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研究生(外文):Siou-Yan Shih
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Database Authentication and Ownerships Protection Based on Digital Watermarking
指導教授(外文):Hsien-Chu Wu
中文關鍵詞:數位浮水印技術版權保護資料庫浮水印雙重浮水印技術所有權驗證完整性驗證可逆式浮水印技術K-means Clustering
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本論文主要探索數位浮水印技術應用於資料庫的保護上的成效,這樣的技術稱之為資料庫浮水印技術。數位浮水印技術是一種資訊隱藏技術, 它可分為兩個部分,一個是以保護資料版權為目的的強韌型浮水印技術,而另一個是以偵測完整性為目的的碎型浮水印技術。針對資料庫而言可以藉由這兩種浮水印技術來達到對資料庫內容的版權驗證或完整性驗證的目的。目前的資料庫浮水印的研究都需要更改表格內的資料值以達到嵌入浮水印的目的,然而,資料庫內的資料大多是敏感性的資料,一旦經過修改之後其所代表的意義將跟著被破壞。因此,本論文提出一個基於不破壞資料庫內的資料意義之原則即可達成保護目的的資料庫浮水印技術方法。這個方法利用找出每筆值組的特徵值後與一張數位浮水印影像內的像素值做個別的結合來達到嵌入強韌型浮水印目的,同時利用每筆值組的特徵做配對成組的法則並藉由比對以達成嵌入碎型浮水印的目的。實驗結果證明本方法除了具備驗證資料庫的擁有者之版權的功能外也具有偵測資料庫內的資料是否遭受到竄改的功能。

關鍵詞:數位浮水印技術、版權保護、資料庫浮水印、雙重浮水印技術、所有權驗證、完整性驗證、可逆式浮水印技術、De-Clustering Technique
This thesis focuses on digital watermarking and its applications in database protection. Digital watermarking is a kind of information hiding techniques, it can partition into two parts: one is robust watermarking for copyright protection, the other is fragile watermarking for tampering detection. Database watermarking is used to protect the database by embedding digital watermarks into the protected database. Hence digital watermarking can be used to achieve database ownership verification and tampering detection. In recent years, most existing database watermarking schemes altered the data of tables to embed watermarks. However, most data in a database are sensitive. When some data are modified, it would let the data become useless. Hence, how to embed watermark without modifying any data is very important. In this thesis, a database watermarking schemes is proposed that it embed watermark into databases without destroying any protected data’s meaning. This scheme extracts a feature from each tuple to combine with each pixel of a watermark image for embedding a robust watermark, and the features of each couple of t uples are compared to embed a fragile watermark by an embedding rule. The experimental results showed that the proposed scheme can not only copyright verification but also tampering detection, and have a significant achievement.
In addition, this thesis proposed two reversible watermarking schemes to protect database. These schemes can restore original data after extracting watermark and verify ownership or integrity according to extracting watermark. The first scheme is a robust reversible watermarking scheme by building quart-tree to embed a watermark. The first reversible watermarking scheme utilizes extracting features from every attributes to build quarter-tree. When user verified ownership according to the extracted watermark, the data in the database can restore its original value. The experimental results showed that the first reversible watermarking scheme can not only achieve copyright verification by extracting watermark under different alteration rate attacks and attribute out-of-order attacks but also restore original data after extracting watermark image. The second scheme is a fragile reversible watermarking by using de-clustering technique to embed a watermark. The second reversible watermarking scheme utilizes extracting features from every attribute to group four groups for representing watermark information. It utilizes features of every attributes to find the small least value from the corresponding watermark group and utilizes the fined value to change the original feature of the attribute for embedding watermark. When users verified database integrity according to the extracted watermark, the data can restore the original value in the same time. The experimental results showed that the second reversible watermarking scheme not only verifies integrity of database but also restores original data in 100% rate after extracting watermark.

Keywords: Digital watermarking, copyright protection, database watermarking, dual watermarking, ownership verification, integrity verification, reversible watermarking, de-clustering technique.
Abstract in Chinese I
Abstract in English Ⅲ
Acknowledgement Ⅴ
Contents Ⅵ
List of Tables Ⅸ
List of Figures Ⅹ
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Database Content Verification 3
1.3 Database Ownerships Protection 3
1.4 Thesis Organization 4
Chapter 2 Preliminaries 5
2.1 Robust Database Watermarking 5
2.2 Fragile Database Watermarking 6
2.3 Related Works 6
2.3.1 Robust Database Watermarking 6 Watermark Relational Database 6 Rights Protection for Categorical Data 8 Watermarking Relational Database Using Watermark Image 10
2.3.2 Fragile Database watermarking 12 A Fragile Watermarking Scheme for Detecting Malicious Modifications of Database Relations 12 Tamper Detection and Localization for Categorical Data Using
Fragile Watermarks 15 A Database Watermarking Technique for Temper Detection 17
2.4 De-Clustering Technique 19
Chapter 3 A Dual Database Watermarking Scheme for Malicious Tampering
Detection and Copyright Protection 21
3.1 The Proposed Scheme 21
3.1.1 Assumptions 21
3.1.2 Watermark Embedding 23 Fragile Watermark Embedding 23 Robust Watermark Embedding 24 Watermark Detection 26
3.2 Experimental Results 28
3.2.1 Emulation Experiments 28
3.2.2 Alteration Attacks 29
3.2.3 Attribute Cutting Attacks 34
3.3 Summary 34
Chapter 4 A Reversible Watermarking Scheme for Database Copyright
Protection 36
4.1 The Proposed Scheme 36
4.1.1 Assumptions 36
4.1.2 Embedding Procedure 37 Building The Reversible Quart-Tree 37 Embedding Procedure 40
4.1.3 Extracting Procedure 42
4.2 Experimental Results 43
4.2.1 Alternation Attacks 44
4.2.2 Attribute Out-of-Order Attacks 46
4.3 Comparisons and Discussions 47
4.4 Summary 52
Chapter 5 A Reversible Watermarking Scheme for Integrity Verification Using De-Clustering Technique 53
5.1 The Proposed Scheme 53
5.1.1 Assumptions 53
5.1.2 Embedding Procedure 54 Grouping Phase by De-Clustering 54 Embedding Phase 55
5.1.3 Extracting Procedure 60
5.2 Experimental Results 61
5.2.1 Alternation Attacks 62
5.2.2 Attribute Out-of-Order Attacks 63
5.3 Comparisons and Discussions 64
5.4 Summary 66
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Works 67
6.1 Conclusions 67
6.2 Future Works 68
Bibliography 70

List of Tables
Table 3.1 Notations 22
Table 4.1 Notations of Symbol Parameters 37
Table 5.1 The Important Parameters of The Notations 54
Table 5.2 Comparisons Between Guo et al.’s Scheme and The Proposed Scheme 66

List of Figures
Figure 2.1 The Relational Table 7
Figure 3.1 Gray-Lvel Watermark 31
Figure 3.2 Watermark Detection Rates under Different Percentage of Random Alternation Attacks 31
Figure 3.3 Watermark Detection Rates under Different Numbers of Tuples of Random Alternation Attacks 31
Figure 3.4 Watermark Lost Detection under Random Alteration Attacks 32
Figure 3.5 Watermark Detection under Random Alternation of 5% Tuples 32
Figure 3.6 Watermark Detection under Random Alternation of 0.05% Tuples 32
Figure 3.7 Watermark Detection under Random Alternation of 10% Tuples 33
Figure 3.8 Watermark Detection under Random Alternation of 30% Tuples 33
Figure 3.9 Watermark Detection under Random Alternation of 50% Tuples 33
Figure 3.10 Watermark Detection under Random Alternation of 90% Tuples 34
Figure 4.1 An Example of Frequency Talbe 38
Figure 4.2 A Reversiable Quart-Tree Constructed from Figure 4.1 39
Figure 4.3 The Experimental Results in Different Alternation Attacks 45
Figure 4.4 The Experimental Results in Huge Alteration Attacks 46
Figure 4.5 The Experiment Results in Different Attriubte Out-of-Order Attacks 47
Figure 4.6 Rose Watermark is Used in Comparison Experiment 49
Figure 4.7 The Comparison Experiment of Different Tampered Rates Between The Agrawal et al.’s Method and The Proposed Scheme 49
Figure 4.8 The Comparison Experiment of Various Attribute Out-of-Order attacks Between The Agrawal et al.’s Method and The Proposed Scheme 51
Figure 4.9 Recovery Data Rate under Various Random Alternation Attacks 51
Figure 5.1 An Example of The Grouped Result 54
Figure 5.2 The Experimental Result in Different Modification Ratio Attacks 63
Figure 5.3 The Experimental Result in Different Attribute Out-of-Order Attacks 63
Figure 5.4 Recovery Data Rate under Various Random Alternation Attacks 66
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