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研究生(外文):Yan-Rong Chen
論文名稱(外文):Oxidation and Thermal Stability of Zr-based Bulk Metallic Glasses
指導教授(外文):Wu. Kai
外文關鍵詞:Oxidationthermal stabilityamorphous
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The oxidation behavior and thermal stability of Zr-based bulk metallic glasses (BMGs), containing Zr53Ni23.5Al23.5(Zr3)and Zr58Cu22Al12Fe8 (Zr4)(in at. %) were studied over the temperature range of interest. The oxidation kinetics followed the multi-stage parabolic rate law, and the oxidation rate constants (kP values) of (Zr3) BMG at T≦500oC and (Zr4) BMG at T≦375℃ increased with temperature, but those values for Zr3 BMG gradually decreased with increasing temperature. It was found that the formation of m-ZrO2 (at T>500℃) was responsible for the reduced oxidation rates, as compared to those of Zr4 BMG.
The scales formed on the BMGs were composed mostly of tetragonal-(t-ZrO2) and monoclinic-ZrO2 (m-ZrO2) and minor Al2O3. The amorphous substrates transformed to crystalline phases were strongly dependent on composition. The crystallization sequence of Zr3 BMG is different from that of Zr4 BMG;the former alloy underwent the first crystallization of ZrNiAl, Zr2Al and Zr2Ni, and, then, followed by the oxidation reaction. Conversely, the Zr4 BMG started to form t-ZrO2, and then, followed by the crystallization of Zr2Cu and Zr2Al, and grow the Zr2Cu and Zr2Fe at the later stage of exposure. In addition, the pressure dependence of Zr3 BMG is nil over the temperature range of 450-500℃, indicating the scales of a typical N-type semi-conducting behavior.
摘要 (中文)…………………………………………I

摘要 (英文)…………………………………………II

目錄 …………………………………………………III

表目錄 …………………………………………………V

圖目錄 …………………………………………………VI

說明 …………………………………………………VII

一、 前言………………………………………………1

二、 文獻回顧…….……………………………………2
2-1 非晶合金研究之回顧………………………………2
2-2 鋯基非晶合金氧化行為研究之回顧………………2
2-3 純鋯氧化行為研究之顧……………………………4
2-4 鋯基非晶合金熱穩定行為研究顧…………………4

三、 實驗方法……………………………………………9
3-1 試片備製……………………………………………9
3-2 示插式熱分析儀實驗………………………………9
3-3 氧化實驗……………………………………………9
3-4 試片顯微分析………………………………………10
3-5 熱穩定分析…………………………………………10
3-5-1 Kissinger分析法……………………………10
3-5-2 Johnson-Mehl-Avrami分析法………………10

四、 結果……………………………………………………15
4-1 氧化溫度範圍與非晶基材之綜合分析………………15
4-2 氧化動力學……………………………………………15
4-3 顯微組織之觀察與組成分析…………………………16
4-3-1 Zr3合金……………………………………16
4-3-2 Zr4合金……………………………………17
4-4 短時間氧化反應……………………………………17
4-5 熱穩定行為分析……………………………………18

五、 討論…………………………………………………50
5-1 鋯基非晶合金之氧化行為…………………………50
5-2 鋯基非晶合金之熱穩定行為………………………52

六、 結論…………………………………………………55

七、 參考文獻……………………………………………56
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