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研究生(外文):Tsai Fang Wei
外文關鍵詞:Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Systemsfamily communicationfamily cohesionfamily adaptabilitybirth ordersibling
  • 被引用被引用:72
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This paper aims to investigate the relation between “Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Systems” and “Loneliness” of university students to discover the differences between such relation in sexes, birth order, sibling relationship, living situation and the education backgrounds of parents. A total of 704 college students both in Taichung City and County were invited to participate in this study. “Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales”, “Parent-Adolescent Communication Scales” and “Loneliness Scales” were adopted as the research methods in this study to facilitate the investigation. The results are summarized as below:

1. In the “Son vs. Father” section of parent-adolescent communication, college students of different birth orders have presented discrepancies in the quality of communication with their father. Students having different sibling relationships have also acknowledged discrepancies in the quality of communication with their father. Those having the closest sibling relationships displayed the best communication quality with their father, while a fair communication quality were acknowledged by those having ordinary sibling relationships and the worst result came from those having aloof sibling relationships.

2. In the “Son vs. Mother” section of parent-adolescent communication, students of different sibling relationships have also acknowledged discrepancies in the quality of communication with their mother. Those having the closest sibling relationships presented the best communication quality with their mother, while a fair communication quality were acknowledged by those having ordinary sibling relationships and the worst result came from those having aloof sibling relationships.

3. In family cohesion section, females had stronger senses of family cohesion than males and the first child had stronger senses of family cohesion than the last child. Those who do not have any siblings presented higher family cohesion than those who have experienced aloof sibling relationships. The highest family cohesion came from those who have close sibling relationships, while a fair family cohesion was recognized from those having ordinary sibling relationships and the worst result came from those having aloof sibling relationships. Among the subjects, different education backgrounds of their father and mother also experienced dissimilar senses of family cohesion.

4. In family adaptability, students of different birth order displayed different family adaptability. Students being the only child of their family presented higher family adaptability than those who have experienced aloof sibling relationships. The highest sense of family adaptability came from those whose sibling relationships are intimate, those having ordinary sibling relationships being the second while the lowest outcome was from those having aloof sibling relationships.

5. In Loneliness, different sexes experienced dissimilar loneliness; male students sensed higher loneliness than female ones. Students of discrepant sibling relationships displayed different levels of loneliness. Among which those experiencing aloof sibling relationships had the highest level of loneliness, those having ordinary sibling relationships being the second while the lowest outcome was from those having close sibling relationships.

6. The correlation between Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Systems and Loneliness: family communication, family cohesion and family adaptability all displayed a negative correlation with loneliness.

7. Prediction of loneliness: “Family communication” is the strongest predicting factor, and then following “Sibling relationship”, “Sex”, “Family cohesion” and “Family adaptability”, accounting 16.4% of the variation of predicable loneliness.

It is hoped that the results of this study would provide the educational and counseling staff with helpful suggestions for further research.
目 錄

第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的…………………………………………………1
第二節 研究問題與假設…………………………………………………4
第三節 名詞釋義…………………………………………………………6

第二章 文獻探討
第一節 圓型模式理論之內涵與相關研究………………………………11
第二節 寂寞的定義與內涵………………………………………………26
第三節 寂寞的原因與因應策略…………………………………………36
第四節 親子互動模式與寂寞感之關係…………………………………48
第五節 背景變項、親子互動模式與寂寞感之關係……………………52

第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究架構…………………………………………………………59
第二節 研究對象…………………………………………………………61
第三節 研究工具…………………………………………………………64
第四節 研究程序…………………………………………………………69
第五節 資料處理與分析…………………………………………………73

第四章 研究結果與討論
第一節 不同個人背景變項在親子互動模式之差異……………………75
第二節 不同個人背景變項在寂寞感之差異……………………………94
第三節 親子互動模式與寂寞感之相關……………………………… 101
第四節 個人背景變項、親子互動模式對寂寞感之預測分析……… 105

第五章 結論與建議
第一節 結論…………………………………………………………… 109
第二節 建議…………………………………………………………… 112

參考文獻……………………………………………………………………… 117
附錄一 親子互動評估量表………………………………………………… 123
附錄二 寂寞量表…………………………………………………………… 127

圖 目 錄

圖2-1 家庭圓型模式圖…………………………………………………………13
圖2-2 家庭類型圖………………………………………………………………18
圖2-3 三向度的家庭圓型模式圖………………………………………………21
圖2-4 Peplau 和 Perlman的寂寞研究架構…………………………………45
圖3-1 研究架構圖………………………………………………………………59
圖3-2 研究流程圖………………………………………………………………70

表 目 錄

表2-1 家庭凝聚力向度之相關概念…………………………………………14
表2-2 家庭調適力向度之相關概念…………………………………………16
表2-3 原量表於家庭凝聚力、家庭調適力層次之分類依據………………19
表2-4 圓型模式之家庭凝聚力、調適力及親子溝通三向度之相關概念…23
表2-5 寂寞類別表……………………………………………………………30
表2-6 寂寞感理論取向比較之摘要表………………………………………33
表2-7 孤獨、寂寞、獨處之比較……………………………………………36
表2-8 寂寞因應策略表………………………………………………………43
表2-9 寂寞因應策略分類表…………………………………………………44
表2-10 寂寞感受的內涵………………………………………………………46
表2-11 寂寞的原因……………………………………………………………47
表2-12 針對寂寞的反應………………………………………………………47
表3-1 各校樣本人數表………………………………………………………62
表3-2 本研究樣本個人背景變項之次數分配表……………………………63
表4-1-1 不同性別之大學生對父、母親溝通品質之變異數分析………… 76
表4-1-2 不同出生序之大學生對父、母親溝通品質之變異數分析……… 76
表4-1-3 不同手足關係之大學生對父親溝通品質之變異數分析……………77
表4-1-4 不同手足關係之大學生對母親溝通品質之變異數分析……………77
表4-1-5 不同居住情形之大學生對父、母親溝通品質之變異數分析………78
表4-1-6 父親教育程度不同之大學生對父、母親溝通品質
表4-1-7 母親教育程度不同之大學生對父、母親溝通品質
表4-1-8 不同性別大學生知覺之家庭凝聚力變異數分析……………………83
表4-1-9 不同出生序之大學生知覺之家庭凝聚力變異數分析………………84
表4-1-10 不同手足關係之大學生知覺之家庭凝聚力變異數分析……………84
表4-1-11 不同居住情形之大學生知覺之家庭凝聚力變異數分析……………85
表4-1-12 父親教育程度不同之大學生知覺之家庭凝聚力變異數分析………86
表4-1-13 母親教育程度不同之大學生知覺之家庭凝聚力變異數分析………86
表4-1-14 不同性別之大學生知覺之家庭調適力變異數分析…………………89
表4-1-15 不同出生序之大學生知覺之家庭調適力變異數分析………………89
表4-1-16 不同手足關係之大學生知覺之家庭調適力變異數分析……………90
表4-1-17 不同居住情形之大學生知覺之家庭調適力變異數分析……………91
表4-1-18 父親教育程度不同之大學生知覺之家庭調適力變異數分析………91
表4-1-19 母親教育程度不同之大學生知覺之家庭調適力變異數分析………92
表4-2-1 不同性別之大學生寂寞感之變異數分析……………………………94
表4-2-2 不同出生序之大學生寂寞感之變異數分析…………………………95
表4-2-3 不同手足關係之大學生寂寞感之變異數分析………………………95
表4-2-4 不同居住情形之大學生寂寞感之變異數分析………………………96
表4-2-5 父親教育程度不同之大學生寂寞感之變異數分析…………………97
表4-2-6 母親教育程度不同之大學生寂寞感之變異數分析…………………97
表4-3-1 親子互動模式與寂寞感之相關…………………………………… 101
表4-4-1 個人背景變項、親子互動模式對寂寞感之迴歸分析摘要表…… 106
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