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研究生(外文):Cheng-En Yang
論文名稱(外文):The Mechanisms of Ozone Variation in Taiwan
外文關鍵詞:ozone trendlocal to long-range transport ratiocharacteristic timetitration effect
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本研究使用台灣空氣品質監測網污染物資料及中央氣象局臭氧探空資料分析1994-2003年台灣地區臭氧濃度長期變化之趨勢。綜觀各污染物濃度,只有臭氧在1994-2003年呈現逐年增加趨勢,平均每年濃度增加0.7±1.1 ppb。藉由本土外來比例估算台灣地區外圍環境傳送的臭氧濃度約為0.7±3.5 ppb。
This study applied observational data, theoretical anlysis and numerical model to analyze the trends of surface ozone in Taiwan. The measurement data showed an increasing trend of surface ozone concentration with a rate of 0.7±1.1ppb per year while other pollutants were decreasing from 1994 to 2003. A long-range transport analysis showed that background ozone has an increasing trend of 0.7±3.5 ppb per year.
According to the mass balance equation, the change of pollutant concentration involves emission, mixing layer height, photochemical processes, and advection. The characteristic time of photochemistry of ozone is 102-104 seconds, and the characteristic time of advection, vertical diffusion, and dry deposition are about 104-106 seconds. Therefore, photochemistry affects the ozone level more rapidly than other factors. When NO concentration decreases and wind speed becomes stronger, advection could be an effective factor.
Simulation results from a one-dimensional model showed that the results of ozone photochemistry are significantly influence under high NO/NO2 ratio, and a decrease in NOX emission, which gives lower local NO/NO2 ratio may enhance the ozone concentration due to a weaker titration effect. However, during the evening when there is no photochemical production, the major factor influencing ozone concentration is the advection process. So the local ozone concentration at the pollution center increases with increasing wind speed due to higher background ozone concentration. In summary, the increasing ozone trend in Taiwan was mainly due to reduce emission resulting in a weakened titration effect, as well as an increase in background ozone concentration that gives to stronger advection effect.
第一章 前言 1
第二章 研究方法 6
2.1 資料說明 6
2.2 臭氧形成機制 6
2.3 質量平衡方程理論 9
2.3.1 線性化假設與穩態解 9
2.3.2 特性時間 12
第三章 資料分析 14
3.1 空氣污染指標長期變化趨勢 14
3.2 污染物濃度長期變化趨勢 15
3.3 臭氧濃度頻譜分析 16
3.4 臭氧垂直探空長期分析 17
3.5 污染物之本土外來比例 18
第四章 理論分析 22
4.1 風速與濃度之相關性 22
4.2 混合層與濃度之相關性 24
4.3 特性時間分析 25
4.4 EKMA臭氧等濃度圖 26
第五章 數值模式與模擬 28
5.1 模式簡介 28
5.2 模式設定與實驗設計 29
5.3 模擬結果 30
5.3.1 邊界層厚度對臭氧濃度的影響 30
5.3.2 水平風速及水平尺度對臭氧濃度的影響 31
5.3.3 NO、NO2的排放比例及NOX總排放量對臭氧濃度的影響 32
5.3.4 水平風速及NOX總排放量對臭氧濃度的影響 33
5.3.5 邊界層厚度及NOX總排放量對臭氧濃度的影響 34
5.3.6 背景臭氧、NOX濃度及NOX總排放量對臭氧濃度的影響 34
5.3.7 VOCS總排放量及NOX總排放量對臭氧濃度的影響 35
第六章 結論與討論 36
6.1 研究結論 36
6.2 討論 38
參考文獻 40
附錄 110
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