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研究生(外文):Tzu-Ting Lin
論文名稱(外文):Sex Combination of Subordinate and Supervisor and Subordinate Effectiveness:The Moderator Effect of Paternalistic Leadership and Length of Relationship
外文關鍵詞:Sex combination of subordinate-supervisorSubordinate effectivenessPaternalistic leadershipand Length of relationship
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The main purpose of the research is to comprehend the difference of the subordinate effectiveness between the sex combinations of subordinate-supervisor and the effects of Paternalistic leadership and the length of dyadic relationship as the moderators of the influence of sex combinations of subordinate-supervisor on subordinate effectiveness, and therefore to clarify the important “sex effects” on subordinate effectiveness. Given the research results, compared with male subordinates, the female subordinates show significantly lower obligated loyalty to supervisor and overall job satisfaction but significantly higher intention to leave. There is no significant difference in trust to supervisor, however, between the male and female subordinates. Considering the weight of supervisor’s sex, sex combinations of subordinate-supervisor has the prevailing influence on subordinate effectiveness. Moreover, the moderator influences of Paternalistic leadership are proved. The influence of sex combinations of subordinate-supervisor on overall job satisfaction of subordinate are moderated by Authoritative leadership. The moderator effects of Benevolent leadership and Moral leadership are quite similar, since they both moderate the relationship between sex combinations of subordinate-supervisor and trust to supervisor, loyalty to supervisor, and job satisfaction but intention to leave. The length of relationship between subordinate and supervisor, nevertheless, only moderates the influence of sex combinations of subordinate-supervisor on trust to supervisor of subordinate and overall job satisfaction. Only the relationship of sex combinations of subordinate-supervisor and overall job satisfaction is interactively moderated by Paternalistic leadership and length of relationship.
To sum up, assumptions in the research are mostly totally or partially verified. Finally, contributions and limitations are also discussed, and suggestions are provided for future studies and managerial practices in Chinese organizations. In the appendix, further discussion form the perspective of supervisor about length of relationship as the moderator of the influence of sex combinations of supervisor-subordinate on Paternalistic leadership are attached.

第一章 緒論 ----- 1
第一節 性別的意義 3
第二節 性別與組織行為 6
第三節 研究目的 7

第二章 部屬與主管的性別配對與部屬效能 ----- 9
第一節 部屬效能的性別差異 9
第二節 部屬與主管的關係性別與部屬效能 13
第三節 部屬與主管的性別配對 15
第四節 部屬與主管的性別配對與部屬效能 16
第五節 領導行為的調節作用 18
第六節 家長式領導行為 20
第七節 家長式領導行為的調節作用 23
第八節 共事時間的調節效果 30

第三章 研究方法 ----- 35
第一節 研究對象 35
第二節 研究步驟 38
第三節 研究方法 38
第四節 資料分析 44

第四章 研究結果 ----- 47
第一節 部屬與主管的性別配對與部屬效能 47
第二節 家長式領導與共事時間的調節效果部屬與 55

第五章 討論與建議 ----- 69
第一節 研究結果總結 69
第二節 部屬與主管性別配對的重要性 81
第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向 82
第四節 管理實務上的意涵 88

參考文獻 ----- 91

附錄一、主管與部屬的性別配對與領導行為:共事時間的調節效果 ----- 105
第一節 緒論 105
第二節 主管與部屬的性別配對與領導行為 108
第三節 研究方法 126
第四節 研究結果 127
第五節 討論與建議 140

附錄二、主管問卷 ----- 147
附錄三、部屬問卷 ----- 149

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