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研究生(外文):CHEN CHO HAN
論文名稱(外文):A Research on the Impact of Experiential Marketing on Brand Loyalty-Exclusive Hot Spring Resorts
外文關鍵詞:Experiential MarketingBrand TrustBrand AffectBrand Loyalty
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(1) 探究品牌信任與品牌情感是否能透過體驗行銷而形成
(2) 以高級溫泉會館驗証體驗行銷對消費者的影響
(3) 建立體驗行銷、品牌信任、品牌情感與品牌忠誠的關聯模式
本研究問卷設計分為兩階段,前測部分是採用便利抽樣,回收有效樣本130份,並以探索性因素分析確認問卷各量表的題項與理論適配,再以網路問卷進行正式發放;正式問卷是採用配額抽樣,共計回收有效樣本為322份,並使用結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling,SEM)針對模式進行模式檢定與因果路徑分析。
In recent years, because of the rapid growth in economy, and the two-day weekend policy, people have much more time that they can use freely than they used to have in the past. When the way of living improved, the need of recreation is getting more and more important, taking hot-spring is becoming one of the most important activities in leisure time. Now, the type of travel tends to be diversified and personalized, the experience in taking hot-spring also turns to be a central part in traveling experience.
This research applies Schmitt’s “Experiential Marketing” to the empiricism of Exclusive Hot Spring Resorts, and explores the relationships among Experiential Marketing, Brand Trust, Brand Affect, and Brand Loyalty. This research has three main research objectives: (1) To find out whether Brand Trust and Brand Affect can be created by Experiential Marketing. (2) To examine the influence of Experiential Marketing in Exclusive Hot Spring Resorts on consumers. (3) To Establish the relation model between Experiential Marketing, Brand Trust, Brand Affect, and Brand Loyalty.
The research has two stages: first, pre-test uses convenient sampling, 130 qualified samples are collected, analyze them by exploratory factor analysis to confirm all factors are correspondent with our conceptual framework, and distribute questionnaires on the internet. Second, after we revise our questionnaires by pre-test results, we execute our empirical study. Regular questionnaire uses quota samples, 322 qualified samples are collected, and we use structure equation model to test hypotheses that we proposed.
The results reveal that Experiential Marketing has positive effects on Brand Trust, Brand Affect, and Brand Loyalty, According to the result, Relation Experience is the most important factor in Experiential Marketing, and Brand Trust is more important than Brand Affect in Experiential Marketing; Brand Trust also has positive effects on Brand Loyalty. In addition, Service Quality is the most important factor in Brand Trust. All in all, according to the results of our empirical study, we conclude research findings and provide suggestions for future research.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景
1.2 研究動機
1.3 研究目的
1.4 研究範圍
1.5 章節結構
1.6 研究流程
2.1 溫泉會館
2.2 體驗行銷
2.3 品牌忠誠
2.4 品牌信任
2.5 品牌情感
第三章 研究方法
3.1 研究架構
3.2 研究假說
3.3 研究變數的定義與衡量
3.4 問卷設計
3.5 統計模式
3.6 前測分析
第四章 實證分析
4.1 資料蒐集
4.2 樣本分析
4.3 敘述性統計
4.4 前測分析
4.5 信度與效度分析
4.6 模式評估
4.7 結構模式分析
4.8 小結
第五章 結論與建議
5.1 研究發現
5.2 策略涵意
5.3 研究貢獻
5.4 研究限制
5.5 後續研究建議
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