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研究生(外文):Eric Maniac
論文名稱(外文):A Study On Strategy Of Country Lawn Tennis Clubs Management
  • 被引用被引用:6
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The national income standard enhances, people value the leisure & health, and the leisure industries keep vigorous development. The tennis sport in Taiwan although not seem to the baseball frantic, the basketball popularization, the golf noble & glory, however actually is the middle class representative's item of leisure movement, that gets the certain population leisure sport. In the tennis four grand Public competitions, three kind of tennis field, domestic actually just lack the lawn field. After domestic EMA country lawn tennis club establish. How management strategy will be decided, in the insufficient and multiple limit law background, what laws will be depending on?
The research goal lies on the discussion of development about sport leisure enterprise to make the directions for country lawn tennis club, and studies our country law structure, anatomize induction the laws, which suitable for leisure industry, looking for the most suitable laws for country lawn tennis club to depend on.
And the research selects the electronic questionnaire survey method to investigate tennis activity populations, in view of the population attribute, the life condition, the customer demand and the degree of satisfaction carries on the investigation.
According to the studies on the domestic law, the country lawn tennis club except the basic laws like" Business register law" or "Corporation law" being suitable. Because the agricultural land agriculture uses limited, if the club offer the lodgings, the dining service, that should follow the "B&B manager rules" or "Leisure agriculture counsel rules " .The research investigation find that, the tennis population major part is male, presents 8:1 ratio. The tennis activity race group major part is student, accounts for 40.14%; the age levels are most on the 21~30 years old, accounts for 31.97%. And the education to the university is in the majority accounts for 46.94%, then above the research institute education accounts for 17.69% for second, amounts to above the university education to reach as high as 64.63% ratios, the tennis population has the high education the phenomenon.
Besides the student, the specialized technology industry, industry and commerce service industry, the military, public servant, teacher and the electronic information engineering are the major profession in playing tennis. The frequency which plays a ball game by each week 2~3 time is the majority, accounts for 39.46%.The major part person likes the solid ground field, accounts for 53.74%. Taking part in tennis clubs is account for 41.50%, not participated in the tennis club, accounts for 58.50%.
In the life condition test, that appears the leisure appeal characteristic to account for 68.71%, good health characteristic is account for 72.79%, positive tennis activity is 76.87%, approval special characteristic to the lawn is 21.09%.
This research puts forward several proposals that:
1st, the government correlation unit should value development the emerging leisure enterprise, urges the legalization, to promote the competitive advantage, by tax preferential benefit promotion industry promotion and perfect leisure industry management environment.
2nd, the research discovered that, the high income race group joins the tennis club ratio high; the manager should formulate the marketing strategy for tennis club all over Taiwan.
3rd, the EMA country lawn tennis club has a piece of green prairie, the fine village environment and neighbor Holy sightseeing & scenic spot, if fords into management course B&B, may absorb the non- tennis activity population to enter B&B, participates in the village life and the lawn experience, then expanding the goal guest group as the leisure crowd.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景及動機 1
第二節 研究問題及目的 2
第三節 EMA鄉村草地網球俱樂部介紹 3
第四節 研究流程 6
第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 策略、策略管理、策略地圖 8
第二節 休閒 9
第三節 休閒農場 11
第四節 休閒運動俱樂部 17
第五節 草地、網球與草地網球 32
第三章 休閒事業法令研究 42
第一節 法學緒論-經濟法 42
第二節 法令整理 46
第三節 民宿管理辦法 53
第四節 休閒農業輔導管理辦法 58
第五節 促進產業升級 70
第六節 商業母法-公司法及商業登記法 71
第七節 商業法規檢視與鬆綁 83
第四章 研究方法與資料分析 84
第一節 研究架構 84
第二節 研究設計 85
第三節 資料分析方法 87
第四節 資料分析 88
第五章 結論與建議 97
第一節 研究結論 97
第二節 經營策略建議 98
第三節 續後研究的建議 102
參考文獻 104
附錄一 問卷 106
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