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研究生(外文):Chia-Hsiu Li
論文名稱(外文):A Prospective Study of Enhancing Attributions and Recovery from Depression
外文關鍵詞:recovery from depressionhopeenhancing attributional styleenhancing state attributionsupliftsprospective study
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本研究主要的目的在於驗證 Needles 與 Abramson(1990)所提出的「憂鬱復原模式」,並試圖探究情緒低落的個體自發性的緩解機制。「無望憂鬱理論」(Abramson, Metalsky, & Alloy, 1989)指出,具有憂鬱衍生性歸因風格的個體,面臨負向生活事件時,傾向於將負向生活事件歸因為穩定與概括的因素,因而產生無望,並導致憂鬱的症狀。相對的,「憂鬱復原模式」主張,具有提升性歸因風格(亦即,將正向事件歸因為穩定與概括因素之傾向)的憂鬱個體,在遇到正向生活事件時,其交互作用會導致希望的回復,並使其自憂鬱之中復原。然而,過去相關的實徵研究在方法與結果上,仍有諸多歧異。驗證「憂鬱復原模式」之實徵研究中,皆是以「無望的下降」來代表「希望的回復」;但是,希望與無望不見得是單一向度下的兩個端點。再者,過去的研究以真實或假想的情境來測量歸因型式,所獲得的研究結果不盡相同。此外,究竟是提升性歸因風格、正向生活事件,抑或這兩者之間的交互作用之效果,預測了希望的回升與憂鬱症狀的下降,在過去的研究中亦未得到一致性的答案。針對上述之歧異,本研究試圖以本地情緒低落的大學生為樣本來進行檢驗,並提出三個研究假設:(一)對正向生活事件的提升性歸因風格與正向生活事件的交互作用,能預測對新近正向生活事件的提升性狀態歸因。(二)對新近正向生活事件的提升性狀態歸因,能預測希望的提升。(三)希望的提升,能預測無望憂鬱症狀的減少。研究一首先以265位大學生為樣本,檢驗本研究所編製的中文版狀態希望量表之心理計量特性;研究二以61個情緒低落的大學生為研究參與者,採用前瞻性縱貫式的研究法,以三週的時距,重複四次測量研究參與者的狀態希望、憂鬱情緒、狀態歸因、以及情緒上揚事件,並在第一週測量研究參與者的歸因風格。研究結果顯示,提升性狀態歸因與情緒上揚事件合併的主要效果,能預測希望的上升;並且,希望的上升以及提升性狀態歸因與情緒上揚事件之間的交互作用效果,皆能預測無望憂鬱症狀的下降,此研究結果大致上符合本研究之假設與「憂鬱復原模式」。不過,與研究假設不一致之處在於,對先前正向生活事件之內在與概括歸因風格,反而預測無望憂鬱症狀增加,此結果有可能導因於研究參與者的特性或文化差異之影響所致。最後,針對本研究的貢獻與臨床上可能的應用進行討論,並提出研究可能需要改進的地方,以及提供未來研究可以進行的方向。
The main purpose of the present study was to investigate the Model of Recovery from Depression proposed by Needles and Abramson(1990), and to attempt discovering the mechanism of spontaneous remission of dysphoric individuals. Hopelessness Theory of Depression(Abramson, Metalsky, & Alloy, 1989)indicated that when negative life events occurred, individuals who had depressogenic attributional style tended to attribute them to stable and global causes which would thus produce hopelessness and lead to symptoms of depression. On the contrary, the Model of Recovery from Depression postulated that when depressed individuals with enhancing attributional style(i.e., the tendency to attribute positive events to stable and global causes)were confronted with positive life events, the interaction between them, would initiate the restoration of hopefulness, and then lead to the recovery from depression. However, the methodologies and results of the previous related empirical studies were inconsistent. All of the empirical studies which examined the Model of Recovery from Depression used “reduction of hopelessness” to represent the “restoration of hopefulness”. However, hopefulness and hopelessness may not be the two ends of the same dimension. Moreover, previous studies used either real or hypothetical situations to test attributions and let to inconsistent conclusions. Furthermore, prior studies which examined the enhancing attributional style, positive life events, or the interaction between these two variables to predict the restoration of hopefulness and the reduction of depressive symptoms had not yet received the consensus. In consideration of the above inconsistencies, this study attempted to investigate the problems with dysphoric undergraduates by examining three hypotheses: (1) The interaction of positive life events and enhancing attributional style for positive life events will predict enhancing state attributions. (2) Enhancing state attributions will predict increase of hopefulness. (3) Increase of hopefulness will predict decrease in symptoms of hopelessness depression. Study one tested psychometric characteristics of the Chinese State Hope Scale developed in this study with a sample of 265 undergraduates. Study two recruited 61 dysphoric undergraduates and adopted the prospective longitudinal design, in which the state hope, depressive mood, state attributions, and uplifts were repeatedly measured once a week for four times within a duration of three weeks. At Time 1, we also assessed their attributional style. The results showed that the combined main effects of enhancing state attributions and uplifts predicted increase of hopefulness. In addition, both the increase of hopefulness and interaction of enhancing state attributions and uplifts predicted decrease in symptoms of hopelessness depression. These results generally met the hypotheses of the present study and the Model of Recovery from Depression. Nevertheless, contradictory to our hypotheses, internal and global attributional style for the previous positive life events contrarily predicted increase of symptoms of hopelessness depression. The result may be due to the diversities of the study methods, the characteristics of the participants, or the influences of cultural differences. Finally, we discussed the contributions and the clinical applications of the present study, addressed the possible limitations of the study, and provided some directions to carry on further researches.
第一章 緒論.......................................... 1
研究動機 ........................................... 1
第一節 憂鬱無望理論之發展.......................... 3
第二節 正向心理學.................................. 8
第三節 憂鬱復原模式................................ 9
第四節 希望理論....................................30
第五節 研究目的、架構、及假設......................33
第二章 研究方法與研究結果............................37
第一節 研究一:中文版狀態希望量表之建立及狀態希望
第二節 研究二:對正向生活事件之提升性歸因風格、
第三章 綜合討論......................................91
第一節 提升性歸因風格與無望憂鬱情緒之關係..........91
第二節 提升性狀態歸因、情緒上揚事件、及無望憂鬱
第三節 狀態希望與無望憂鬱情緒之關係...............100
第四節 總結.......................................102
第四章 結論.........................................105
第一節 研究貢獻...................................105
第二節 研究限制...................................107
第三節 未來的研究方向.............................109
參考文獻 ............................................113
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