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研究生(外文):Chao-Yang Kuo
論文名稱(外文):Realization of a MIMO 2×2 SUI Channel Simulation on the LabVIEW platform
指導教授(外文):John F. An
中文關鍵詞:LabVIEWKroneckerRayleigh distributionSUI Channel Model
外文關鍵詞:LabVIEWKroneckerRayleigh distributionSUI Channel Model
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無線通訊技術一直朝著高傳輸率,以及較大的通道容量這兩個方向發展。因此,如何有效提昇良好通訊品質,一直是備受關注的焦點。本論文主要是使用美國NI公司發展出的LabVIEW軟體,藉由Kronecker通道模型和Jakes Model之應用,建立呈現瑞利分佈(Rayleigh distribution)之頻率平坦衰落的MIMO通道。接著將四組通道分別帶入SUI(Stanford University Interim) Channel Model環境,在多路徑衰落通道下,改變發射端和接收端天線間交相關係數 (Cross-Correlation Coefficient) ,以及選擇模擬在何種通道電波傳播模式下之SUI Channel Model,產生非平衡性功率共方差矩陣之關係,對誤碼率(BER , Bit Error Rate)之影響。本測試採用Alamouti的時空碼(Space-Time Code)及QPSK之調變信號,並研判BER表現之趨向,來驗證提出之MIMO模擬系統之正確性。同時比較其特徵值,以進一步確認天線間相關聯係數的影響。
Wireless communication technique is developed in two directions which include higher throughput and channel capacity. Therefore, how to improve the communication quality efficiently is a focus all the while. In this study, we use the LabVIEW software developed in American NI company, and apply the Kronecker channel model and Jakes Model to build the MIMO channel. We use the Jakes Model to generate four independent and identically distributed multi-path fading channels, and substitute the four channels into SUI (Stanford University Interim) Channel model environment, as well as change these spatial correlations between antennas of the transmitter and the receiver.
With different SUI channel model and Bit Error Rate (BER) simulations performed using Alamouti Space-Time coding and QPSK (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying) modulation, confirms accuracy of this design.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究方法 2
第二章 LabVIEW系統介紹與通道模擬之建構 4
2.1 LabVIEW系統介紹 4
2.2 通道模擬架構之介紹 6
第三章SUI Channel Models模型介紹 11
3.1 路徑損失(Path loss) 11
3.2多路徑延遲輪廓( Multipath Delay Profile ) 14
3.3 均方根延遲擴展(RMS Delay Spread) 16
第四章 MIMO通道系統組態之建立與結果分析 17
4.1 MIMO天線系統介紹 17
4.2 系統模擬架構介紹與系統模擬執行程序 19
4.3 效能評估與分析 31
第五章 結論 47
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