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研究生(外文):Chao, Wan-Ching
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Perceived Nursing Work Environment on Nurse’s Intention to Leave
指導教授(外文):Hsieh, Pi-Ching
外文關鍵詞:nursing work environmentintention to leave
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結果:以因素分析主成分直交轉軸法(Orthogonal rotations)萃取出:專業實務、專業發展、專業標準、人力與資源、醫護合作、行政主管支持、護理人員能力之七個構面,共解釋護理工作環境45.2%的變異量。在控制個人屬性後,「專業發展」(= -.14, p=.002)與「行政主管支持」(= -.11, p=.005)共解釋醫院離職傾向的8%變異量;「專業實務」(= .10, p=.043)與「行政主管支持」(= -.18, p=.000)共解釋護理專業離職傾向的6%之變異量。
Objective: To examine the impact of perceived nursing work environment on nurse’s intention to leave of regional teaching hospitals in Taipei County.
Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted for collecting data from 1632 nurses who were met the criteria of selection. The respondents were 1461 with a response rate of 89.5%. Two measurements adapting from Aiken and Patrician’s Revised Nursing Work Index (NWI-R) and Price’s Intention to leave were used.
Results: Seven factors were extracted and accounted for 45.2% variance of nursing work environment by factor analysis with an orthogonal rotation, such as professional practice, professional development, professional standard, staffing and resource adequacy, nurse-physician collaboration, supportive nurse manager, and nursing competence. After controlling demographic variables, results from multiple regression indicated that professional development (= -.14, p=.002) and supportive nurse manager (= -.11, p=.005) accounted for 8% variance of intention to leave the current hospital. Professional practice (= .10, p=.043) and supportive nurse manager (= -.18, p=.000) explained 6% variance of intention to leave the nursing professional.
Conclusions: Supportive nurse manager was an important predictor for nurses’ intention to leave the current hospital and the nursing professional. Although small variances of intention to leave were generated from this study, it is a good start to initiate investigation of perception of nursing work environment through the NWI-R in Taiwan. Future research is needed to evaluate the validity and reliability of the NWI-R among other nurses from different ownership hospitals and to understand the nursing work environment.
誌 謝

目 錄


表目錄 Ⅶ
第一章 緒論

第一節 研究背景與動機----------------------------------------

第二節 問題陳述----------------------------------------------
第三節 研究目的----------------------------------------------

第四節 研究問題----------------------------------------------

第五節 研究重要性--------------------------------------------

第二章 文獻探討

第一節 護理人員離職傾向之相關因素----------------------------

第二節 護理執業環境的特性與測量工具--------------------------

第三節 護理執業環境與護理人員離職傾向之關係------------------

第四節 研究概念架構------------------------------------------

第三章 研究設計與方法

第一節 研究設計與研究對象------------------------------------

第二節 研究工具----------------------------------------------

第三節 資料收集過程------------------------------------------

第四節 資料分析----------------------------------------------

第五節 倫理考量----------------------------------------------

第六節 總結--------------------------------------------------


第一節 研究工具效度和信度分析--------------------------------

第二節 研究樣本特性及分佈------------------------------------

第三節 護理工作環境與離職傾向之描述性分析--------------------

第四節 各研究變項間之相關性分析------------------------------

第五節 護理工作環境與離職傾向之推論性統計--------------------

第六節 總結--------------------------------------------------

第五章 結論、討論與建議
第一節 結論與討論--------------------------------------------

第二節 研究限制----------------------------------------------

第三節 研究結果之應用與建議----------------------------------


附錄一研究問卷使用同意書---------------------------------------- 114
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