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研究生(外文):Hui-Ju Yang
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Light Deprivation on Morphological Changes of Ganglion Cells in the Developing Rabbit Retina
指導教授(外文):Chuan-Chin Chiao
外文關鍵詞:retinal ganglion cellsdendritic developmentlight deprivation
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關鍵字: 視網膜節細胞、樹突發育、光照剝奪
Vertebrate retinas are not fully mature after birth, even after eye opening retinal ganglion cells continue undergo dendritic remodeling. It has been well established that visual experience has a great impact on visual system development in the brain. However, it is not certain whether visual experience exerts similar effects on the maturation of ganglion cells in the retina. Here I applied a Diolistic labeling technique to study the dark-reared effect on dendritic morphologies of ganglion cells in the developing rabbit retina. New Zealand White rabbits (p20~ p22) were reared either in the normal light-dark cycle or in the completely dark environment from birth. Ganglion cells in the whole mount retina preparation were randomly labeled with DiI-coated tungsten particles via the gene gun delivery. According to features of the dendritic pattern and stratification, each labeled neuron was assigned into a specific category of ganglion cell types as described previously. Most ganglion cell types were analyzed using the general linear model (GLM) to test the effect of light deprivation on the dendritic area. Overall, there was no significant difference in the dendritic field size between ganglion cells of the normal- and the dark-reared groups (G1, G4 OFF, G7, G9, G10, G11 OFF). Ganglion cell types which did not have enough numbers to compare also reveal the tendency that light experience does not play an important role in the ganglion cell development. Taken together, these results indicate that the influence of visual experience on morphological maturation of ganglion cells may be insignificant in the rabbit retina development. This also implies that the receptive field size of rabbit ganglion cells may mature normally without the stimulation of visual inputs.

Key words: retinal ganglion cells, dendritic development, light deprivation
Table of Contents
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iii
Introduction 1
Materials and Methods 3
1. Animal and retina preparation 3
2. Gene gun labeling 4
3. Image acquisition and measurements of morphological parameters 5
4. Data analysis 6
Results 8
The G7 ganglion cell 8
The G1 ganglion cell 9
The G4 ganglion cell 9
The G5 ganglion cell 9
The G9 ganglion cell 10
The G10 ganglion cell 11
The G11 ganglion cell 11
The unclassified cells 12
Discussion 13
Visual deprivation and retinal development 13
Unbiased sampling of gene gun? 15
Tables 17
Table 1. Summary of cell numbers in all ganglion cell types at P20-22 of rabbit retinas 17
Table 2. Summary of GLM results for comparable ganglion cell types 18
Figures 19
Appendix 29
References 31
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