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研究生(外文):Letson Yoyola Phiri
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Taiwan Tilapia Industry Development and Management: Its Implications to Malawi
指導教授(外文):Ching-Ta Chuang
外文關鍵詞:TaiwanTilapia IndustryMalawiDevelopment and Management
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Tilapia Industry is one of the well developed tilapia industries in the world which in Taiwan is based on well integrated management techniques. The study focused on the supply chain management of Taiwan Tilapia Industry in Taiwan which was studied in detail along side the aquaculture industry of Malawi and aims at developing a vibrant aquaculture industry in Malawi through transfer of management of technologies that may be able to meet the needs of both domestic and international markets with numerous aquaculture supporting industries. Case study of Tilapia Company, whose activities involve procurement, distribution, wholesaling and exporting of tilapia fish was examined and also assessing the future market potential of aquaculture fish in Malawi.

Empirical studies show that Taiwan Tilapia Industry is made up of numerous industries specializing in feed, seed (hatchery), aquaculture equipment manufacturing, post-harvesting, processing, trade which are supportive to the industry. The case study was conducted through interviews and on-site observation. Log-linear consumption equation and Maximum Likelihood Estimation Method were applied to estimate elasticity. Results indicate that increase in fish consumption in Malawi is dependent on rural people’s increase in their income and increase in fish price may result in people opting for a substitute product such as beef. Case study reveals that successful tilapia culture development requires the involvement of skillful people that have management skills in different specific industries which implies that for Malawi to develop a successful aquaculture industry it can adopt some of the management techniques from Taiwan. It is suggested that if ways that have led to the successful development of the Taiwan Tilapia Industry are adopted, there will be more positive impacts to Malawi than negatives which in the end will be for the good of the economy and will also have positive contribution to the country’s food security. However, two countries have different economic status, environments and society, and more serious situation is that Malawi lacks enough well trained manpower of which the assistance from Taiwan is strongly recommended.
CHAPTER 1................................................1
1.1 Background and problem statement.............1
1.2 Motivation, hypotheses and expectations......8
1.3 Objectives...................................9
CHAPTER 2...............................................11
2.1 Globe view of aquaculture production........11
2.2 Regional view of aquaculture production.....12
2.3 Country specific view of tilapia production.16
CHAPTER 3 ...............................................20
3.1 Conceptual theory...........................20
3.2 Literature review...........................22
CHAPTER 4 ...............................................26
4.1 Taiwan ......................................26
4.2 Malawi......................................55
4.3 SWOT analysis for taiwan and malawi.........63
CHAPTER 5 ...............................................69
5.1 Statistical analysis........................69
5.2 Empirical or statistical results............72
5.3 Discussion..................................76
5.4 Implications................................80
CHAPTER 6 ...............................................83
6.1 Conclusion..................................83
6.2 Suggestion..................................85
FURTHER RESEARCH........................................87
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