schools, 84.7% of them remained married. They supported their family, and took care of their psychosis adolescents at their homes. Eighty-one percents of caregivers believed they were in good health conditions. Eighty-six percents of them had moderate psychosocial stress but they felt they could manage to maintain the network of social support system. Data revealed that caregivers received caregiving stress up to 10.73 (SD= 3.44, Range: 5~20). They spent at least 3.71 years (SD = 2.10) to take care of psychosis adolescents. And the psychosis adolescents were sent to hospital at least 1.22 times during the periods of illness.
After analyzing the relationship between variables, the findings showed that it was no significantly different between the caregiver of demography among perceived health conditions, caregiving stress, psychosocial stress, social support network and burden.
There was positive correlation among caregiving stress and caregiver burden, and were negative correlation among psychosocial stress, caregiver burden and social support network. There was no correlation between psychosocial stress and caregiver burden. Satisfaction of caregiving stress and social support network were the predictor of burden in caregivers of psychosis adolescents, especially the caregiving stress (βS= .50, t= 4.56, p < .001). These predictors explained 32.5% (F(3,55)=10.30,p<.001) variance of caregiver burden. The findings indicated that caregiving stress has direct positive effect on caregiver burden, and social support network has direct negative effect on caregiver burden. However, social support network has no moderating effect between caregiving stress and caregiver burden.
目 錄
誌謝------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ⅰ~Ⅱ
中文摘要------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ⅲ~Ⅳ
英文摘要------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ⅴ~Ⅵ
目錄------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ⅶ~Ⅷ
圖表目錄------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ⅸ

第一章 緒論
第一節 問題背景與研究之重要性---------------------------------------- 1~5
第二節 研究目的------------------------------------------------------------- 6
第二章 文獻查證
第一節 青少年精神病概論------------------------------------------------- 7~13
第二節 青少年精神病患主要照顧者的照顧負荷---------------------- 14~20
第三節 青少年精神病患主要照顧者的生活壓力---------------------- 21~24
第四節 社會支持與照顧負荷---------------------------------------------- 25~29
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究架構-------------------------------------------------------------- 30
第二節 研究假設-------------------------------------------------------------- 31
第三節 名詞界定-------------------------------------------------------------- 32~33
第四節 研究設計-------------------------------------------------------------- 34
第五節 研究對象-------------------------------------------------------------- 35
第六節 研究工具和信度、效度檢定-------------------------------------- 36~39
第七節 資料來源與收集方式----------------------------------------------- 40~41
第八節 研究的倫理考量----------------------------------------------------- 42
第九節 資料處理與分析方法----------------------------------------------- 43~44
第四章 研究結果
第一節 主要照顧者人口學屬性、自覺健康狀況、承擔治療活動之照顧壓力、生活壓力、社會支持網絡與照顧負荷之描述-------------------------------------------------45~53
第二節 主要照顧者人口學屬性、自覺健康狀況、承擔治療活動之照顧壓力、生活壓力、社會支持網絡、照顧負荷之差異性--------------------------------------------------------------------------

第三節 主要照顧者人口學屬性、自覺健康狀況、承擔治療活動之照顧壓力、生活壓力、社會支持網絡與照顧負荷之相關性--------------------------------------------------------------------------

第四節 青少年精神病患之主要照顧者的人口學屬性、自覺健康狀況、承擔治療活動之照顧壓力、生活壓力、社會支持網絡與照顧負荷等變項對照顧負荷的影響---------------------------

第五章 討論與結論
第一節 討論--------------------------------------------------------------------- 62~68
第二節 結論--------------------------------------------------------------------- 69~70
第六章 研究限制與建議
第一節 研究限制-------------------------------------------------------------- 71
第二節 研究建議-------------------------------------------------------------- 72~73
中文部分-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74~80
英文部分-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 80~87

附錄一 研究同意書------------------------------------------------------------ 88
附錄二 量表使用同意書----------------------------------------------------- 89~90
附錄三 研究問卷--------------------------------------------------------------- 91~96

圖 表 目 錄 頁數
圖一 研究架構---------------------------------------------------------------------- 30
圖二 研究概念圖------------------------------------------------------------------- 70

表一 研究變項測量與工具描述------------------------------------------------- 36
表二 研究工具信度分析---------------------------------------------------------- 39
表三 主要照顧者人口學屬性、自覺健康狀況、生活壓力和社會支持網絡之描述性分析------------------------------------------------------------- 49
表四 承擔治療活動之照顧壓力之描述性分析------------------------------- 50
表五 生活壓力發生情形---------------------------------------------------------- 51
表六 照顧負荷之描述性分析--------------------------------------------------- 52
表七 照顧負荷之相依樣本單因子變異數分析------------------------------ 53
表八 自覺健康狀況、生活壓力在主要照顧者人口學屬性不同組別間之差異性分析-------------------------------------------------------------------
表九 承擔照顧活動之照顧壓力、社會支持網絡在主要照顧者人口學屬性不同組別間之差異性分析---------------------------------------------
表十 照顧負荷在主要照顧者人口學屬性不同組別間之差異性分析---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
表十一 照顧負荷與各變項間之相關性距陣----------------------------------- 59
表十二 主要照顧者之社會支持網絡交互修飾承擔治療活動之照顧壓力對照顧負荷影響----------------------------------------------------------
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