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Author (Eng.):Huei-Yun Gong
Title (Eng.):Opportunities and Strategies of Entering Location-Based Services by GPS System Maker
Advisor:湯明哲湯明哲 author reflink
Narrow Field:社會及行為科學學門
Detailed Field:公共行政學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2007
Graduated Academic Year:95
number of pages:75
keyword (chi):衛星定位系統地理位址服務
keyword (eng):GPSLBS
Ncl record status:
  • Cited Cited :1
  • HitsHits:228
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近年來,GPS(Global Positioning System)衛星定位系統及其相關應用出現在各大媒體,起因於美國軍方取消了選擇性接收(Selective Availability ;SA)之管制後,民間應用的精準度提高,帶動了全球GPS之應用發展。其後歐洲、俄羅斯及中國也陸續推出各自的GPS系統,一時之間,相關之LBS(Location-Based Service)應用亦隨之興起。而台灣系統廠商,身為世界個人電腦資訊產業設計製造的龍頭,不負眾望的,在短短數年間,再度拿下GPS設計製造的世界第一。


GPS系統廠商憑藉擁有設計平台之優勢,掌握未來能為消費者服務之設計能力,即所謂的「為服務而設計」 (Design For Service)之觀念。將消費者欲使用之服務以軟體平台之觀念,預先設計於GPS系統之中,進而帶出另一條新的價值體系,價值鏈中包含資訊平台商及應用營運商之新角色。


應用營運商藉由提供消費者方便、可用之服務網路而創造價值,由於此為一新型之應用服務,各種傳統或新式之服務網路預期都將進入此領域,其中包含傳統營運商(如FM) 、電信營運商(如Telco) 、網頁營運商(如Internet Portal) 及新式營運商(如WiMax)等等。本研究舉Web Operator及New Operator為例,探討各種營運之可能收入來源,並做可能之財務模擬,其中包含企業之 VPN、資訊平台商之廣告及消費者。尤其是創造大量之消費者數目將會是營收之最大來源。

本研究提供一個架構,對於衍生之機會提供可能之新角色及收入新方案,並做財務及敏感度分析模擬,最後提出一個實例 - 停車場系統,做為所提出架購之驗證,並簡化其收入來源,藉以獲得資訊平台商及應用營運商之可行營業額及價值推演。

In recent years, GPS and related applications occur on the most media, because US military cancelled the limitation of “selective available”, that really increased the precision of positioning system, and created lots of various applications in the worldwide. At the same time, the different GPS systems are also developed in European counties, Russia and China. Afterward, it diversifies the applications of LBS (Location-Based Services) as well. So far, the Taiwan’s system companies, as a ranking No. 1 in the design and manufacturing area of worldwide IT industry, would really play the good role on GPS as well. Actually, Taiwan is already No. 1 in GPS industry from design and manufacturing point of view.

This research is majorly based upon the current viewpoints and advantages from the company of system maker to explore those related new markets due to new applications, so Taiwan’s companies could have the chance to leverage these new opportunities to enter the non-manufacturing markets as well.

The GPS system maker could use the capabilities and advantages of platform design to create the future opportunities, which is called “design for consumer services”. In such cases, the “consumer-needs” services could be put on GPS devices in advance per market request by software platform concept. Such concept really creates another new value chain, which is different from the previous one. The new value creation cycle should include the new roles, one is information provider for getting geo-location services and the other one is application operator for delivery such services.

The Information Provider is to provide the related Geo-location information to consumers for creating the new revenue stream, including the initial-information services via system makers, the continuous-information services via operators, and goods-information services via merchants. From finance assumptions and simulations, we get the result that the most revenue stream would come from goods-information services, the reason is that such business model, based upon “localization” and “time-limited” characteristics, really creates the win-win strategies among the different roles, consumer, merchant, information provider and application operator.

The Application Operator is to provide the convenient, reliable network to consumers for creating the new value proposition. Because this is new application service, all kind of traditional or new operator, including traditional operator (ex. FM), telecom operator (ex. mobile phone), web operator (ex. internet portal) and new operator (ex. WiMax), would be interested in entering such new area. The research only focus on both of them, web operator and new operator, to explore the possible incomes and to do the finance simulation, including VPN leased fee from enterprise, advertisement fee from information provider, and usage fee from consumer. The interested result is that, the number of consumer users would the most revenue stream.

The research is also to provide one framework for new value creation cycle, new value proposition and corresponding revenue stream, and then it does finance simulation and sensitivity analysis. At the end, one example is proposed – Parking system, to verify such framework, and to check the possible incomes and diversified value proposition for both of information provider and application operator by simplified the income sources.

At the last chapter, the valuable suggestions are proposed, such as the new competitions, the new market opportunities, and how to catch such new area.
誌 謝 iv
中文摘要 v
目 錄 x
圖目錄 xiii
表目錄 xv
第一章 緒 論 1
1.1研究目的與方法 1
1.2研究架構 2
1.3研究限制 3
第二章 GPS產業現況分析 4
2.1產業定義 4
2.2分析產業環境 5
2.2.1供應商 7
2.2.2買主 7
2.2.3潛在競爭者 7
2.2.4互補者 7
2.2.5替代者 8
2.2.6產業內競爭者 8
2.3上、下游產業 9
2.4產業規模 10
2.4.1全球GPS市場產值 10
2.4.2台灣GPS製造產量 12
2.4.3 GPS應用於手機 14
2.4.4 GPS應用於汽車導航 15
2.5衍生相關應用之標準 16
2.6小結 19
第三章 系統廠商 20
3.1價值參考模型 20
3.1.1一般價值模型 20
3.1.2特定參考模型 21
3.2價值主張(Value Proposition) 22
3.2.1衍生之價值鏈 23
3.2.2舉例說明 – 交通資訊 25
3.2.3其它應用調查 27
3.3轉換之價值鏈 29
3.4小結 29
第四章 資訊平台商 32
4.1合作之廠商 32
4.1.1資訊平台經營者 33
4.1.2興趣點資料庫擁有者 34
4.1.3相關商品資訊提供者 35
4.2收入來源 36
4.2.1資訊之相對價值 36
4.2.2資訊平台之金流 38
4.2.3 B to B之拆帳策略 39
4.2.4 B to C之拆帳策略 42
4.3財務模擬 42
4.3.1消費型態模擬 43
4.3.2服務比例及敏感度分析 45
4.3.3單價及敏感度分析 47
4.4小結 48
第五章 應用營運商 49
5.1網路提供者 49
5.2營運商之應用服務 51
5.2.1對企業之運作(B to B) 52
5.2.2對消費者之運作(B to C) 53
5.2.3對資訊平台之運作(B to B) 54
5.3網頁營運商(Web Operator)收入來源 55
5.3.1相關金流分析 55
5.3.2拆帳策略 56
5.3.3網路服務使用及財務模擬 57
5.3.4敏感度分析 59
5.4新式營運商(New Operator)收入來源 60
5.4.1相關金流分析 60
5.4.2拆帳策略 61
5.4.3網路服務使用及財務模擬 62
5.4.4敏感度分析 64
5.5應用實例 – 停車位系統 65
5.5.1一般商品服務及佣金 65
5.5.2停車服務及佣金 66
5.5.3服務之潛力 68
5.6小結 68
第六章 結論與建議 69
6.1本研究之結論 69
6.1.1台灣產業經驗之優勢 69
6.1.2新價值鏈之競爭優勢 69
6.1.3 新市場機會 70
6.1.4 進入市場之建議 71
6.2本研究之貢獻 72
6.3後續研究之建議 72
參考文獻 74
1.Robert M. Grant著,謝凱宇、林舒柔譯,李吉仁審閱,2005年,現代策略管理-觀念、技巧、應用,科大文化事業。
4.Scott A. Shane著,徐永宜譯,2005年,科技創業聖經,培生集團。
5.Harold Davis著,林義傑譯,2006年,Google廣告工具,上奇。
6.Chris Andreson著,李明、周宜芳、胡瑋珊、楊美齡譯,2006年,長尾理論,天下文化。

1. Philips Kotler, Swee Hoon Ang, Siew Meng Leong, Chin Tiong Tan, 2003. Marketing Management, An Asian Perspective (3rd ed.), Prentice Hall。
2. Robert S. Pindyck, Daniel L. Rubinfeld, 2005. Microeconomics (6th ed.), Prentice Hall。
3. Ronald W. Hilton, 2005. Managerial Accounting ( 6th ed.), McGraw Hall。
4. Stephen A. Ross, Randolph W. Westerfield, Jeffrey Jaffe, 2005. Corporate Finance, (7th ed.), McGraw Hall
5. Allan Afuah, 2003. Business Models, A strategic management approach, McGraw Hill

1. GPS 廠商 http://www.garmin.com/
2. GPS 廠商 http://www.tomtom.com/
3. GPS 廠商http://www.mio-tech.com.tw/
4. GPS 廠商http://www.acer.com/
5. GPS 廠商http://www.ViaMichael.com/
6. GPS 廠商http://www.navigon.com/
7. Map廠商http://mapfeedback.teleatlas.com/index.htm
8. Map廠商http://www.navteq.com/

1. 工研院 IEK (產業經濟與趨勢研究中心): http://www.iek.itri.org.tw/Home/Home.aspx
2. 資策會 MIC (資訊市場情報中心): http://mic.iii.org.tw/intelligence/
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