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論文名稱(外文):How a young child expressed his anger during the interaction with his father.
指導教授:盧 明
外文關鍵詞:father-son interactionyoung childangeremotional expression
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摘 要




The purpose of this study was to explore how a young child expressed his anger during the interaction with his father. Explore stimulus for the child’s anger, the child’s anger frequency and reactions, father’s responses on the child’s anger, and related factors which influenced the child’s anger. Participant observation, interviewed, documents were employed to collect data, and analyzed. Research found that the child expressed anger in a continuous process which included the stimulus which caused his anger, his emotional status when anger occurred, anger reactions to father’s responses and the ways of father’s. The study results showed as following:
1. The stimulus which caused the young child’s anger was related with the context from high to low, play-time, homework-time, and meal-time. There were four events in these three contexts: personal control, rejection, violation of rules, and verbal aggression. Other than that material and physical events were included in the meal-time. In the 74 events besides the context, the frequency of events (from high to low) was: personal control, reject, violation of rules, verbal aggression, material, and physical. The child thought father interfered his works, harmed his self-esteem, against his expectation, invaded his belongs, his physical pain, all above made him angry.
2. The child’s anger influenced by the different contexts, homework-time, play-time and meal-time showed different frequency of anger.
3. There were six types of the child’s anger reaction: active resistance, expressing dislike, venting, avoidance, adult’s assistance, and aggression. Active resistance and expressing dislike were the most primary anger reactions in the beginning of the events. In the events of personal control, violation of rules, verbal aggression, physical, the child would show active resistance responding to father’s discipline, requests, and invades, against expectation, self-esteem harm. Because of against the child’s expectation, self-esteem, belongings which been invaded, the child would show dislike.
4. The father’s respondences to the child’s anger would depend on different contexts. The father’s respondences could be grouped into six categories: explain reason, emotional support, transition emotions, verbal aggression, minimizing responses, ignorance. When father responded with explain reason, emotional support, and transition emotions, he comforted the child’s emotion and achieved their goal as well. Contrary, once father responded with verbal aggression, minimizing responses, ignorance, the child’s anger would be stronger and prolonged.
5. The related factors which affected the child’s anger were young child’s character, father’s character, and context.
(1)On the side of child’s character, influenced by temperamtant of rhythmicity, not easily transit attention, cognition persistence, and physical condition.
(2)On the side of father’s character, influenced by working time and discipline style.
(3)On the side of context, influenced by whether both father and the child achieved the same goal, formerly emotional experiences, interruption, timing and frequency of interaction.

Moreover, the researcher found the child’s emotion development presented stages. From preschool to elementary school, the child needed more time to adjust the new environment. When the life style has been changed by the learning pressure and play time reduced, it was easily made young child’s resistant behavior. When father disciplined, requested, the child often showed his anger to his close family members. When father responded with verbal aggression, minimizing responses, and ignorance, young child’s anger would be stronger.

Key words: father-son interaction, young child, anger, emotional expression
目 錄
第一章 緒論---------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究動機-----------------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究問題-----------------------------------------------------4
第三節 名詞釋義-----------------------------------------------------4
第二章 文獻探討-----------------------------------------------------5
第一節 父子互動及相關研究-------------------------------------------5
第二節 生氣情緒表達的理論與相關之研究------------------------------17
第三節 父子互動與幼兒生氣情緒表達之關係----------------------------31
第三章 研究方法----------------------------------------------------36
第一節 研究焦點的浮現----------------------------------------------36
第二節 實施方式 -------------------------------------------------37
第三節 研究對象----------------------------------------------------40
第四節 研究者的角色------------------------------------------------44
第五節 資料的整理與分析--------------------------------------------45
第四章 研究發現----------------------------------------------------52
第一節 父親之教養信念與實踐----------------------------------------52
第二節 謙謙生氣情緒表達之特徵--------------------------------------58
第三節 謙謙之生氣情緒表達------------------------------------------71
第四節 影響謙謙情緒表達之相關因素---------------------------------128
第五章 研究結論與討論---------------------------------------------143
第六章 研究建議與限制---------------------------------------------154
第一節 研究建議---------------------------------------------------154
第二節 研究限制---------------------------------------------------157
中文部分--------------------------------------------------------- 158

附錄一 訪談幼稚園教師之內容
附錄二 訪談小學教師之內容
附錄三 幼兒氣質評量表—父母題本
附錄四 幼兒氣質評量表—教師題本

表2-1-1 理論性的「父職參與」架構-----------------------------------06
表3-3-1 謙謙作息表-------------------------------------------------40
表3-3-2 謙謙作息表-------------------------------------------------42
表3-3-3 謙謙氣質評量表---------------------------------------------43
表3-5-1 資料分類表-------------------------------------------------47
表3-5-2 轉譯符號表-------------------------------------------------47
表4-2-1 引發謙謙生氣情緒表達之情境---------------------------------58
表4-3-1 「同一情境、不同事件」之生氣情緒表達-----------------------72
表4-3-2 「同一事件、不同情境」之生氣情緒表達----------------------106
表4-3-3 「個人控制」事件與生氣頻率之關係--------------------------110
表4-3-4 「拒絕」事件與生氣頻率之關係------------------------------115
表4-3-5 「違反規則」事件與生氣頻率之關係---------------------------119
表4-3-6 「語言刺激」事件與生氣頻率之關係--------------------------123
表4-3-7 生氣事件與生氣頻率之關係----------------------------------125
表4-3-8 生氣事件與初始生氣反應之關係------------------------------125
表4-4-1 生氣情境與生氣事件時間之關係------------------------------141

圖2-2-1 Novaco情緒激起的認知模式---------------------------------24
圖2-2-2 Shaver等人情緒過程模式-----------------------------------25
圖3-3-1 謙謙的生活空間圖------------------------------------------42
圖3-5-1 謙謙與父親互動之生氣情緒表達歷程--------------------------51
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