" Si Ku Quan Shu " is a set of series of books in Qing Dynasty. It is also a book which has the most extensive collection among China's ancient series of books. For there were still some precious books not having been collected by the authority of the Qing Dynasty, Ruan yuan decided to collect them in a book as "Wan Wei Bie Cang".
Ruan Yuan was a very famous scholar in Qing Dynasty. The reason he collected " Wan Wei Bie Cang " is he thought there were too many precious books being omitted in " Si Ku Quan Shu ". He worked as an official in Zhejiang province in China for a decade. He collected a lot of precious books during these period of time. As Ruan yuan dedicated these books to “Jia Qing”the emperor, the emperor was very glad. The emperor granted a name of this serious of books as " Wan Wei Bie Cang " which means "they were not only extraordinary preciousness,but also very much valuable."
There are seven chapters in the thesis. Chapter one is " introduction ", which explains the motive of the research; the achievement, the scope, and the methods of the predecessors in the past research.
Chapter two is about "education and culture background of Ruan yuan ", which narrates the education he has and the environment of Yangzhou. After he grows up, he has a wide knowledge and experience.
Chapter three is about" the course of Ruan Yuan's in quest of books and his dedication of " Wan Wei Bie Cang "to the emperor", which narrates why Ruan yuan wants to collect these books at first. Second is studies Ruan Yuan's course of collecting ancient books in Zhejiang. Third is to introduce people lending books to Ruan Yuan , and names of these books. At last it introduces people who help Ruan yuan collect this series of books.
Chapter four is about the content and value of " Wan Wei Bie Cang ". At first it narrates that there are only 160 categories in this series of books at present. Then is the study of the characteristics and deficiencies of this series of books.
Chapter five is the relation of the relationship between“Wan Wei Bie Cang”and ' Si Ku Quan Shu '; “Wan Wei Bie Cang”and‘Yan Jing Shi Wai Ji’. At first it relates books which does not be embodied in " Si Ku Quan Shu ",but be embodied in“Wan Wei Bie Cang”. Second it discusses books in“Wan Wei Bie Cang”which are different from those in‘Yan Jing Shi Wai Ji’. Third it compares three kinds of " summaries " in“Wan Wei Bie Cang”. Finally it ompares the styles and forms of“Yan Jing Shi Wai Ji”and " catalogue of Si Ku Quan Shu ".
Chapter six is the conclusion about “Wan Wei Bie Cang”having five significant value in phiology.
I hope analyses above will make people of later generation have further understanding in“Wan Wei Bie Cang”. Not only find out its preciousness but also understand the context between it and " Si Ku Quan Shu ".