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研究生(外文):Bao-Ann Chang
論文名稱(外文):Study on Improving of Tanker Ship Safety Management Subjected to Taiwan Chinese Petroleum Own Tanker Ships
指導教授(外文):Chou, Ho-Ping
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油輪由於運載之貨油具爆炸性、污染性及有毒性,因此對運載石油船舶之安全與環保管理採用較高標準。但國內鮮有類似有關油輪安全管理之研究。本研究蒐集國際海事組織及石油公司國際海事論壇頒訂的規定及要求,與台灣中油公司自有油輪之管理文件,使用文獻分析法及實證分析法,做有系統之整合後,發現該公司管理編組應重組,船員招聘政策不當,船岸人員訓練制度有待加強,單層船殼油輪面臨淘汰,公司之管理缺乏國際觀,內外稽核及檢查成效不彰,欠缺風險評估體系與未達到國際環境管理標準ISO 14001/2004。


The International Maritime Organization (IMO) issued the International Safety Management Code (ISM Code) and brought it into force on July 01 1998. This regulation created the model of safety management for merchant marine. Since the implementation of ISM Code, the quality of safety and environment protection has been improved obviously.

The natures of cargoes carried by tanker ships are explosive; polluted and toxic. The higher standard is required on tanker ship’s safety and environment management. There are quiet few studies on this topic in our country. This study collects the relevant updated regulations; requirements and managing documents of Taiwan Chinese Petroleum own tanker ships and utilize document and evidence analysis method. After making systematic integration of all the references discover the management team should be re-organized; improver seafarer’s recruitment policy; both ship and shore personnel training system should be improved; the single hull tanker ship will be totally phased out before 2015;the company’s management is lacking of internationalization; the results of internal / external audits and oil major’s inspection are poor; the risk analysis system has not been included in the management; the international environmental management has not reached to ISO 14001:2004 standards.

The purpose of this thesis is focusing on the non-conformities and deficiencies of Taiwan Chinese Petroleum owned tanker ship and provide suggestions and specific measures stated in appendix to rectify the management system. The result of this research aim to offer valuable references, help oil tanker’s managers to improve the quality of safety and environment management, their international competition ability, and further reach the highest management goal 「Zero Accident and Zero Pollution」.

中文摘要 ……………………………………………………. I
英文摘要 ……………………………………………………. II
目錄 ……………………………………………………. III
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機及目的 ………………………..… 1
第二節 研究範圍與限制 ………………………….. 3
第三節 研究方法及流程 ………………………….. 4
第二章 國際油輪市場之最新規範
第一節 雙層船殼油輪之探討 ………………………. 7
第二節 海事規範性安全評估 ………………………. 21
第三節 國際安全管理章程實施後之成效 …………... 38
第四節 石油公司海事論壇之船舶檢查報告計畫 ……. 45
第三章 油輪管理與自我評估
第一節 油輪管理與自我評估之介紹 ……………… 62
第二節 油輪管理和自我評估之十二項要素 ……… 68
第三節 油輪管理與自我評估指導方針的應用 ……… 86
第四章 如何符合油輪管理與自我評估之要求
第一節 公司管理組織與船員管理之分析與建議 ……. 92
第二節 管理;領導與責任及變更管理 …………. 100
第三節 船舶操作,安全與環保品質之提昇 …………. 103
第四節 意外之調查與緊急應變措施 …………. 112
第五節 船隊之評估與稽核,分析與進步 …………. 114
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 結論 …………………………………………… 117
第二節 建議 …………………………………………… 119

參考文獻 ………………………………………………………. 123
附件 油輪管理與自我評估十二項要素之具體措施 ………….. A -1
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