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研究生(外文):Chang, Ting-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Performance management applied in National Taipei University Student Affairs – with the Balanced Scorecard as Example
指導教授(外文):LIU, HSIANG-HSI
外文關鍵詞:Performance ManagementStudent Affairs OfficeBalanced Scorecard
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一、 影響職員績效的主要因素
二、 影響學務處績效的主要因素
學務處績效在財務構面的重要指標是「經費利用與預算控制、成長」、「預算支用」;在顧客構面的重要指標是 「對學務處使用增加」與「及時回應學生需求」、「服務品質與事後維繫」、「學生對申辦事項的參與程度」;內部流程構面的重要指標是「計畫管理、執行與協調」、「整體形象與資訊開放」、「服務流程」;學習成長構面的重要指標是 「職員在職教育、申訴與工作配合度」、「科技論文與工作負荷」、「離職率與升遷」。
三、 影響學生事務處服務品質的重要因素
After the revision of the Law of University, the disciples in Taiwan’s universities and colleges change the name for the Student Affairs Office , the abbreviation is Office of Student Affairs.

Under the Student Affairs Office , it is divided into the Extracurricular Activities Section, the Student Counseling Section, the Career Counseling Section, the Health Care Section, the Student Conduct and Campus Life Section , the Overseas Chinese and Foreign Students Affairs Section, and the Military Education Division . .

As to university student's life, the student affairs office plays an important role. The quality of performance management of the student affairs office affects each schoolmate deeply. Therefore it has the necessity to know the important attribute influencing the student affairs office. The balanced scorecard is a nice tool to evaluate both for strategy management and performance management. By applying the balanced scorecard measures
to explore the performance management of the student affairs office in Taipei University, this thesis has found key f actors affecting the performance management of Taipei University Student Affairs Office.

By way of real diagnosis analysis ,the main results can be shown as follows:
Firstly, the factors affecting the staff member achievements are "ability and performance of the staff member and self-criticism improvement ", "the service attitude and unselfishness", "the convenient service with plans, the organization ability" and "work quality and quantity of the staff member ".

Secondly, primary factors influencing the student affairs office can be described respectively:
In the “financial perspective” , important indicators are "the fund use with the control and growth of the budget" and "the budget expenditure". In the “customer perspective”, important indicators are " increase the use of the student affairs office " and "promptly responds the student demand", "the service quality with afterwards maintains" and "the student applying for the item participation degree". In the “internal process perspective”, important indicators are "the plan management, the execution and the coordination", "the overall image and open information " and "the service flow". In the “learning and growth perspective”, important indicators are "the staff member career education, the appeal and the work matches proper", "the technical paper and the working load" and "leaving job rate and promotion".

Thirdly, the important attributes affecting the quality of the student affairs office can be depicted respectively:
Thirty-five services projects of the student affairs office may simplify in eight targets, and they are respectively "life careering items", "the student health, the extracurricular activity and campus recruiting", " the overseas Chinese and foreign students affairs concerned", "the military training education, the parents discussion and the week meeting", " the military training administration, repairs and the pre-official examination", " the part-time employee , grants and scholarships with the school loan", "enrollment counseling with consulting workshop" and "the evaluation and fund subsidy of the student's clubs".

Key words:Performance Management , Student Affairs Office, Balanced Scorecard
第壹章 緒論----------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究背景與動機----------------------------------1
第二節 研究目的----------------------------------------4
第三節 研究方法與步驟----------------------------------4
第四節 研究對象、範圍與資料來源 -----------------------7
第五節 論文架構 ---------------------------------------7

第貳章 台北大學學生事務處運作分析 -----------------------9
第一節 大專院校訓輔體制的演變--------------------------9
第二節 台北大學學生事務處各部門業務--------------------11
第三節 學生事務工作相關問題之說明相關問題現況之說明 ---25

第参章 理論基礎與文獻回顧--------------------------------43
第一節 理論基礎----------------------------------------43
第二節 文獻回顧----------------------------------------108
第二節 本章小結----------------------------------------122

第肆章 模式建立、問卷設計與相關計量方法------------------125
第一節 基本模式建立與問卷題項設計----------------------125
第二節 相關計量方法------------------------------------136

第伍章 實證結果與分析------------------------------------141

第一節 職員績效考核與學務處績效之分析-------------------141
第二節 學務處服務品質調查分析--------------------------182
第三節 本章小結----------------------------------------267

第陸章 結論與建議 ---------------------------------------269
第一節 研究結論 --------------------------------------269
第二節 建議與未來研究方向 ----------------------------274

附錄3 臺北大學94年度學生事務工作自我評鑑訪評委員意見回覆表--313
9.朱道凱譯(民88),平衡計分卡,台北:臉譜。(原著Kaplan, R. S. and D. P. Norton (1996) , The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action. Boston Massachusetts: Harvard Business School Press.)
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25. 林佩琪(民87),高科技產業研究發展績效衡量之研究,國立台灣大學會計學系研究所碩士論文。
26. 林華德、李顯峰、徐仁輝(民86),財務行政,台北:國立空大。
27. 林鍾沂(民90),行政學,台北:三民書局。
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32. 周傳震(民89),平衡計分卡制度應用於國防科技研發機構之研究,國防管理學院資源管理研究所碩士論文。
33. 金玉珍(民89),洽公民眾對台北市區公所服務品質看法之研究,政治大學公共行政學系研究所碩士論文。
34. 宣介慈(民90),平衡計分卡應用於公部門訓練績效評估之研究-以我國警察機關為例,國立台北大學公共行政暨政策學系碩士論文。
35. 施正文(民93),以平衡計分卡觀點探討非營利組織績效衡量制度-以高雄地區大專院校學務處為例,義守大學管理科學研究所碩士論文。
36. 胡安華(民84),滿意度模式與滿意度構面確認之研究,交通大學工業工程研究所碩士論文。
37. 胡明誌(民94),學生事務導入知識管理之個案研究--以某技術學院為例,佛
38. 胡瑋珊譯(民88),Thomas H. Davenport and Laurence Prusak(1998)合著,知
39. 胡瑞華(民92),應用平衡計分卡建構國立大學績效管理系統之個案研究 ,國立中山大學企業管理學系研究所碩士論文。
40. 施學誠(民93) 以平衡計分卡評估私立大學經營績效之個案研究─以大葉
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41. 翁銘宏(民93)以平衡計分卡建構高職教師評鑑指標之研究 ,長榮大學經營管理研究所碩士論文。
68.黃淼基、陳德旺(民92) ,學生事務的策略管理與績效衡量—平衡計分卡的導入、施行與成效,學生事務與社團輔導第四輯,東吳大學課外活動組。
83.樂為良譯(民88),Bill Gates著,數位神經系統—與思考等快的明日世界,台北:商周。
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