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研究生(外文):Chung-Su Kuo
論文名稱(外文):The population dynamics of rotifer (Brachionus rotundiformis) under different environmental factors
外文關鍵詞:rotiferpopulation dynamics
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摘 要

本實驗主要探討在變異環境因子作用下諸如鹽度以及食物濃度,極小型輪蟲在安氏偽鏢水蚤、短角異劍水蚤以及缺刺秀體水蚤作用下的族群動態變化,而這些環境因子的波動在養殖池內可以普遍觀察到。行單性生殖的輪蟲能夠在短時間內增加族群密度,但食物濃度的限制、鹽度上的波動以及捕食者和競爭者對於輪蟲族群成長會造成極大的影響。因此實驗結合兩種食物濃度(40 x 104、3 x 104 cells/ ml)、四種鹽度(5、10、20、30 psu)以及三種共存浮游動物(Pseudodiaptomus annandalei、Apocyclops royi and Diaphanosoma aspinosum)作用在極小型輪蟲並探討其族群之變化。當食物濃度高時的輪蟲族群密度(3361.81 ind./50ml)大於低食物濃度時的族群密度(666.67 ind./50ml),相似的,高食物濃度時(0.716 day-1)其族群成長率大於低食物濃度時(0.323 day-1);此外,在鹽度10 psu時有最大的族群密度以及族群成長率(2690.98 ind./50ml-1、0.684 day-1)。測試的浮游動物中以安氏偽鏢水蚤對於輪蟲的族群密度以及成長率產生最大的負效應(286.81 ind./50ml-1、0.30 day-1)。背甲大小(背甲體積)在成長階段處在指數成長期(log-phase)以及在成長穩定期(K-phase)時顯示與鹽度呈現負相關;當輪蟲與安氏偽鏢水蚤共存時,輪蟲之背甲明顯大於與其他浮游動物共存或是單獨培養時的背甲。同時成在指數成長期的背甲也大於處在成長穩定期的背甲。高速攝影的觀察也直接的顯示出共存之浮游動物對於輪蟲之直接或間接的影響。

The objective of this study was to understand the effects of the zooplankters, Pseudodiatomus annandalei, Apocyclops royi and Diaphanosoma aspinosum on the population dynamics of the rotifer Brachionus rotundiformis at variable environmental parameters, salinities and trophic conditions. Fluctuations of these parameters have been commonly observed in aquaculture ponds. Parthenogenetic rotifers may incresase population densities within short periods. Food limitations, salinity fluctuations, but also predators and competitors could be important parameters affecting rotifer population growth. Experiments were conducted that combined the effects of algal food concentrations (40 x 104, 3 x 104 cells/ ml), salinity concentrations (5, 10, 20, 30 psu), and co-existing zooplankton (Pseudodiaptomus annandalei, Apocyclops royi and Diaphanosoma aspinosum) on the population growth of the rotifer Brachionus rotundiformis.The results show that high food concentrations provide higher population densities (e.g. 3361.81 ind./ 50ml) than low food concentrations (e.g. 666.67 ind./50ml). Similarly, high food concentration provides high population increase per day (0.623 day-1) and low food concentration probides a lower population increase per day (0.342 day-1). The highest density and population increase were at a salinity of 10 psu (e.g. 2690.98 ind./50ml-1 and 0.684 day-1 respectively). Among zooplankters, P. annandalei had a significant negative effect on rotifer density and population growth per day (e.g. 286.81 ind./50ml-1、-0.21 day-1). The body size(Lorica volume) at log- and K- phases of population growth showed that salinity had a positive relation with the body size of rotifers. When rotifers co-exist with P. annandalei, body size was significantly larger than with other zooplankters or rotifers alone. Rotifers have a bigger size during the log- phase than during in the K- phase. The Hi-cam observations also indicated that rotifers were either directly or indirectly affected by co-existing zooplankters.
目 錄

中文摘要……………………………………………………………... ii
英文摘要……………………………………………………………. .iv
目錄………………………………………………………………….. vi
1-1 具有鹽度變化的生態系—養殖池……………………………2
1-2 鹽度因子對浮游動物的影響…………………………………3
1-3 食物因子對浮游動物的影響…………………………………4
1-4 浮游動物間的交互作用………………………………………5
1-5 輪蟲背甲大小…………………………………………………8
1-6 實驗對象浮游動物簡介......................................................9
2-1 浮游動物養殖………………………………………………13
2-2 馴化…………………………………………………………15
2-3 投餵食物之培養……………………………………………15
2-4 鹽度…………………………………………………………16
2-5 藻類濃度……………………………………………………16
2-6 溫度…………………………………………………………17
2-7 族群成長實驗………………………………………………17
2-8 背甲大小量測………………………………………………18
2-9 統計分析……………………………………………………19
2-10 Fastcam觀察………………………………………………19
3-1 輪蟲族群成長實驗…………………………………………21
3-2 高速攝影……………………………………………………28
4-1 極小型輪蟲族群成長與鹽度的關係………………………33
4-2 極小型輪蟲族群成長與食物濃度的關係…………………34
4-3 浮游動物對輪蟲族群成長的影響…………………………35
4-4 輪蟲成長率以及統計………………………………………37
4-5 輪蟲背甲大小研究…………………………………………39
4-6 高速攝影觀察輪蟲受干擾的情形…………………………41

表 目 錄

three-way ANOVA………………………………………………61
表四、Tukey檢定極小型輪蟲在不同食物濃度下第一天的族群平均 密度……………………………………………………………62
three-way ANOVA…………...……………………………..…64
表十、鹽度、食物及共存浮游動物對極小型輪蟲族群成長第十二天之three-way ANOVA………………………………………………………67

表十四、族群成長率three-way ANOVA………………………………70
表十七、Tukey檢定極小型輪蟲在不同共存浮游動物下的族群成長 率…………………………………………………………………………72
表十八、極小型輪蟲背甲大小之three-way ANOVA…………………73
表二十四、輪蟲與短角異劍水蚤之交互作用:高速攝影之影片片段內 容.………………………………………………………………………77
表二十五、輪蟲與缺刺秀體水蚤之交互作用:高速攝影之影片片段內 容…………………………………………………………………………77

圖 目 錄

圖14、輪蟲在Log-phase 的背甲大小…………………………………90
圖15、輪蟲在K-phase 的背甲大小……………………………………90

附 錄

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