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研究生(外文):Chen I-Ying
外文關鍵詞:learning cornercooperative playyoung children’s peer interactionmixed-age interactionsame-age interactionthe leader in the playsame-sex peer interactionopposite-sex peer interaction
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The purpose of this research is to investigate the interaction of two targeted children, a boy and a girl, in the learning corners with their peers of mixed-aged and same-aged group during cooperative play. The researcher spent one semester to observe how the boy and the girl played with their peers during cooperative play time in learning corners, and collected 97 cooperative play events. The researcher follows four steps to analyze the play events, including “segmenting the data”, “sorting the data and categorizing”, “forming the structure of categories” and “further analyzing the data within and between categories”. The results of the research can be divided into two parts, including “the patterns of interaction of members of cooperative play” and “the leader in cooperative play”. In the first part of the research results, the researcher discovered three patterns of interaction of members of cooperative play, which includes “one person leading the interaction”, “two or more leading the interaction collectively”, and “everyone being equally important in the interaction”. Amongst these patterns, “one person leading the interaction” is the most common pattern and “two or more leading interaction collectively” is the least. Within the context of interacting with peers of mixed-aged and same-aged group, the two targeted children interact differently as they have different levels and experiences of interaction with peers. There are three factors that influence the pattern of interaction, including “the charisma of the child”, “the power to control the distribution of toys”, and “the difference in the ability to play”.

In the second issue, “the leader in cooperative play”, the researcher found out there are fourteen ways that the leader leads the interaction. Among them, “assigning jobs to others” was the most common. When a group member challenged the authority of the leader in cooperative play, the leader adopted these three strategies of reaction including “the soft strategy”, “the neutral strategy” and “the extreme strategy”. The two targeted children adopted different strategies in this situation because of the difference in genders. The girl preferred soft strategies and the boy preferred the extreme strategies. In addition, the strategies they adopted were progressive but the speed from which they went from one to another differed. The speed for the targeted girl to go from soft to extreme reactions was slower when she was faced with peers of the same sex. However, when she was challenged by peers of the opposite sex, the speed she took to go from soft to extreme measures was faster. When the boy was challenged by peers of the same sex though, he took extreme measures to deal with the situation very quickly. These are the factors that determined the strategies the leaders adopted: “The level of persistence of the will of the challenger and the leader”, “the level the leader liked the challenger”, “the sex of the challenger”, “the different abilities needed for cooperative play” and “the outcome the strategy the leader adopts could lead to”. Finally, based on the research findings, some comments and propositions are offered to kindergarten teachers and future advanced studies
第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 待答問題 2
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 同儕互動 5
第二節 幼兒的混齡互動與合作遊戲 9
第三章 研究歷程 25
第一節 研究現場的選擇 25
第二節 資料蒐集的方法 26
第三節 資料的紀錄與整理 32
第四節 資料分析 34
第五節 研究者的角色 37
第四章 研究現場 39
第一節 海洋幼稚園 39
第二節 貝殼班的課程與角落活動 39
第三節 貝殼班的一天 44
第四節 貝殼班的環境 45
第五節 貝殼班的人 46
第五章 研究發現 61
第一節 合作遊戲中的互動模式 61
第二節 合作遊戲中的主導者 84
第六章 研究結論與建議 115
第一節 研究結論 115
第二節 討 論 120
第三節 建議 122
第四節 研究限制 125
參考書目 127
中文部分 127
英文部分 128
附 錄 133
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