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研究生(外文):Kuo Chaug Yi
指導教授(外文):Arnold Chang-Mou Yang
外文關鍵詞:biodegradable polymersemicrystalline polymerpoly lactic acidcraze
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Poly(L-lactic acid)(PLLA)is biodegradable and biocompatible polymer extensively used in bone fixation, drug delivery, and tissue engineering. The purpose of this study attempted to find the mechanical properties by PLLA thin film stretched. It was revealed that there is distinctive nano-mechanical behavior. First, crystallites disperse in PLLA thin film which was observed by atomic force microscope(AFM)and nucleation of crazes is always in the amorphous region between crystallites. Crystallinity could control craze widening, and it depends on PLLA films preparation. In low crystallinity, as strain increases, crystallites deform slightly and some of them were probed in crazes. As crazes growth most crystallites arrangement in crazes is parallel to stretching direction to form chain structure. This chain structure seems due to lamella cleavage arises from stress induced local melting. Violently, high crystallinity limits crazes width almost under 2μm which is smaller than in low crystallite density. The growth of craze sometimes is by small crazes merged together and PLLA film is very though showing no micro fracture at large strains beyond 20%. After stretched, crystallites outside of crazes region deform slightly which was intra-lamellae slip, but the amorphous region is the major deformation region. The craze formation was amorphous dominated but lamellae limit craze extend.
第一章 簡介..............................................1
第二章 文獻回顧..........................................3
2-1-1 PLLA fibers...................................3
2-1-2 PLLA single crystal...........................7
2-3 PHAs的來源、結構、特性與應用......................17
2-4 高分子的降伏機制.................................21
2-3-2剪切形變區(SDZ) .............................24
第三章 實驗方法.........................................26
3-2-1 PLLA薄膜製作方式與拉伸試驗..................26
3-2-2 PLLA薄膜水解方式與拉伸試驗..................29
3-2-3 PHA薄膜製作方式與拉伸試驗...................30
3-3 儀器介紹與分析...................................32
3-3-2 穿透式電子顯微鏡(TEM)分析...................34
3-3-4原子力顯微鏡(Atomic Force microscopy, AFM ) ...38
第四章 結果與討論.......................................48
4-1 不同製程之PLLA薄膜物性分析.......................48
4-1-1 DSC結晶度測試...............................48
4-1-2 低掠角X-ray繞射............................51
4-1-3 紅外光譜(FTIR)分析..........................54
4-2 PLLA薄膜的微觀形變與機械性質......................56
4-2-1 A組的微觀形變與機械性質.....................56
4-2-2 B1組的微觀形變與機械性質....................63
4-2-3 B2組的微觀形變與機械性質....................66
4-3 PLLA薄膜水解之研究與對機械性質之影響..............68
4-3-1 水解對結晶度之影響..........................68
4-3-2 水解對A組機械性質之影響....................74
4-3-3 水解對B1組機械性質之影響...................78
4-3-4 拉伸完再水解之影響..........................81
4-4 PHA薄膜的微觀形變與機械性質......................83
第五章 結論.............................................88
第六章 參考文獻..........................................90
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