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外文關鍵詞:International Chemistry OlympiadPractical Task in Organic SynthesisPretestItem Analysis
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一、本屆實作考試有機合成試題鑑別力指數 .45,試題難易度指數 .73,屬於鑑別力優良、難易度中等偏易之試題,符合競賽目的與學術委員會之預期目標;
二、本屆實作考試有機合成試題具有相當高的評分者信度與效標關聯效度,試題品質良好。試題之Cronbach’s α 係數為 .41,解讀時需同時考量試題題數較少、施測對象同質性高,以及設定試題難度為中等偏易等因素之影響;
三、本屆參賽選手實作考試有機合成試題成績,與其實作考試分析試題、理論考試有機試題成績均為低度相關(分別為r = .26,p<.01;r = .38,p<.01),顯示兩道實作試題考驗之實驗技能重複性低,且選手之有機實驗技能受其理論基礎影響低;
This research is the study of the practical task in organic synthesis organized by the academic committee of the 37th International Chemistry Olympiad 2005. Design and administration of the task, scoring the result, and item analysis are reported in this study.
Design of the practical task made by the academic committee was as follows:
1.Choose camphorsulfonic acid as the subject of the practical task.
2.Design the organic synthesis experiment as the task of the practical examination.
3.Quantify the result by scoring with the chemical yield and purity of the product.
4.Pretest for five times. 94 chemistry majors were divided into five groups based on different purposes.
5.Correct the task and the administration process according to the problems found in the pretests. Repeat ‘pretest–correction’for several times.
6.Confirm the scoring criteria according to the results of the pretests.
In the 37th International Chemistry Olympiad, 225 senior high school student competitors from 59 different countries participated in the five-hour practical examination. They are very excellent in chemistry. Based on the scores and item analysis in the examination, the results of this study are as follows:
1.The item discrimination index of the practical task of organic synthesis is .45, and the item difficult index of the task is .73, indicating that the task is proper for this competition with good discrimination and proper difficulty.
2.The practical task of organic synthesis was well qualified with excellent scorer reliability and criterion-related validity. Cronbach’s α is .41, and the effect of fewer task, higher homogeneity of examinees, and higher item difficult index must be taken into consideration as well.
3.Quantitative analyses indicated that significant low correlations existed both between examinees’ practical achievement in organic synthesis and analysis ( r = .26, p<.01 ), and between examinees’ organic chemistry achievement in theory and practical ( r = .38, p<.01 ). These results demonstrated different experimental skills were measured separately, and examinees’ practical achievement was less influenced by theory.
4.The average of the practical task of organic synthesis in this competition was 80.0 with final criterion approved by International Jury; examinees’ score in organic synthesis was high levels. The average changed to 74.3 with authors’ original criterion, and examinees’ score were medium to high levels with better distribution.
According to the results of this research, the practical task of organic synthesis was well designed and modified to meet the purpose of the competition, and to achieve the aim set by the academic committee of this event. Therefore, the design, administration, and the content of the practical task can be used as reference for correlative studies.
目 次
中文摘要…………………………………………………………… i
英文摘要…………………………………………………………… iii
目次………………………………………………………………… v
表次………………………………………………………………… vi
圖次………………………………………………………………… vii
附錄目次…………………………………………………………… viii

第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景…………………………………………….. 1
第二節 研究動機與目的…………………………………….. 2
第三節 名詞釋義…………………………………………….. 3
第四節 研究假設與限制…………………………………….. 5
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 測驗與評量………………………………………….. 6
第二節 實作評量…………………………………………….. 19
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究對象…………………………………………….. 28
第二節 研究流程…………………………………………….. 30
第三節 研究工具…………………………………………….. 34
第四章 研究結果與討論
第一節 實作試題編製……………………………………….. 37
第二節 實作考試之施測流程……………………………….. 70
第三節 實作考試之試題性質與測驗結果分析…………….. 75
第四節 研究討論…………………………………………….. 89
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 結論………………………………………………….. 95
第二節 建議………………………………………………….. 98
參考文獻……………………………………………………... 99
附錄……………………………………………………………. 102

表 次
表 1-1 IChO實作課程綱要的層級分類………………………… 4
表 2-1 效度的意義與考驗的方法……..………………………… 7
表 2-2 各種信度類型與其誤差來源…..………………………… 10
表 2-3 數學成就測驗雙向細目表…..…………………………… 15
表 2-4 觀察工具優缺點列表………..…………………………… 25
表 3-1 鑑別力的評鑑標準…………..…………………………… 35
表 4-1 溶劑系統對還原胺化反應之影響..……………………… 41
表 4-2 影響還原胺化反應時間之因素…..……………………… 42
表 4-3 水洗去除甲酸銨測試結果………..……………………… 43
表 4-4 D,L-苯甘胺酸用量對光學分離反應之影響……………. 45
表 4-5 甲酸銨用量對1H NMR光譜訊號積分之影響…..………. 48
表 4-6 D,L-苯甘胺酸與甲胺酸溶於氘溶劑的穩定度測試……. 50
表 4-7 光學分離產物與雜質對比旋光度之影響……………….. 52
表 4-8 鹽酸濃度對比旋光度之影響…………………………….. 53
表 4-9 溶液濃度對比旋光度之影響…………………………….. 54
表 4-10 環境溫度與儀器穩定度對比旋光度之影響…………….. 56
表 4-11 預試一之待改進項目…………………………………….. 60
表 4-12 超出合理範圍之實驗結果……………………………….. 62
表 4-13 第37屆IChO實作考試實驗一評分標準………………... 68
表 4-14 第37屆IChO實作考試與試務流程……………………... 70
表 4-15 第37屆IChO實作考試實驗一鑑別力與難易度分析…... 76

圖 次
圖 3-1 研究流程圖…………………..…………………………… 30
圖 4-1 實作考試時間分配圖………..…………………………… 39
圖 4-2 步驟一產物與雜質之1H NMR光譜……………………... 47
圖 4-3 步驟一之預試產率分布圖………..……………………… 62
圖 4-4 步驟一之預試產物不純度分布圖……………………….. 63
圖 4-5 步驟二之預試產率分布圖………..……………………… 63
圖 4-6 步驟二之預試產物比旋光度分布圖…………………….. 64
圖 4-7 測驗與效標之平均成績相關圖………………………….. 81
圖 4-8 選手實驗一與實驗二成績相關圖……………………….. 82
圖 4-9 選手有機實驗與理論成績相關圖……………………….. 82
圖 4-10 實驗一1-1小題成績分布圖……….…………………….. 84
圖 4-11 實驗一1-3小題成績分布圖……….…………………….. 85
圖 4-12 實驗一成績分布圖……….……………………...……… 86
圖 4-13 實驗一1-2小題成績分布圖……….…………………….. 87
圖 4-14 實驗一1-4小題成績分布圖……….…………………….. 88
圖 4-15 實驗一1-5小題成績分布圖……….…………………….. 89

附錄一 1968-2005年IChO參賽國一覽表……….………….. 102
附錄二 我國參加23rd ~ 37th IChO競賽情形……….……. 105
附錄三 IChO實作課程綱要………………...…….…………. 107
附錄四 1H NMR圖譜………………...…………...…………. 110
附錄五 預試實驗結果與紀錄…………...……….……….... 121
附錄六 實作有機試題與準備題之課程綱要核對結果…...... 127
附錄七 第37屆IChO實作考試中英文試題…………......... 128
附錄八 第37屆IChO競賽活動行程……………………....... 157
附錄九 第37屆IChO實作有機部分器材藥品清單……....... 160
附錄十 第37屆IChO實作考試試場與選手配置圖……....... 161
附錄十一 第37屆IChO實作考試烘箱登記表與號碼牌範例...... 163
附錄十二 第37屆IChO實作考試監考人員守則…….……...... 165
附錄十三 第37屆IChO實作考試1H NMR圖譜與比旋光度數
據範例……………………………………….……...... 168
附錄十四 第37屆IChO實作考試實驗一成績….…….…........ 170
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