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研究生(外文):LI, HAO-RAN
論文名稱(外文):Exploring Mediation Strategies of Township Mediation Committee Member for Marital Violence from Restorative Justice Perspective
指導教授(外文):SHEU, CHUEN-JIM
外文關鍵詞:restorative justicetownship mediation committee membermarital violencemediation strategy
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本研究之主要重點,乃是在於從修復式正義之觀點來探討鄉鎮市調解委員之婚姻暴力調解策略。研究目的則是主要在於探討鄉鎮市調解委員之婚姻暴力調解策略、婚姻暴力調解策略與修復式正義間之關聯及鄉鎮市調解委員會實踐婚姻暴力調解之展望。研究程序是以Merriam(1995)所提出之「基本質性研究」(basic qualitative study)進行。資料蒐集方面則以文獻探討及半結構式深入訪談訪問五位調解會秘書及五位調解委員。最後再依據Miles及Huberman(1994)分析質性資料之方法進行研究結果分析。以下分為三個層面說明本研究結果之發現:
This research focuses to apply the concept of restorative justice to discuss and examine mediation strategies of township mediation committee member for marital violence. There are three purposes of this research, to explore mediation strategies of township mediation committee member for marital violence, relations between the mediation strategies and restorative justice, and to explore the future expectation at effectuation of mediation for marital violence in township mediation committee. Using the procedure of Merriam’s basic qualitative study(1998). With respect to data gathering, five township mediation committee secretaries and five township mediation committee members are interviewed with semi-structured interviews in this research, besides literature view. The research content is analyzed in qualitative data analysis of Miles and Huberman(1994 ). The results are in three dimensions as follows:
Firstly, there are twenty mediation strategies for marital violence most commonly used by township mediation committee members, which are “exploring client’s condition initially”, “evaluating application safety”, “referring to related agencies”, “identifying participative inclination”, “preparing before formal mediation”, “building/increasing/maintaining alliance relationship”, “setting mediation orientation”, “concluding basic rules”, “exploring the source and needs of the disagreement”, “emotional catharsis and support”, “maintaining fairness and justice”, “increasing comprehension and interaction”, “analyzing advantages and disadvantages”, “narrowing the discrimination from both side”, “negotiating the agreement”, “providing suggestions or other selections”, “assisting client to perceive changes”, and “attending client’s condition after formal mediation”.
Secondly, there are four relations between mediation strategies of township mediation committee member for marital violence and restorative justice, while examining mediation strategies from four restorative perspectives. To some extent, we can find that their thoughts on mediation imply restorative justice philosophy; their mediation process corresponds with restorative procedure; their mediation process accounts for restorative impact; their results of mediation realize restorative value according to these relations.
Finally, with respect to future expectation at effectuation of mediation for marital violence in township mediation committee, we can find that the effectuation of mediation for marital violence in township mediation committee, which is good for sustainable development, sustainable restoration, and sustainable practice.
According to the above findings, this research has the following suggestions:
1. Short-term suggestions:
(1) Reinforcing advertisements
(2) Providing learning materials
(3) Holding short-term professional training regularly
(4) Constructing evaluation mechanism of mediation
(5) Establishing basic mediation ethics
(6) Advancing humanization of mediation space
2. Long-term suggestions:
(1) Establishing long-term professional training system
(2) Reinforcing cooperation mechanism with other profession
(3) Establishing cooperation, referral, and connection mechanism with other related organizations
(4) Amending existing laws and regulations about marital violence mediation
(5) Reforming the selection of township mediation committee member
(6) Rebuilding social values
Keywords: restorative justice, township mediation committee member, marital violence, mediation strategy.
目 次
表 次 IV
圖 次 V
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
壹、研究背景 1
貳、研究動機 4
第二節 研究目的與問題 6
壹、研究目的 6
貳、研究問題 6
第三節 名詞釋義 7
壹、修復式正義 7
貳、鄉鎮市調解委員會與鄉鎮市調解委員 7
參、婚姻暴力調解策略 8
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 婚姻暴力與修復式正義 9
壹、修復式正義之定義詮釋 9
貳、修復式正義之核心內涵 10
參、修復式程序之實施要件 13
肆、修復式會議之實務型態 16
伍、婚姻暴力之修復式正義 24
陸、小結 27
第二節 婚姻暴力與調解實務 29
壹、婚姻暴力之定義、本質、型態及概況 29
貳、刑事司法系統中之助人工作-鄉鎮市調解制度 35
參、以調解模式處理婚姻暴力之合適與必要 37
肆、國內調解制度處理婚姻暴力之現況 39
伍、調解員之角色扮演 42
陸、小結 44
第三節 關於婚姻暴力之調解策略、歷程及技術 46
壹、關於婚姻暴力之調解策略-進行方針 46
貳、關於婚姻暴力之調解歷程-程序架構 50
參、關於婚姻暴力之調解技術-實務應用 54
肆、小結 56
第三章 研究方法 58
第一節 研究架構 58
第二節 研究方法選取 60
壹、文獻探討法 60
貳、深入訪談法 60
第三節 資料蒐集 62
壹、研究參與者及樣本選取 62
貳、訪談實施與步驟 64
第四節 研究工具 66
壹、訪談大綱 66
貳、研究者 67
第五節 信度與效度 69
壹、信度 69
貳、效度 69
第六節 資料處理與分析 71
壹、轉謄與校改 71
貳、編碼與分析 71
第七節 研究倫理 73
壹、知會後同意 73
貳、隱私與保密 73
第八節 研究步驟 74
第四章 研究結果與討論 75
第一節 鄉鎮市調解委員會之婚姻暴力調解概況與特性 75
壹、婚姻暴力調解之概況 75
貳、婚姻暴力調解之特性 84
參、小結 98
第二節 鄉鎮市調解委員之婚姻暴力調解策略 100
壹、進入正式調解之前 100
貳、正式調解初期 106
參、正式調解中.前期 111
肆、正式調解中.後期 119
伍、正式調解末期 128
陸、結束正式調解之後 132
柒、小結 134
第三節 綜合討論 137
壹、鄉鎮市調解委員婚姻暴力調解策略之內涵 137
貳、鄉鎮市調解委員之婚姻暴力調解策略與修復式正義之關聯 144
參、鄉鎮市調解委員會實踐婚姻暴力調解之展望 151
第五章 研究結論與建議 154
第一節 研究結論 154
壹、關於研究結果之回顧 154
貳、關於研究意義之存有 158
第二節 研究建議 160
壹、關於研究發現之建議 160
貳、關於未來研究之建議 165
第三節 研究限制 167
壹、研究樣本來源稀少 167
貳、研究對象選取不易 167
參、研究方法應用不足 167
肆、研究結果分析有限 168
參考文獻 169
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附錄二:訪談大綱(一) 181
附錄三:訪談大綱(二) 183
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