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研究生(外文):Ti-Hsu Chen
論文名稱(外文):Statistical Analysis and Corner Modeling of Nanometer Interconnect Technology for Process Variation Modeling
指導教授(外文):Keh-Jeng Chang
外文關鍵詞:Statistical AnalysisCorner ModelinginterconnectProcess Variation
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Undoubtedly interconnect problems in VLSI designs deserve more attention and can no longer be neglected. In order to catch up with trend of System-on-Chip, sub-90nm process technology is introduced for increasing transitor numbers on the chip, off current reduction or low power requirement but also bring some new problems. One of them is process variation. Process variation is an overall challenge below 100 nm, and not just for interconnects. Therefore, analysis with these interconnect variations is the basis of accurate estimation of interconnect performance. Only by well assessment on process variation and continuous reformation on process technology that could improve the chance of successful design.
In this paper, we present a non-destructive inverse modeling copper interconnect process flow which not only provide fast analysis on test structure and provide electrical characterization extraction but also integrate statistical and corner modeling method for metal interconnect manufacturability analysis. Based on our model, we could use silicon data form foundry to diagnose current manufacturing capability and to help analysts making decision between successful fabrication or review problems during process. We also provide sensitivity test helping analysts locate critical factors or eliminate the uninterested factors. This analysis could give assistance for foundry manufacturability and look forward to advanced technology. Conclusions and analysis methods of CMOS process problem diagnosis using the data obtained from test chip are summarized.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
特別誌謝 iii
ContentsList of Figures iv
List of Figures v
List of Tables vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Previous Work 5
2.1 Test structure and test chip 5
2.2 Test structure Generator 7
2.3 Neumann Boundary 8
2.4 Comb-meander 10
2.5 SIPPs 11
2.6 Chemical Mechanical Polishing (CMP) 13
2.7 Monte-Calro Simulation 14
Chapter 3 Proposed Method 15
3.1 Test Chip Project Introduction 15
3.2 Test chip Design and Specification 17
3.3 Test structure Design 18
3.4 Field Solver 21
3.5 Simulation flow 22
3.6 Simulation Methodology 23
3.7 Silicon Measurement 29
3.8 Statistical Analysis 31
Chapter 4 Experiment Result 35
4.1 Analysis system description 35
4.2 Silicon Correlation 35
4.3 Sensitivity Analysis 38
4.4 Corner Model set-up 39
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work 43
Reference: 44
Appendix A: Measure steps for test chip 45
Appendix B: Sensitivity Analysis list of TL#117 DUT 8 48
Appendix C: Raphael input file content 49
Appendix D: VBA program code 58
Appendix E: Corner Model Content for DUT8 64
[1]. Wes Lukaszek, Kai G. Grambow, and Willie J. Yarbrough, “Test Chip Based Approach to Automated Diagnosis of CMOS Yield Problems”, 1990 February.
[2]. Hung-Chih Li, “Nanometer Interconnect Test Structure Generation Software for Comprehensive Process Variation Modeling for SoC Designs”, 2005 June.
[3]. Silvaco, CLEVER Reference Manual, Version 3.6.R, December 2005.
[4]. SYNOPSYS, Raphael Reference Manual, Version 2003.09, September 2003.
[5]. John P. Uyemura, Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
[6]. 詹志禹, 賴世培 “基礎統計應用與EXCEL處理” page 172, 空大, 2005.
[7]. N. Metropolis and S. Ulam. 1949. The Monte Carlo method. Journal of the American Statistical Association 44:335-341.
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