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研究生(外文):Yu-Lun Chueh
論文名稱(外文):Synthesis and Characterization of Tantalum Silicide and Refractory Metal-Oxide Nanostructures
指導教授(外文):Li-Jen Chou
外文關鍵詞:Refractory Metal-OxideTantalum SilicideNanostructures
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本篇論文以設計及合成新穎奈米材料為主題,著重於奈米材料合成及奈米材料結構上分析鑑定,主要研究奈米材料分類如下:(1)低維度金屬及半導體矽化物材料; (2)半導體矽奈米線; (3)低維度金屬氧化物奈米材料。由於這些材料都具有金屬及半導體性質,因此探索奈米特性與現象對於這些奈米材料物理性質為此論文討論重點。
再者,在金屬氧化物方面,本論文亦涵蓋了下列幾項奈米材料:(1)二氧化矽/五氧化二鉭之同軸結構及五氧化二鉭一維奈米線、管; (2)二氧化三鐵及四氧化三鐵一維奈米線; (3)金屬性二氧化釕一維奈米線及二氧化釕/二氧化鈦同軸結構; (4)氧化鋅及磷化鋅一維奈米線。而本論文嘗試探討這些奈米材料之合成 、結構分析及鑑定並試圖找出尺寸及形貌對於各種物理性質如光電、機械及 場發射性質量測上的影響,並製作簡易奈米元件探索未來工程上之可能應用。
The theme of this dissertation mainly focuses on following nano-materials: (1) silicide, (2) silicon, and (3) metal oxide. Basically, they possess two different kinds of properties, namely, metallic and semiconducting properties, which can be applied in various applications. For silicide materials, we try to synthesize the semiconducting feature of β-FeSi2 thin film/nanodots on Si and SiGe virtual substrates for application at light emitting device and discuss on how the effect of morphologies and dimensionality for these nanodots can influence their optical properties. In addition, by in-situ annealing FeSi2 nanodots grown on Si and SiGe alloy virtual substrates, the taper- and rod-like Si nanowires are successfully synthesized. The possible growth mechanisms are discussed in detail based on the SLS and OAG for taper-like SiNWs and VLS for rod-like SiNWs.
Furthermore, metal silicides have many interesting properties, such as high melting temperature, superb thermal stability and low resistivity. In this thesis, we utilized an innovative method to synthesize the metallic TaSi2 nanowires by annealing FeSi2 and NiSi2 films and nanodots on Si substrate in an ambient containing Ta vapor at a pressure lower than 1×10-6 Torr. The growth mechanisms are illustrated and the electrical, mechanical, magnetic, field-emission properties are measured as well.
For the metal oxide nanomaterials, we focus on synthesis of various functional metal oxide nanomaterials as follows: (1) SiO2/Ta2O5 core-shell and Ta2O5 nanotube as well as nanowires, (2) Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 NW, (3) RuO2 and RuO2/TiO2 core-shell NW, (3) The Zn3P2 and ZnO NW for various applications. The studies for these functional metal oxide nanomaterials mainly focus on synthesis, microstrucutre characterizations, and functional measurements, including optical, mechanical, magnetic, and field-emission properties. Device fabrications and testing for these nanomaterials are carried out as well. The results show the great potential of these nanomaterials in future applications.
Contents I
Acknowledgements VIII
List of Acronyms and Abbreviations XIV
Chapter 1 Introduction of Light-Emitting Iron Silicide 1
1.1 Materials for Light Emitting Application 1
1.1.1 Porous Si 2
1.1.2 Nanocrystalline Si 2
1.1.3 Erbium-Doped Si 2
1.1.4 Si/Insulator Superlattice Structures 3
1.2 Introduction of Iron Disilicide 3
1.3 ��-FeSi2 in Light-Emitting Diode 4
Chapter 2 Development of Nanotechnology 14
2.1 Nanoscale Science and Technology 14
2.2 Synthesis Methods of Nanowires and Growth Mechanism 15
2.2.1 Vapor-Liquid-Solid Growth Mechanism 16
2.2.2 Solution-Liquid-Solid Growth Mechanism 18
2.2.3 Solid-Liquid-Solid Growth Mechanism 19
2.2.3 Vapor-Solid Growth Mechanism 20
2.2.4 Oxide-Assisted Growth Mechanism 21
2.3 Scope and Aim of the Thesis 23
Chapter 3 Experimental Procedures 35
3.1 The Growth Procedures of Iron Film 40
3.1.1 Initial Wafer Cleaning 40
3.1.2 The Film Deposition 40
3.1.3 In-situ Ultimate High Vacuum Thermal Annealing 41
3.1.4 Thermal Annealing and Rapid Thermal Annealing 41
3.2 The Setup of a Ta Vapor from the Ta Filament for Synthesis of TaSi2 nanowires 41
3.3 Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Observation 42
3.3.1 Preparation of Planview Samples 42
3.3.2 Preparation of Cross-Sectional Samples 42
3.3.2 Preparation of Nanowires Samples for Transmission Electron Microscopy Observation 43
3.4 Transmission Electron Microscopy Observation 43
3.5 Energy Dispersion Spectrometer (EDS) Analysis 44
3.6 Electron Energy Loss Spectrum (EELS) Analysis 45
3.7 Electron Holography Analysis [3.1] 47
3.8 Scanning Electron Microscopy Observation 50
3.9 Sheet Resistance Measurements 50
3.11 Glancing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction Analysis 51
3.12 Precise Location of Nanowires and Measurement of the I-V Characteristic 52
3.12.1 Chip Cleaning and Sample Preparation 52
3.12.2 Locating Positions of Nanowires 52
3.12.3 Defining the Contact Electrodes and Side-Gate Electrodes 52
3.12.4 Photoresist Spin Coating and Soft Baking 53
3.12.5 Electron Beam Lithography 53
3.12.6 Development 53
3.12.7 Thermal Evaporation 53
3.12.8 Lift Off Process 54
3.13 I-V Characterization at Low Temperature 54
3.14 Field-Emission Characterization Measurements 54
3.15 Photoluminescence (PL) Analysis 55
3.16 Cathodoluminescence (CL) Analysis 55
Cheap 4 Characterization of β-FeSi2 : Epitaxy Growth on Si (001) and Solid Reaction on SiGe Alloy Substrate 58
4.1 Epitaxy of High Quality β-FeSi2 Films on Si (001) by Intercalated Ti Layer 58
4.1.1 Motivation 58
4.1.2 Experimental Procedures 59
4.1.3 Results and Conclusion 60 Phase Identification 60 Microstructure Analysis 61 Effect Heat of Formation (EHF) Model 63 Summary and Conclusions 65
4.2 Solid Phase Reactions between Fe Thin Films and Si-Ge Layers on Si Substrates 66
4.2.1 Motivation 66
4.2.2 Experimental Procedures 67
4.3.3 Results and Conclusion 68 Sheet Resistance Measurements 68 Phase Identification 68 Microstructure Analysis 69
4.3.4 Summary and Conclusion 71
Chapter 5 Light Emitting β-Fe(SiXGe1-X)2 Nanodots on Si and Si0.8Ge0.2 Substrates 92
5.1 Motivation 92
5.2 Experimental Procedures 93
5.3 Results and Conclusion 94
5.3.1 Synthesis of β-FeSi2 Nanodots on Si Substrate 94
5.3.2 Synthesis of β-Fe(SiXGe1-X)2 Nanodots on a-Si/Si0.8Ge0.2 Substrate 95
5.3.3 Synthsis of β-Fe(SiXGe1-X)2 Nanodots on e-Si/ Si0.8Ge0.2 Substrate 96
5.4 Summary and Conclusion 99
Chapter 6 Synthesis and characterization of Taper- and Rod-like Si nanowires on SiXGe1-X substrates 111
6.1 Motivation 111
6.2 Experimental Procedures 112
6.3 Results and Conclusion 113
6.3.1 taper-like silicon nanowires 113
6.3.2 Rod-like Silicon Nanowires 114
6.3.3 Growth Mechanism of Taper- and Rod-like Silicon Nanowires 115
6.3.4 Characterization of Taper and Rod-like Silicon Nanowires 118
6.3.4 Summary and Conclusion 120
Chapter 7 Synthesis and Characterization of Metallic TaSi2 Nanowires 131
7.1 Motivation 131
7.2 Experimental Procedures 132
7.3 Results and Conclusion 134
7.3.1 Synthesis of TaSi2 Nanowirs by FeSi2 Thin Film and Nandots 134
7.3.2 Synthesis of TaSi2 Nanowirs by Thin NiSi2 Film and Nandots 136
7.3.3 Growth Mechanism of TaSi2 Nanowire Induced by FeSi2 and NiSi2 Films and Nanodots 138
7.3.4 Field-Emission properties of TaSi2 nanowires Induced by FeSi2, NiSi2 Thin Films and Nanodots 143
7.3.6 Electric Characterization of TaSi2 Single Crystal Nanowires 149
7.3.7 Magnetic Properties of TaSi2 Nanowires 152
7.3.8 Mechanical Properties of TaSi2 Nanowires 155
7.4 Summary and Conclusion 157
Chapter 8 Synthesis and Characterization of SiO2/Ta2O5 Core-Shell Nanowire and Nanotube 185
8.1 Motivation 185
8.2 Experimental Procedures 186
8.3 Results and Conclusion 188
8.3.1 SiO2/Ta2O5 Co-Shell Structure 188
8.3.2 Synthesis of Ta2O5 Nanotube and Nanowires 192
8.3.4 Characterization of SiO2/Ta2O5 Co-Shell, Ta2O5 Nanotube, and Ta2O5 Nanowires 194
8.3.5 Field-Emission Properties of Ta2O5 Nanotube 196
8.4 Summary and Conclusion 197
Chapter 9 Systematic Study on the Growth of the Aligned Arrays of α-Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 Nanowires by a Vapor-Solid Process 214
9.1 Motivation 214
9.2 Experimental Procedures 215
9.3 Results and Conclusion 217
9.3.1 Effect of Alloyed Substrates on the Synthesis of α-Fe2O3 NWs 217
9.3.2 Dependence of Growth Morphologies of α-Fe2O3 NWs on the Local Substrate Environment 219
9.3.3 Microstructure and EELS Analysis of the Samples 220
9.3.4 Influence of Gas Flow Rate 223
9.3.5 Influence of Growth Temperature 225
9.3.6 Reducing Fe2O3 NWs to Fe3O4 NWs by a Reduction Process 225
9.3.7 In-Situ Phase Transformation from α-Fe2O3 NW to of Fe3O4 NW 227
9.3.8 Property Characterization 228 Magnetic Properties 229 Field-Emission Properties of α-Fe2O3 230
9.4 Summary and Conclusion 232
Chapter 10 P-type α-Fe2O3 Nanowire and its N-type Transition at Reductive Ambient 250
10.1 Motivation 250
10.2 Experimental Procedures 251
10.3 Results and Conclusion 253
10.3.1 Microstructure of Oxygen Vacancies Ordering 253
10.3.2 Electricity of P-type α-Fe2O3 Nanowire 254
10.3.3 Electron Energy Loss Spectrum of P-type α-Fe2O3 Nanowire 256
10.3.4 N-type Transition at Reductive Ambient 257
10.3.5 P-N Type Switch via Inversion Layer 259
10.4 Summary and Conclusion 260
Chapter 11 RuO2 Nanowires and RuO2/TiO2 Core-Shell Nanowires: from Synthesis to Mechanical, Optical, Electrical and Photoconductive Properties 271
11.1 Motivation 271
11.2 Experimental Procedures 272
11.3 Results and Conclusion 273
11.3.1 Crystal Structures 273
11.3.2 Mechanical Properties 275
11.3.3 Optoelectronic Properties 277
11.3.4 Electrical Properties 278
11.3.5 Photoconductivity 280
11.4 Summary and Conclusion 283
Chapter 12 Single-crystalline Zn3P2 Nanostructures: Synthesis, Properties Characterization and Zn3P2/ZnO-Nanoscale Photodiode Application 304
12.1 Motivation 304
12.2 Experimental Procedures 305
12.3 Results and Conclusion 306
12.3.1 Crystal Structures 306
12.3.2 Growth Mechanism of Zn3P2 NW 309
12.3.3 Optoelectronic Properties 310
12.3.4 Photoconductivity 310
12.3.5 Photo-Diode of Heterojunciton of Zn3P2 and ZnO NWs 312
12.4 Summary and Conclusion 317
Chapter 13. Summary and Conclusions 333
13.1 Characterization of β-FeSi2 : Epitaxy Growth on Si (001) and Solid Reaction on SiGe alloy Substrate 333
13.1.1 Epitaxy of High Quality β-FeSi2 Films on Si (001) by 333
13.1.2 Solid Phase Reactions between Fe Thin Films and Si-Ge Layers on Si 333
13.2 Light Emitting β-Fe(SiXGe1-X)2 Nanodots On Si And Si0.8Ge0.2 334
13.3 Synthesis and Characterization of Taper- and Rod-like Si 335
13.4 Synthesis and Characterization of Metallic TaSi2 Nanowires 336
13.6 Systematic Study on the Growth of the Aligned Arrays of α-Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 Nanowires by a Vapor-Solid Process 337
13.7 P-type α-Fe2O3 Nanowire and its N-type Transition at Reductive Ambient 338
13.8 RuO2 Nanowires and RuO2-TiO2 Core-Shelled nanowires: from Synthesis to Mechanical, Optical, Electrical and Photoconductive Properties 338
13.9 Single-Crystalline Zinc Phosphide Nanostructures: Synthesis, Properties Characterization and Nanoscale Photodiode Application 339
Chapter 14 Future Prospects 341
14.1 Multi-layer Light Emitting β-Fe(SiXGe1-X)2 Nanodots Eembedded Inside the Si and Si0.8Ge0.2 Substrate 341
14.2 Si/SiO2 Co-Shell Taper- and Rod-like Si Nanowires on SiXGe1-X Substrates for Nano-Device Vertical Transistor. 341
14.3 Metallic TaSi2 Nanowires for Emitter, Magnetic Device, and Interconnection. 342
14.4 SiO2/Metal Oxide Core-Shell Structure for Application of Light Waveguide 342
14.5 α-Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 Nanowires for Bio-sensor and Spintronic Applications 343
Journal publication list 345
Curruculum Vitate 354
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