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研究生(外文):Wei-Shun Lee
論文名稱(外文):A Real Time Video Surveillance System with Wireless Sensor Networks
指導教授(外文):Wen-Tsuen Chen
外文關鍵詞:sensorsurveillancevideo camera
  • 被引用被引用:4
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感測器裝置具有體積小和價格便宜,可快速回傳重要資料的特性,使得感測器網路很適合嵌入像建築物、衣物、車子等地方,即時監控和報告我們想知道的資料。所以近幾年來,感測器網路應用的開發成為很熱門的一項研究。如居家環境自動調控、火災逃生系統、位置追蹤和即時犯罪回報系統等。但通常感測器網路回傳的資料只是一些數值,如某處可能溫度異常、建築物有人進入等等。過於單調而資料不足,如果每次都處理可能會花很多不必要的effort,但如果訂立一個 threshold value 來過濾可能無法最即時的處理事件而造成最大的損失。所以我們提出一個系統,將感測器網路結合影像裝置的即時影像監控系統(real-time video surveillance system with sensor network)。這套系統其主要目的是:在一個建築物當中,當有事件發生時,經由感測器網路回報和攝影機的拍攝,可以即時掌握事件的狀態。如此一來,得到的資訊不只是回傳的數值,還包括可供判斷的影像,讓使用者可以快速的判斷並處理事件。事件偵測再加上即時的判斷,讓系統對事件的掌控更新完全。而我們提出的系統,是以 MICAZ mote 所組成的感測器網路做為回報系統,結合攝影機而成的。因為攝影機鏡頭可以擷取到的影像範圍大,而且鏡頭還可以上下左右調整,可視範圍比不能動的 CMOS sensor 大了非常多,最重要的是只要幾台就可以涵蓋整個範圍而不會有死角的問題。因此不但具有無線感測器網路即時回報事件發生的優點,還能夠快速擷取適當影像,提供管理者足夠的資料,來做出適當的應變措施。
One goal of surveillance systems is to collect information about the behavior and position of interested targets in sensing environments. These systems can find applications in fire emergency, security, smart home and agriculture. Recently, surveillance systems combining wireless sensor networks with inexpensive web cameras or high quality Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) cameras have become more and more popular. In traditional video surveillance systems, a number of video cameras are required in order to achieve a desirable system performance. Another shortcoming is that it is not easy to adapt to environmental variations. In this paper, we proposed and implemented an integrated real time video surveillance system consisting of a large number of low cost sensors with a few wireless video cameras. The system allows a group of cooperating sensor devices to detect and track the positions of mobile objects and to report the results to sink nodes in a sensing environment. Then the sink nodes can control the video cameras for taking images of these events to display the present situations. We also propose a camera control scheme to better cover the sensing area and to support coverage allocation of the video cameras. We have implemented the proposed system with 16 sensor nodes and two PTZ wireless video cameras to evaluate the system performance. The result shows that our surveillance system is adaptable to various environments and is capable of providing real time information of the monitored environment
第一章 簡 介……………………………………………………………………1
第二章 網路模型…………………………………………………………………7
第三章 系統設計…………………………………………………………………10
第四章 系統實作…………………………………………………………………14
第五章 效能評估…………………………………………………………………16
第六章 結 論……………………………………………………………………17
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