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Author (Eng.):An-Shih Lee
Title (Eng.):The Study of Chinese Radicals Teaching to Second Grade Students with Problem of Copying
Advisor:楊憲明楊憲明 author reflink
advisor (eng):H.M.Yang
Narrow Field:教育學門
Detailed Field:特殊教育學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2006
Graduated Academic Year:95
number of pages:175
keyword (chi):寫字困難漢字部件教學近端抄寫遠端抄寫抄寫速度抄寫品質
keyword (eng):far-point copyinghandwriting difficultiescopying performanceChinese radicals teachingner-point copyingcopying speed
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  • Cited Cited :44
  • HitsHits:2030
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The purpose of the study is to discuss 1) the influence of the Chinese radicals teaching to second grade students with problem of copying; 2) the influence of the Chinese radicals teaching to second grade students with problem of copying from “near and far side”; 3) the Chinese radicals teaching to second grade students with problem of copying from “far side “when taking standard test; 4) the influence of the Chinese radicals teaching to second grade students with problem of copying performance. The object of the study is second grade students from two elementary schools of Kaohsiung County through “copying from far side”, “reading test”, “reading words and making phrases test” out of the “complex test of reading and writing”. From the selection test we found out 30 students with obvious problem of copying but non-obvious problem of reading ability. 15 students of experiment group receive Chinese radicals teaching and 15 students of control group regular teaching for 12 weeks. Through 2 (different groups) x 2 (measuring step) 2 variants evaluate the interaction of kids with problem on Chinese characters, phrases and short paragraphs copying from near and far side.The t-test was administered to determine the differences of copying performance.The findings are as followed:--
1.Chinese radicals teaching can increase the correctness of characters, phrases and short paragraph copying within limited or unlimited time for students with problem of copying.
2.Chinese radicals teaching can increase the speed of characters and phrases copying within limited or unlimited time for students with problem of copying, and can improve short paragraph copying speed within unlimited time for them, but it can not show any obvious improvement for paragraph copying speed within limited time for them.
3.Chinese radicals teaching can improve the copying achievement and speed in general within limited and unlimited time for students with problem of copying.
4.Chinese radicals teaching can improve the copying ability from near and far side within limited and unlimited time for students with problem of copying.
5.Chinese radicals teaching can improve the copying ability from copying performance within limited and unlimited time for students with problem of copying.
Finally, the researcher discusses the result of the findings and brings out the limits of the study and the suggestions for the future study and teaching.
目 錄 頁次
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………………1
第一節 研究動機…………………………………………………………………1
第二節 研究目的與待答問題……………………………………………………9
第三節 名詞解釋…………………………………………………………………12
第二章 文獻探討…………………………………………………………14
第一節 兒童寫字能力的發展……………………………………………………14
第二節 寫字困難的特徵…………………………………………………………22
第三節 中文字的特徵與錯誤類型分析…………………………………………28
第四節 各種寫字教學法…………………………………………………………38
第三章 研究方法…………………………………………………………48
第一節 研究設計與研究假設……………………………………………………48
第二節 研究對象…………………………………………………………………51
第三節 研究工具…………………………………………………………………52
第四節 研究過程…………………………………………………………………65
第四章 研究結果…………………………………………………………79
第一節 「自編抄寫測驗」各分測驗的抄寫表現…………………………………79
第二節 近端與遠端抄寫能力表現……………………………………………106
第三節 「遠端抄寫測驗」的抄寫表現…………………………………………115
第四節 整體抄寫能力表現 ……………………………………………………118
第五節 整體抄寫速度表現……………………………………………………122
第六節 抄寫品質表現…………………………………………………………127
第五章 研究討論…………………………………………………………………129
第一節 探討漢字部件教學對國小二年級寫字困難兒童抄寫正確率的影響…129
第二節 探討漢字部件教學對國小二年級寫字困難兒童抄寫速度的影響………133

第三節 探討漢字部件教學對國小二年級寫字困難兒童近遠端抄寫能力的影響…138
第四節 探討漢字部件教學對國小二年級寫字困難兒童抄寫品質的影響………139
第六章 結論與建議…………………………………………………………………142
第一節 結論……………………………………………………………………………142
第二節 研究限制與建議………………………………………………………………144
附錄一 近端相似字抄寫測驗(前測)……………………………………………157
附錄二 近端相似字抄寫測驗(後測)……………………………………………158
附錄三 近端非相似字抄寫測驗(前測)…………………………………………159
附錄四 近端非相似字抄寫測驗(後測)…………………………………………160
附錄五 遠端抄寫相似字和非相似字題本(前後測)……………………………161
附錄六 近端熟悉句抄寫測驗(前測題本)………………………………………162
附錄七 近端熟悉句抄寫測驗(後測題本)………………………………………163
附錄八 近端非熟悉句抄寫測驗(前測題本)……………………………………164
附錄九 近端非熟悉句抄寫測驗(後測題本)……………………………………165
附錄十 遠端熟悉句抄寫測驗(前後測題本)……………………………………166
附錄十一 遠端非熟悉句抄寫測驗(前後測題本)…………………………………167
附錄十二 短文抄寫測驗題本(前測)…………………………………………………168
附錄十三 短文抄寫測驗題本(後測)………………………………………………170
附錄十四 家長同意書(蔡文國小)……………………………………………………172
附錄十五 家長同意書(路竹國小)……………………………………………………173
附錄十六 「基本讀寫字綜合測驗」測驗工具使用同意書……………………………174
朱作仁(民73):民94年2月18日,取自:立圻教學研討室/隨筆/學生的閱讀能力/小學生的閱讀能力網頁: http://home.netvigator.com/~foolapki/Essay/reading.html
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楊坤堂(民86):我國國民小學一、三、五年級一般兒童與國語學習障礙兒童書寫語文能力之研究。行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告(NSC 86-2413-H133-004),臺北,臺灣:行政院國家科學委員會。

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1. The Teaching Effects of Radical Recognition Strategy on Word Recognition of Elementary School Students with Learning Disabilities
2. A Comparison of the Story and Expository Writing Products of Learning Disabled and Non-disabled Students at Six Grade Level
3. The cognitive components relating to handwriting performance of students with and without Chinese handwriting difficulties
4. A developmental study of children''''s linguistic strategies in Chinese character recognition
5. The study of handwriting deficit in schoolchildren with developmental coordination disorder
6. A Study on the Cognitive Abilities of the Second-Grade Students with Far-Point Copying Difficulties in Mandarin
7. Discussion on the Visual-Perception and Oher Rlated Fctors for the Children with Writing Difficulties.
8. Action Research on Calligraphy Teaching Present Situation and Strategies-A case study in Hualian H Elementary School
9. The Learning Effects of Meaningful Handwriting Instrutions on the Word Handwriting of Children with Word Handwriting Difficulties
10. The Research of the Effects of Writing Methodology towards the Second Graders with Writing Difficulty
11. Investigation of the handwriting performance by Chinese radicals teaching and character strokes teaching for elementary students of dysgraphia
12. The Study on new-words frequency in Chinese Textbooks of Grade 1-6 Curriculum
13. A Case Study on the Writing Performance of a Student with Mild Mental Retardation and Writing Difficulty
14. The Study on the Effect of Vocabulary instruction Combining Chinese Radical Strategy for Elementary-School Students with Word Recognition Difficulties
1. Investigation of the handwriting performance by Chinese radicals teaching and character strokes teaching for elementary students of dysgraphia
2. The Learning Effects of Meaningful Handwriting Instrutions on the Word Handwriting of Children with Word Handwriting Difficulties
3. The Handwriting Performance of Chinese Radicals Teaching Combination with Multi-sensory Handwriting Instruction on the Students with Mild Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
4. A Case Study on the Writing Performance of a Student with Mild Mental Retardation and Writing Difficulty
5. The comparison of students who with and without Chinese handwriting difficulties in elementary schools on the expression of writing skills at different frequency of character、stroke counts and Chinese character orthography
6. Chinese character component teaching for the elementary second graders' effectiveness of literacy
7. The Teaching Effects of Radical Recognition Strategy on Word Recognition of Elementary School Students with Learning Disabilities
8. The study of the results of remedial instructions on Chinese Radical Recognition Instruction for low achieving second grade elementary students in Chinese
9. The cognitive components relating to handwriting performance of students with and without Chinese handwriting difficulties
11. An Action Research of Using Radical Teaching Method to Improve Chinese Character Writing Efficiency and Motivation for New Female Residents
12. The comparison of the competence of visual perception ,auditory perception, psychomotor skills performance of students with and without Chinese writing difficulties.
13. A Comparative Study of Handwriting Effectiveness of Different Instructional Methods of Chinese Characters on Elementary Students with Learning Disability.
14. The Research of the Effects of Writing Methodology towards the Second Graders with Writing Difficulty
15. The Learning Effects of Chinese Stem-Deriving and Radical Recognition Strategy on Word Recognition of Elementary School Students with Reading Difficulties
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